Who are some transphobic authors?

Who are some transphobic authors?

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Judith Butler.


Pretty much every author that existed before the 20th century.

she already said "jk", why are you taking it so seriously?

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Transphobia is low IQ and cope.
>uhh yeah bro sodomites are based but uggggghbbbhh the logical consequence of such depravity isn't

You were supposed to laugh.

Transphobia is natural, just like repulsion towards the extremely old and senile, the mentally retarded, and the deformed.

It is and not for the reasons you think. Trans peopls are icons of the One; they simulate the genderless nature of Divinity. Or they could just be demons. Either way, they are superior to mere h*mans. It is natural for an inferior to resent their betters

go i want to service her in bed, to be her little janitor and to get all her puss juss all over my face and mouth.

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Transphobia is superfluous, brainlet.
Homophobia encompasses. If you arent a homophobe, then transphobia is just a big fucking denial of cause and effect.

Divinity isn't genderless it fully incorporates both aspects, as humans we have to live a particular.

Homophobia isn't natural anymore because of social indoctrination that has been going on since the sexual revolution and the AIDs crisis. Transphobia is still natural because the social indoctrination campaign has recently started in the last few years.

germaine greer

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just because you lop off your dank doesn't make you a healthy woman?


Radfems are at least consistent.

A lot of second wave feminists are like this. There's a point to be made there for sure, but there's too much vocal tribalism on both sides for a reasonable public debate atm. Also, frankly, enough people don't really give that much of a shit.

I'm all for trans people having freedom to be trans but there are too many red lines and loud idiots about. The current focus on them being in competitive sports is a pile of shite too.

This :33333

Explain why a man shouldn't be fully recognised as a woman if he wishes by competing against other women?

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Based. Holy shit BASED
FUCK trannys and FUCK boomers

Every single white male author, dead or alive.

nonstandard do not realize that billionaires fund the transagenda to profit from it, you faggots all bring millions into a completely new industry, new idiots buying overpriced cosmetics that is made from petroleum waste, lifelong hormone treatment, buying overpriced clothing.
Women are the better customers and thats why transshit is getting pushed, useful idiots.
your philosophers are donkeys riding a dead horse.

NONSTANDARD???? i said t r a n s t a r d s

It's complicated. Do you want my gripes with the politics, or the plain ol fairly obvious pragmatic reasons that are mostly being rehashed by everyone out there?

The politics.

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honk honk

The Olympic Committee has always been a shit about people naturally producing more testosterone or having chromosomal abnormalities. I don't fucking know why, it probably has something to do with them coming from a background of organising sporting events for rich dandies that never did a day's labour in their life (originally the whole focus on "amateur" sports was about stopping physically stronger labourers from competing against well to do sporty chaps with desk jobs). The absolute best sportspeople are going to have some kind of genetic advantage regardless, and so randomly banning people for having an advantage vaguely related to some weird ideas about gender never really made sense to me.

Taking all that into account, there wasn't much fuss kicked up when Soundarajan or Semenya were prevented from competing, at least not from developed nations esp the US. Historically the people being banned for not being womanly enough have been from developing countries. But now that the US is able to produce a sizable number of MtF competitors, now they want a totally open playing field. MtFs are able to have a significant advantage over women, it's going to totally fuck up funding and access for women to their sports. My feeling is to allow people who have had at most minimal necessary medical intervention (sex assignment at birth for example) to compete in the women's sports. People who have to take testosterone blockers or went through puberty as a male or have to take exogenous hormones can compete in their own separate class if they want, I really don't see what the problem would be with that. They've developed with far higher amounts of anabolic hormone in their system, that doesn't magically go away.

On a more general note, I think it's hard to understand how women are brought up and how being a woman affects your place in society. For example, you have to be aware of a lot of secret woman things to do with having a womb and also be conscious of other womb related things when it comes to romance and careers and starting a family and so on. An MtF cannot understand this, they completely lack this aspect of being a woman. Not to say that stops them doing what they want within reason, but one has to accept one's limitations. Similarly, yes everyone deserves to have an opinion on how gender and sex are treated or on whether minors should have invasive medication and surgery.


Based and AktionT4-pilled

Thomas Harris

Ahem. Clink clink

Surely this is not a genuine JK Rowling tweet?

Homophobia is wrong because being gay is perfectly natural; evolutionary it reduces sexual competition and thus facilitates cooperative behaviours in a minority of the population for the greater good of the species. Spiritually, relational harmony is felt between masculine and feminine energies (not genders) and thus can still be found in a same-sex couple which usually have one of each.

Transphobia is wrong in that it implies that there is nothing wrong with trans people. It is a mental illness that should be cured psychologically as our default state should be that everything is okay and thus any deviation from that is wrong. You don't get anorexiaphobes or schizophobes in the public debate but this is being forced on us.

>Spiritually, relational harmony is felt between masculine and feminine energies (not genders) and thus can still be found in a same-sex couple which usually have one of each.
This is gibberish you mongoloid

>It is a mental illness
It's no longer classified as such by the World Health Organization. Why should anyone take anything that you say seriously?
>You don't get anorexiaphobes or schizophobes in the public debate
Yes you do, schizophobes are called Freudians and they run psychiatry.

In Britain there is a strong anti-trans (men becoming women) sentiment amongst leftist women. It's funny because it shows that feminists clearly don't want equality anymore.

21st century*

The unison of the masculine and feminine is well known as the goal in many spiritual practices around the world but you can get very feminine men and vice versa. In every same-sex couple I have met there is always a masculine and feminine (though this might not be obvious).

>It's no longer classified as such by the World Health Organization
This was a politically-motivated virtue signal on their part because the powers at be have decided being gay and trans are one and the same. Our default mental condition should be that everything is okay and any deviation from that is an issue (depression, anxiety, paranoia, etc). The fact that people can't accept themselves until they have hormone therapy and surgery is the problem, not that they were 'born the wrong gender' but akin to other mental health issues today people try to fix a psychological problem chemically (referencing depression and SSRIs) because it's easier. The only relief is that the transition helps provide realisation, whether conscious or not that their gender doesn't matter.

Being unable to detect obvious jokes is a sign of autism.

She's right though. Prisoners should be sent to prisons based on their birth sex.

any author from before the 21st century

>They're sending trannys to women's prisons
Wait what?

How do we separate gender/identity politics/faggotry from left-wing politics? I only tolerate them and don't like promoting them.

Don’t be so insensitive
t. pre-op lesbian trans womyn about to commit a crime

Will the West suddenly have a moment of clarity when we drop the pretentious purity spiral of political correctness an realize we shouldn't aid gender dysphoria?

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Behold, the nihilist cumbrain worship of peak degeneracy

evening slaanesh

Sean Gooman

>In every same-sex couple I have met there is always a masculine and feminine (though this might not be obvious).
If it's not obvious, then you're most probably forcing that idea on what you think you percieve, from the outside, because you already think that it's true. You observe these relationships from afar, you don't have them do you.

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Nice, JK makes the perfect TERF

Sorry but in this clown world we live iin it is becoming increasingly hard to distinguish between satire and the real thing.

considered and persuasive points, enjoyed reading

>This was a politically-motivated virtue signal on their part
>virtue signal
Only true retards use this phrase unironically

um isn't the opposite true?

>Goodness gracious, Ms. Rowling! I'm sorry to wake you at this early hour but there's a most nasty Twitter storm aligning against yo-us and GCHQ hasn't intervened for some reason. Do you have any cute feet pics we could post to placate the public? Any kind of pedi selfie or barefoot fruit plate flatlay would do wonders.

the buttfuckers paradox

No they don't, virtue-signalling is a thing no matter how much some idiots lean on the phrase.

Bitch how? Their entire life revolves around an obsession with being gendered

>be rapist
>pretend to be a girl to go to girl prision

Probably all of them who are worth a damn

mfw just what they did with restrooms they are going to do with prisons so they are going to build prisons specifically to house trans peoeple

Let's be real. Communal bathroom is a terrible idea and I thank trans people everyday for giving me access to private bathroom.

Never said it was a bad or good idea, but I agree with you

She's basically the arch terf along with Germaine Greer.

can you elaborate on your first paragraph? i dont understand what you mean by
>randomly banning people for having an advantage vaguely related to some weird ideas about gender