He thinks there's a "right" way to live

>He thinks there's a "right" way to live
>He thinks because he works harder, longer and aspires to more that his life is worth something
>He thinks that it matters what you do while you're here

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>He hopes it doesn't

No, I'm resigned to the likelihood it doesn't matter.

Being on your best behaviour because someone MIGHT be watching is a stupid way to live your life.

>he is a nihilist
no one cares about your option because it can be as easy discarded as you discard others

Why not be on your best behaviour out of self-respect?

>a stupid way
things being stupid is meaningless by your own standards

Because being a hedonist degenerate is easier and more fun

So what?

Doesn't magically change my worldview.

Disgusting defeatist, nihilistic and also hedonistic worldview. Repent.

until you get inquisition'd

based retard

your cope only makes me harder

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ever heard the term sourgrapes?

>Doesn't know about existentialism

it becomes a full time job with diminishing returns

The thing you're talking about is not a thought, it's a feel. Once you manage to fix some issues that make you feel like your life sucks and leading a life you consider worthy, a certain feel of confidence will start coming to you. It's not that life is meaningful, it's that YOUR life starts to appear like it is, to your own judgment. You still know you're gonna die and that you're insignificant, but now you care about your own life.

>his brain is so rotten from all the s o y that nothing means anything anymore, he has nothing to live for, he is practically already dead; a zombie

i’ll pray for you user

Then why are you writting this user?

Reminder that the assumption (and it is an assumption) that life ends entirely at death, that there is only the material and nothing else, is just as much of a leap of faith as faith in an eternal soul which goes to heaven after death.
You hope that death is the end because if that weren't the case, you'd have to take responsibility for your life, and not live like a sad degenerate.
"Sky-daddies" aren't the only possibility when it comes to consequences of one's actions either - the most sophisticated ancient civilizations believed in some form of reincarnation/rebirth.

I Can't believe in life after death. I tried, i read into theistic arguments.. I just can't.

disbelief in life after death does not prove annihilation at death.
>theistic arguments
Check out some non-theistic beliefs, such as rebirth or reincarnation, where it is not your appearance, thoughts, feelings, personality, mind or anything that continues eternally after death - but that there is still continued life - the process of becoming goes on in different forms.