Is wanting to be a "writer" in the traditional sense of the word in the year 2019 a pursuit of something obsolete...

is wanting to be a "writer" in the traditional sense of the word in the year 2019 a pursuit of something obsolete? is it not setting yourself up to be an outsider even more than it used to be?

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Almost definitely, unless you're willing to either play up your marginal identity or go into debt for an MFA / MA Creative Writing and really suck up to the middle-class left-leaning SWJ women in publishing. Today it's all about branding and having the ability to acquire attention better than your opponents. As for money - there is none.

I think the best way to do it nowadays is to accept that you're going to do something else to make your money and then write in your free time and try to publish your work under a pseudonym. Ironic that you post Salinger, because that loose plan was inspired by him and how much he hated fame.
My plan is to try and get fantasy published because I think its easier to sell to agents and then to try and publish other stuff, like contemporary stories.

Early on in his career Salinger wanted to become famous, and was confident about becoming the best writer in America according to an interview he did while in college in New York. Only later in life did he become more reclusive.

Yes, it is. Everyone here talking about growing up to be a great writer is an idiot.

I make a living off writing fiction. It isn't that hard.

What is the experience like? Do you have a certain schedule in mind for writing, and getting your books published? Do you publish them yourself, or do you have contacts with a publishing agency? How many books do you think you could typically handle writing in one year? Thank you!

I mean I'm a NEET with no high school education or degree & I haven't worked in seven years so what else is there but creative pursuits other than laying down and dying now so I try not to think in terms of validity

One thing I often consider is that I don't think I have anything to say to people who read books. Or perhaps I should say that the people I'd be interested in communicating with are those who would spend their time with other mediums. I think the type of story I'd like to write would be more appropriate if it were something like a video game, perhaps a visual novel; but something like that requires skills beyond writing, which I do not possess to a sufficient degree.

I'm writing to myself. If I manage to please myself I'll have won the esteem of a particularly harsh and discerning critic, and that is enough for my satisfaction as a writer.


Go to barnes and noble and look at the type of stuff that sits in the popular sections. Pop self help, orange man bad books, and feminist biographies. Read that and regurgitate it back out and boom you're a career writer now

Don't forget to buy a membership! You'll get 10% of everything in the store, free express shipping online, and a ton of exclusive coupons.

*intercom comes on*

"Attention Barnes and Noble shoppers, if you come to our Starbucks and buy 1 cookie, you get one free!"

stfu about what you think a writer is. 'traditional writer' lmao. do the work and see where it takes you. youre all the same as the front shelf kitsch when you think about what kind of 'writer' you are

If you want to write for a living, then you're fucked.

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Where can I read that interview? Didnt Fitzgerald say something similar?

It’s not obsolete but it seems like a terrible idea since the number of people able to appreciate your work is constantly dropping.

let's rank genres from most to least publishable

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that was a good discount, user, the cookies are good and 10% off with a membership

lmao dude peopel still read.
Everyone here is a special snowflake. There are tons of people who read Yea Forumscore. You can live off grants.

Ya'll are just bitter failures in this thread desu.

e-intellectuals are the future.

>find a niche
>self publish through Amazon
>start a podcast
>start a Patreon account
>give patrons access to articles, book notes, reading lists
>review books for a small fee

Probably best to get a PhD or something beforehand to gain some credibility. Also be cool on Twitter.

>ywn write anything worth reading
>ywn write something that will be truly a great novel
>ywn have a successful literary career
>ywn even make enough to make ends meet by writing

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for some time I play with the thought, but still fear I'd make a fool out of myself, or even worse, a sellout. With a Youtube channel you go all in I guess. But I will do it, if no publisher will help me.

the only lit community I like is Yea Forums, but Yea Forums's policy allows no shilling and support is honest but scarce

You can still make a living as a pulp-fiction writer, but literature as an art form is virtually dead.

the more anti white and anti west and pro degeneracy you are, absolutely yes, very lucrative