Borges holds late Henry James on par with Shakespeare

>Borges holds late Henry James on par with Shakespeare
Is he that good?

Attached: Beha-Henry-James.jpg (727x1046, 122K)

Borges also shit his pants, like, all the time. Would you really hold a man like that in high esteem?

Attached: borges.jpg (580x800, 55K)


Ok people on this board really gotta start accepting the fact that Borges was a fucking idiot. His fiction is amazing and obviously he was well read but that does not exempt him from being a dumbass with shit opinions. Sure, there are other monolithic authors like Nabokov who also have extraordinarily good and nuanced taste alongside having conposed great fiction, but the majority of authors are dumbasses at a lot of other things (I suspect Bolanos is the same).

As for James, he’s great but holy shit he really suffered from the lack of precision that would later refine his modernist successors. Objectively the most boring-yet-simultaneously-invaluable canonical American author there is. But hey I guess that’s what happens when you’re truly raised a neet by New England-Old World aristocrat LARPers.

>Objectively the most boring-yet-simultaneously-invaluable canonical American author there is.

What makes his writing so boring, user?

Attached: 1560998142684.png (378x379, 220K)

>I suspect Bolanos is the same

you tell me

>When Monica Maristain interviewed him in 2003 for Mexican Playboy (in what would be his last interview) she asked him to name five books that marked his life:
>“In reality the five books are more like 5,000. I’ll mention these only as the tip of the spear: Don Quixote by Cervantes, Moby Dick by Melville. The complete works of Borges, Hopscotch by Cortázar, A Confederacy of Dunces by Toole. I should also cite Nadja by Breton, the letters of Jacques Vaché. Anything Ubu by Jarry, Life: A User’s Manual by Perec. The Castle and The Trial by Kafka. Aphorisms by Lichtenberg. The Tractatus by Wittgenstein. The Invention of Morel by Bioy Casares. The Satyricon by Petronius. The History of Rome by Tito Livio. Pensées by Pascal.”

yeah, he's in westminster abbey.

Go read any of his books. They are literally about nothing. The Ambassadors, for example, consists of a bunch of rich people moving around different rooms occassionally talking, but mostly thinking and existing in said rooms.

Yeah well he also said Edgar Allan Poe and Raymond Carver were among the greatest writers to ever live so jury is still out fanboy.

Nobody is really on par with Shakespeare, in full seriousness. There are works that are on par with Shakespeare, or even surpass Shakespeare's best work (commonly agreed to be Hamlet, but that’s up to each and their own), but nobody has his body of work, not even close. Nobody even had a period of their work come close to shakespeares quality, only individual works. And nobody as even COME CLOSE to revolutionizing literature and language in the way Shakespeare did. This board loves to be contrarian and shit on him though, for whatever reason. Whatever.

He also said some shit short story by Marquez is 'perfect'. He's so fucking wrong about that.

He also said that Philip K Dick is better than Pynchon. Yeah right....

The dude was a genius but not without flawed opinions.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd /thread

Never heard of that before. Did he suffer from incontinence? Google shows nothing, so I'll assume you're lying.

You are the idiot.

Furthermore, Nabokov's opinions are mediocre. He had a really superficial taste.

Anyway, I never saw a single line of Borges where he placed Shakespeare alongside Henry James. His triad was Homer, Dante, Shakespeare. The Bible came before those and D. Quijote right after. This is actually extremely well-known.

Maybe he placed this or that work of James alongside this or that work by Shakespeare, or maybe he considered this or that aspect (for instance, description) of James' fiction as good as the same aspect in Shakespeare, but that doesn't mean he considered them to be equally great writers, and the fact that you buy OP's assertion without even properly researching anything before posting about is a proof that it's you who are the ''fucking idiot'' here.

I am pretty sure Borges didn't rate James as highly as he did Shakespeare, Dante, Homer, The Bible, Cervantes, The Arabian Nights, Camões and others.

>he doesn't rate Edgar Allan Poe

>how to spot a fanboy
He was a second-rate writer with a second-rate mind. An infatuation with Borges, like like an infatuation with Dostoevsky, is a phase forever associated with the adolescent.

jesus christ man

>muh misquote research wah wah
Whine more faggot. I guess you don’t read. It doesn’t take a fucking rocket scientist to see that I’m responding to a much broader tendency posed by OP in creating this thread in the first place i.e., people valuing Borges’s monolithic opinions in the first place. You arriving on the scene to stick up for your hero is the prime example of the sort of imbecility that needs to be called out more. You guys just want some patriarchichal figure to adhere to because you lack the courage to exist within a state of true literary exploration which always involves tension, anxiety, doubt i.e., states that tend to forgo reductive and lazy habits like ranking authors and forging “best” lists like you’re building a fantasy team, which Borges was certaintly prone to do.

What makes a first-rate writer? Why was Borges not one?

It's funny that you've mentioned Nabokov, but call Borges a writer for adolescents. Here in Brazil all teenage girls read Nabokov, he's very popular amongst them; really quite the pop boy, much like Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga, and all girls make Lolita references on their Twitter feed occasionally. Meanwhile, Borges they find very difficult, very hermetic, and he's not popular among teenage kids at all, but mostly among literature student/professors.

How is this poem not first-rate?

Nadie rebaje a lágrima o reproche
esta declaración de la maestría
de Dios, que con magnífica ironía
me dio a la vez los libros y la noche.

De esta ciudad de libros hizo dueños
a unos ojos sin luz, que sólo pueden
leer en las bibliotecas de los sueños
los insensatos párrafos que ceden

las albas a su afán. En vano el día
les prodiga sus libros infinitos,
arduos como los arduos manuscritos
que perecieron en Alejandría.

De hambre y de sed (narra una historia griega)
muere un rey entre fuentes y jardines;
yo fatigo sin rumbo los confines
de esta alta y honda biblioteca ciega.

Enciclopedias, atlas, el Oriente
y el Occidente, siglos, dinastías,
símbolos, cosmos y cosmogonías
brindan los muros, pero inútilmente.

Lento en mi sombra, la penumbra hueca
exploro con el báculo indeciso,
yo, que me figuraba el Paraíso
bajo la especie de una biblioteca.

Algo, que ciertamente no se nombra
con la palabra azar, rige estas cosas;
otro ya recibió en otras borrosas
tardes los muchos libros y la sombra.

Al errar por las lentas galerías
suelo sentir con vago horror sagrado
que onions el otro, el muerto, que habrá dado
los mismos pasos en los mismos días.

¿Cuál de los dos escribe este poema
de un yo plural y de una sola sombra?
¿Qué importa la palabra que me nombra
si es indiviso y uno el anatema?

Groussac o Borges, miro este querido
mundo que se deforma y que se apaga
en una pálida ceniza vaga
que se parece al sueño y al olvido.

No hes just retarded

you have a source for that interview?

>You guys just want some patriarchichal figure to adhere to because you lack the courage to exist within a state of true literary exploration which always involves tension, anxiety, doubt i.e., states that tend to forgo reductive and lazy habits like ranking authors and forging “best” lists like you’re building a fantasy team, which Borges was certaintly prone to do.

What? I read in many different languages and explore much more than you, macaco.

Shit Anglo thread. Good night.

>Here in Brazil
Okay good to know I can stop expecting a certain level of discourse. Your inability to see beyond contigencies really just hits home my point about Borges fanboys and imbeciles. And what do I care about Nabokov? Why are you grabbing for that point? Why do I care what professors think, let alone professors from such an academically irreputable country like Brazil? Why do I care about your country’s literacy? Why would you post some foreign language shit and expect me to care?

The absolute state of spics

>some foreign language shit

Oh, so you called Borges a second-rate writer without having actually read him.

So much for literary 'exploration'...

Typical 90-110 IQ Amerimutt.

Study harder, nig-nog.

>it’s a translation meme
Here we go again...
>It’s an IQ meme
>It’s an “America” meme (he says as someone bought and sold by America)
Like I said, imbecile.

you say the word imbecile over a basket weaving forum post, but I'm afraid that is even too big of a word for 99% of americans to be able to even pronounce correctly irl, stay mad negroid.

You are a literal spic dude calm down.

>translations are the same as the original

Said the monolingual Amerimutt nig-nog.

The best thing about Borges is his command of prose. He's the clearest, most objective prose-writer I have ever read.

For those who can read French, I'd compare Borges to Flaubert - not in style necessarily, but rather in how careful they were with the words they chose.

And then, of course, there is his poetry, which, despite its envious detractors, is actually extremely good sometimes. Neoclassicism at it's best.

Attached: amerimutt.gif (384x464, 484K)

Never said that. I’m just firmly against the claim that you can’t judge an author outside of their original language. But I’m not going to cut nuanced epsitemic threads surrounding linguistic problems with a literal subhuman. Comparing the asceticism of Flaubert with the sheer derivative aping of Borges is offensive. Borges’s nuance can be reduced to his sterile approach to form and content; his style is a slave to that unlike Flaubert where it is almost completely style (the French only makes this all the more evident, as Proust covers). Borges’s poetry I’ve always found to be especially trash, however I’ll concede there that poetry rather than any other medium is problem most inaccessible beyond the original language. Hence why someone like Bloanos can think Poe is a good poet (which is a fair mistake to make, Baudelaire did as well).

Greek, Latin, French, learning Italian now. Stay presumptuous spic (“but meesah speaka spanish!”).

Didn’t you “good night” like ten replies ago faggot

The bare minimum, then?


Yeah, you're right.

Boa noite.

>was hoping to see some discussion of James
>Nothing but autism

Never change

Lol fuck no

Why do third worldtards get so emotional. Of all the languages, why should he know yours? We’re jusging Borges on his short stories, which one doesn’t need any Spanish to appreciate.

Also your mutt meme backfires since it refers to people like you coming here

Let’s see your Latin, translate the first 7 lines of thr Carmen Apologeticum.

>a bunch of rich people moving around different rooms occassionally talking, but mostly thinking and existing in said rooms.
Is this bad?

Why so racist, user?

>it's mutt X macaco thread

I'd say it makes him all the more relatable

>muh prose

>meesah speaka Spanisj