Do you consider yourself superior for reading than non-readers?

Do you consider yourself superior for reading than non-readers?

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No. The only thing I know is that I know nothing, and for that, I am the truly the wisest.

Yes, among other things. For example, I am also above cumbrains who need to post jezebels to attract attention to their thread

Big time

No, I just consider myself superior.

Not superior, special c:

no, all i feel is cope.

No, fuck off

I consider myself superior in knowing this board posts the hottest jezebels on a regular basis. Reading just reaffirms the fact that I'm a shut-in dork

I consider myself inferior for everything than everyone.

No. People who don’t read tend to have stronger positions or views regarding a subject and I usually feel like I have no ground to support one or the other view of something, so I come out as some retard without opinion.

could you imagine B'ing an L into that V?

Yes, if you don't read I assume you're a brainlet. Reading gives you experience and knowledge from the writer. It doesn't take rocket appliances to figure out that people who don't read aren't as smart.

I dont read I just buy books and put them on my shelf to make myself look smart when people come over

And yet you clicked

i don't read

Books can be works of art in more way than one user, I do the same and it is patrician af.

I consider myself superior for not reading

Also superior than most readers since most people just read useless garbage books.

No, reading is a useless pastime but i do it nevertheless


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Pseudo science

Pseudoscience is the heart of Yea Forums. You don't want to be a scientist, do you?

What if I just masturbate to get it out of the way and not have it bother me the rest of the day? Strictly in the same sense as one eats a healthy meal so that hunger does not become distracting?

Based cumbrain then.
If you masturbate without any pornography, you may be even able to leave the cumbrain zone.

Wouldn't you agree its better to fap than sleep with some desperate cow and accidentally impregnating said farm animal?

True revelation consists in controlling and abandoning one's own sexual desires for the greater good.
Sex without love is meaningless.

People are reading: Book Objects by Quita H

People who read good shit are more interesting to talk to vs. those who consume bad content. Even if ppl don’t “read” they are still consuming content that shapes them. Doesn’t have anything to do with superiority though.

But sex and love are not the same thing user. My point is that if a jack gets you to divert your attention from thots and liberate you from their influence, its perfectly fine to do it. Now if all you want to do is fap and watch porn all the time then yes I think I would completely agree with you.

I did not equate love with sex. I only said that the latter is meaningless without the former. Whether or not someone enjoys sex without love is another personal question. I, personally, couldn't imagine it.

Simply diverting your attention won't solve any of the actual problems. If it does divert your problem, it will only do so temporarily. If you feel distressed because of women around you, I would suppose that it's love rather than sex what you crave. If it's simply sexual impulses, then I refer to my comment above. It's fairly easy to control sexual impulses. On the other hand, the desire for giving and receiving love is much more difficult to handle.

When I was like 19 or 20 I didn't think so and would have said it's obnoxious, pretentious, and wrong to have an attitude like that. My reasoning was that just because I had a certain natural interest in books and literature, that didn't mean that non-readers had nothing to offer me or weren't capable of psychological depth or intellect or appreciation for culture and just pleasant things in general.

Now that I'm a little bit older I've come to the conclusion that people who don't read at least semi-regularly are not really sentient adults. Sometimes they're friendly, even smart, but they're basically living on autopilot and have an extremely limited view of how to think about themselves and their behavior in relation to the world around them. Non-readers are in sense mentally retarded because of their demented and childish worldview that they came by through accident because of their particular social background or the television show they watched or (increasingly) YouTube. I'm not saying we should put them in camps, but I don't understand how to relate to them and find myself constantly filtering my thoughts because I don't want to upset them by mentioning even a very popular book or writer they don't know about.

I don't know about that craving love part, empirically speaking, most people seem to be physically incapable to keep it in their pants even if they are already in seemingly loving/happy relationships. Even when know they will destroy what they have and cause great suffering for everyone involved. It happens time and time again across all periods of history.

You think I do for some reason, but no.

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blonde hair, black hair doesn't matter to me.

There are no 'types' of people. You are who you are, and it's that simple. Thanks for being who you are :3

So true. Feel like my head is in a different, richer world than most ppl and it’s hard to relate outside of the most basic things (work, food, women etc.).

Sex without love is sex


>True revelation consists
...of buzzword and lemon spritzer
>in controlling and abandoning one's own sexual desires for the greater good.
Control is good. Abandoning is unnecessary for most. Again, it fades with the advancing years. Save some books for those days
>Sex without love is meaningless.
Its just masturbation. A fleeting passion, a momentary high. Don’t wrap your whole being around it, but don’t cut it off.

Fuck off incel

Based. Cumbrains are truly subhuman.


Please stop posting jezebels and in general, stop posting lascivious images. Thanks

Yes. Why else would I do it?

is cumbrain technically a wojak edit?

Reminder that it actually causes mental anguish to certain people if you aren't watching porn and masturbating at every opportunity. It is offensive to some people that you don't do that to yourself. Always remember you have that power over yourself AND others. Why do you think porn is just given away for free? They want you to watch it, cash or not. You're paying for it otherwise in wasted time and the pacifying effect it has on you. You're giving up control of yourself. Pornographers and their lackeys get mad when you don't watch porn the same way that a slave owner gets made when his slave disobeys.

big mad

You're a cuckold if you post hot girls online.

>Do you consider yourself superior for reading than non-readers?
because some readers think they themselves are superior to other readers because they like different things
same thing with readers and non-readers

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Shut up retard.

Why are all these faggots complaining about the babe in OP's pic? This board is too pozzed now.

youtube videos are given away for free too, how much can shitty porn really cost to make, the advertising money is probably enough to make a profit


I believe one mustn't be so arrogant. I suppose I do think lowly of many of the people I know be they avid readers or suitors of obscene films. And I don't quite understand why one might want to defend pornography; it has never caused me anything but trouble.

Nah that’s fag teir mindset

I Am
Superior In
Everything I Do
Everything I
Do Is Superior
And I Am
The Best Guy Around
And Everyone Is
Inferior To
Oh Yeah!

No, I'm not stupid.


People who consider themselves superior are usually the biggest pseuds on earth, thus making me superior.


>Do you consider yourself superior for reading than non-readers?
Yes, although its not a direct thing. I consider myself superior, because I know more about topics (the last 3 books I read were about the history of football in this country, about the history and processes of genetics, and about the early days of "hacking" and social engineering).
In addition to extra knowledge on select topics, I also have a bigger library of expressions and analogies to call on, and I consider myself superior in that way as well. I think people around me recognize this and often praise it, or in a group will ask me to explain something instead of them, to have it explained better.

yes, i fuck

All women are whores.

Thanks Big S

I consider myself superior to faggots that post sincerely in blog threads