Life doesn't seem real

Life doesn't seem real.

I know it is but it's so safe and sterilised and peaceful that I feel like I'm in a kindergarten for adults. There's no danger, no threat to life, no reason to ever raise my fists and be violent. It's fucking gay.

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How is this literature related? Also move to Somalia :^)

join the military and fight for oil interests you fascist loser

>I'm a fascist for not wanting to live like a child

You're right that life isn't "real" insofar as there is a greater metaphysical framework. Truth is, life is a test. So far, you're failing it. You should practice the way of peace, not violence. Repent and seek God.

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but it's literally what fascists want
violence/intensity=real living

either way
join the military or go live in the woods or something, if you think that's what will make you more alive

Try joining some martial arts club or the voluntary firefighters.

>Everyone who doesn't want to be so totally emasculated and sheltered from what was reality 50 years ago is a fascist AND neocon

So you want a world completely free of all forms of violence?

The first animal rights protection laws ever to pass in the world were in Germany, between the 30s and 40s. Does that make Sea Shepherds Nazis?

>violence/intensity=real living
You aren't wrong that this is a part of Fascism, but it's neither defining nor unique to it, nor necessarily has to be loved out through war, especially since war is becoming less and less suited for it.

Become a boxer or an MMA fighter or beat people up and get to prison, become a foreign fighter or just go live in a dangerous country. It's not that life is safe, it's that you lack imagination

>Life isn't safe! Just take extreme measures to put yourself in danger!

Yes, I do.
I genuinely want people like you dead, OP. If I were able to kill you and get off scot-free, I would most certainly do it.

>I genuinely want people like you dead, OP. If I were able to kill you and get off scot-free, I would most certainly do it.
Not OP, but I think the same about you.
Are you female/gay by any chance? Or just entirely emasculated?

Being compassionate and desiring peace makes one female or gay? I would genuinely torture and kill you if I could get away with it. You are sick piece of shit, and it is a good thing if you were to die.

Ideally yes. Only edgelords and retards think otherwise

>I hate violence in all its forms

>Being compassionate and desiring peace makes one female or gay?
I gave in fact three options, if you can read.

But you seem to have answered the question, belief in any utopian ideology puts you in one of these 3 categories.

Can't tolerate intolerance

>it's so safe and sterilised and peaceful

Don't take that peace for granted man, you're privileged.

I think you got it backwards. Violence is for children who can't use logic or express their emotions healthily. If you want danger go base jumping or some shit. No need to put innocents in danger too.

>I have to break my normal system in order to establish it
At least Fascists were honest about themselves.


>extreme measures
literally just buy a plane ticket dude, or get into profession fighting, what's so extreme about that? stop complaining like a fucking child

>Violence is for children who can't use logic or express their emotions healthily
t. noodle armed vegetarian who thinks women are equal to men

>Violence is for children who can't use logic or express their emotions healthily.
Yeah, but be prepared to jump if the first non-soiboi comes around and tells you to jump.

I do not believe in any possible utopia on this Earth. I was pissed at your condescending people who desire peace. It is inhumane.
Yes, some people deserve to die. I support execution for rapists, pedophiles, murderers, and people who promote the greatest of deceit. Good and evil is absolute, and people who try to dismiss its reality deserve to die.

>I was pissed at your condescending people who desire peace.
Peace is utopian, there will never be peace on the earth and thus people need to be ready to fight, even just to defend themselves.

That's why you pack heat

If you're completely tolerant, you will tolerate something that is intolerant. If you're being intolerant toward intolerance, you're being tolerant.

Those who believe there can be no relative peace are the ones that need to die. You are depraved motherfuckers and have to leave this world. Of course, this includes most of mankind. Perhaps, another species will evolve and take their rightful place as the inheritors of Earth. Mankind is a wretched species, and I see all of the depravity and vulgarness of mankind in your shitty posts. Genuinely slit your throat.

Attached: madness of mankind.jpg (1425x1246, 493K)

But you need to be prepared to use it and if OP was regularly at a shooting range he would feel different.

>Good and evil is absolute
>Hey everybody I'm fucking retarded

t. Tendie eating fatfuck who fantasies about beating up niggers and raping their girlfriends

>Those who believe there can be no relative peace
It's basically a law of nature. Any perceived difference in anything will sooner or later lead to war.

If you want peace, be prepared for war.

>of course this was made by an italian
Who's the figure in the chair with the blue flame around his head in the modern day portion of the drawing?

Again, at least Hitler was honest about himself, something you can't claim.

It's an electrocution I assume, nothing wrong with it though.

>Tendie eating fatfuck who fantasies about beating up niggers and raping their girlfriends
Living the dream

>Good and evil is absolute

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Plenty of bird species and beavers naturally find peace amongst themselves. The point is, in this moment, YOU need to die, no one else. YOU dying right now would be the most beautiful thing ever. I highly encourage you sprint to the kitchen, grab the kitchen knife, and send yourself to hell. Burn forever.

Yes, and the proof lies in your depravity, inner sickness, and more. You are pure evil, and I highly recommend suicide.

>Plenty of bird species and beavers
Oh, WOW.
Let me guess, they aren't relient on a pretty intricate system that requires the distribution and concentration of millions of different materials in order to keep their society functioning.

>The point is, in this moment, YOU need to die, no one else. YOU dying right now would be the most beautiful thing ever. I highly encourage you sprint to the kitchen, grab the kitchen knife, and send yourself to hell. Burn forever.
At least my Ideas are the only things which may increase peace, pacifism is how you get war.

No, the point is that everyone that thinks like you should die. By committing suicide, you are moving the world towards greater peace. It is worldviews like yours that are fundamentally destructive. It is because your priorities are completely wack. Even the extinction of mankind is less of a big deal than your edgelord fetishization of the darkness / sadism. You are worse than Maldoror. This is why I am very sincere when I say you should commit suicide. For example, I do not agree with Thomas Ligotti, but I find him overall better than you. I would never tell Ligotti to kill yourself, but I want you to feel the weight behind my words when I say kill yourself. If I learned that you seriously committed suicide, I would genuinely be happy, so long as I am not put into jail or anything like that. Do you FEEL the weight behind my words?
>Let me guess, they aren't relient on a pretty intricate system that requires the distribution and concentration of millions of different materials in order to keep their society functioning.
Plenty of animals seem like good contenders to speciate and take over this Earth. Their systems of organization would be different from mankind's madness.

The game-theoretic logic of violence is self-assertive. If everyone adopts a purely self-defensive policy, in theory violence should never occur. It's strictly tit for tat. I do what you do to me. History shows that people do not operate this way. Not everyone can defend themselves equally from all threats, and if they also have something of value that can be taken by force, aggressive proactive violence is incentivized.

According to a Hobbesian analysis powerful states would arise to counteract this general tendency for violence to assert itself in the right conditions. If a state consolidates a monopolization of violence and bundles it with strict lawful rules for its execution, all violence beneath the state is negated by it.

And indeed where there is less of a state there is usually more generalized violence. Somalia, The American Wild West, gang-ridden flavelas.

Violence is like a virulent plague which springs into action wherever the conditions permit it: conditions of deprivation, ignorance, and lawlessness.

Others might argue that states are the most violent. Who else perpetrates wars? War is formalized violence, violence extruded to the fringes of a society and pushed on external enemies. States maintain peace within their borders and externalize violence outwards which is better than a "bellum omnium contra omnes" a war of all against all.

>I would never tell Ligotti to kill yourself,
I would never tell Ligotti to kill himself,*
Even McCarthy's quote about how Utopias are not possible is not condoning sadism.

>lack of conflict is inherently good
What? This is what a child thinks, or a coward. Conflict sometimes involves violence, either direct or indirect. Wanting to incorporate this more fully into your life is healthy, and a part of growing up. Being sheltered is for children, which is why man-children onions boys reject it so harshly.

Everything in the universe is in a constant state of change.

Violence is an essential part of change, you can try all you like but you'll never eradicate it and if you did people would be miserable. Why do you think kids in school got so excited over fights? Or why UFC is so popular? Or why the reason men are capable of working together so much better than women is because of the unspoken rule of "Now don't be a cunt or I'll fucking hit you" they both share?

Mankind needs to go extinct because it fetishizes conflict. Other species can be better inheritors of this Earth. You need to die. I genuinely believe you committing suicide would be for the best. I do not say this lightly either.

I'm not the user you responded to. Is slandering and insulting someone who was amused by your comment "good"? How can you assess my depravity when my statement was merely "kek"? Is encouraging someone you don't know to commit suicide "good"?

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It is an issue intrinsic in mankind's psyche. I have various hypotheses rooted in Neuroscience as to why mankind is like this. I do not believe mankind as a species either deserves to survive or even will in the future. I disagree that ALL species are prone to violence. Some moreso than others; those that revel in violence or conflict do not deserve to exist. You are a depraved, sick bastard, and I highly recommend you commit suicide. What is the point of your existence? Maybe you'll be reborn into some shitty Valhalla you desire.

At this point, the extinction of mankind is good. Mankind creates artificial conflict because their minds are prone to sickness. The CIA is the biggest offender of this, and yes, they are involved in the Occult.

In fact you can take it one step further. The same general rule that applies to individuals applies to states. War against equally powerful states is more likely to result in futile deadlock. In theory this should result in peace between great powers, or at least cold war. (Think USA versus USSR, or the principle of Mutually Assured Destruction.) However just like individuals states have differential military power, so those with less power are more likely to be victimized by those that do. That weakness in turn spurns military expansion efforts in the weaker party, e.g. North Korea's desire to nuclearize.

If you were to follow the previous point about state monopolization of violence to states themselves, the only protection form it would be a kind of supra-state. A state of states, and so on in an infinite regress.

The solution to this is diplomatic coalitions and military alliances, or international peace-keeping organizations (The UN, or previously the League of Nations) that essentially has the authority to interfere in minor military conflicts with the threat overwhelming military force contributed by each member organization.

Of course who then "watches the watchmen?" This is the central problem that logically entails violence from a game-theoretic perspective. The only way out would be to assume, perhaps, a special moral standard in the super-organization of states. To attribute to it a certain world-historical consciousness that it has a duty to mankind to minimize the outbreak of mass violence between states.

>literally the "born in the wrong generation" meme
lmao sure pal, if you were living in 1970 it would totally be acceptable to beat the shit out of people for no reason

I assumed it was the head of the Illuminati sitting on his throne, what the fuck is up with the flame around his head

>no reason to ever raise my fists and be violent
That's a good thing, user

No, it's not. What happens when aliens invade in 1000 years and refuse our tote bags and scented candle peace offerings?

You would justify violence against any innocent party with which you disagree at the drop of a dime.

You just transpire as a depressed NEET who hate himself with these kind of posts

“Under peaceful conditions a warlike man sets upon himself.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche

You have no excuse beyond your general cowardice, OP.

That quote means that if a man exists in a society or place with no violence, he's going to turn it inward and destroy himself mentally.

Yes, but that doesn't contradict what's going on with OP. He hates the kind of World he lives in, and yet he's also heavily indoctrinated by it.

>You have no excuse beyond your general cowardice, OP
And this bit?

>And this bit?
See the part where I wrote.
>and yet he's also heavily indoctrinated by it.
He's a mindless sterile sheep as much as the rest of the World.

Not without a firm basis they aren't, fucker. The problem with your thinking is that what is cause for deserving death changes with the wind and never had a basis to begin with.

>ITT: edgy LARPers
OP seems to blame a loss of meaning on the absence of violence

When someone is executed by electrocution their head catches on fire unless the executioner chooses to place a wet sack over their head beforehand.

damn where do you live, wanna swap places?