>wake up
>too late to go jogging in the morning so I drink coffee, browse the internet, then go to work
>I don't even need to drink the coffee to cause myself to need a shit; the sound of the kettle boiling, the warmth of the cup on my hand, and the coffee smell all Pavlov me
>go to work
>in a meeting in the morning with the Trivago man from yesterday; at one point I looked at him and he was slouched forward, eyes closed, with a shadow on him; immediately thought "This is no longer Trivago"
>saw woman leave the meeting early; thought "Needs to scrape crusted Chad cum out of her ass"
>use elevator and two people from my office get in and say hi to me; immediately get suspicious that they fucked each other just now and are trying to seem normal
>leave to go home
>look at bank balance and there is money there but I have been raped by my own binges
>as soon as my underground train gets to the station I automatically go and buy my last binge ever food
>have had the binge food
>now lying in bed at 8:19 pm as the sun is leaving and I know I have an empty life with nothing to do after work
>planning to go to gym tonight after some lying in bed
Wake up
What is your profession London frog
sup londonfrog, I live in london too. What are the chances you'd stop moping about in isolation and come for a drink with me?
OP here. I have decided to leave the exercise until tomorrow.
Looks like today was a slow day
Sounds to me like you had another Based Day today LF
I bet you could break your pavlovian chains by simply NOT shitting
of course you could just shit in your pants
either way, it would be a good shitpost
This time zone difference sucks. I don't get my daily LF kino at the appropriate time.
Same, where are living user? I'm out here in Japan and I think LF is already asleep by the time I'm up and active
whats up brother sorry you had a bad day, hope to see you tomorrow
growing ever sadder, LF
Lmao where does the idea that cum can coagulate come from? Cum somewhere right now and watch how it'll turn to water in fifteen minutes.
I’m in Wisconsin
I told your stupid faggot ass to buy Chainlink like months ago and its now $2.4 you poor sucker
Do you just ignore these posts? I literally told you to fucking stop binging food and put all your spare money to Chainlink: instead you fucking faggot bought more candies and other consumer cuck activities
>falling for /biz/ shitcoins
Currently deciding whether or not to have one last binge
I come lit everyday for this!
You think that's bad? I told him to get Heston Blumenthal's instant ice-cream and he totally never even considered it.
London would be alright if it wasn't for bitchy asian women
There deleted my most recent topic and there was some good material
i only have 570 Chainlinks. It would be nice if they turn into 5000$, how long i need to wait for it? What are your prediction?