Any books about going your entire life without having sex or being in a relationship?
Any books about going your entire life without having sex or being in a relationship?
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Your diary to be honest :3
We are Doomed written by John Derbyshire
Going without sex and masturbating still is more similar to leading a life with sex than abstaining completely.
Is this phenomenon recorded in history, or is it a purely modern issue? I see more and more and MORE guys who are fucking lonely. Not lacking friends, not the usual weird ass hobo. They're normal ass guys with stuff going on and jobs and gigs and lives, but who are, for some odd unexplainable reason, simply unable to get and hold female attention. It's like they no longer resonate on the same plane.
In past centuries mass unemployment was largely unheard of, until industrialization and the subsequent cycles of accelerated boom and bust. Most guys were just born, understood the rules of their immediate environment, and got on with living a humble little life, maybe going to a city or somewhere for a few years if they had academic ability. There was always agriculture, and later manufacturing etc, to employ them if things didn't work out. What's more, in the past century these jobs allowed guys to buy their own home in their mid-20s and raise a family in their 30s on a basic salary for a job that wasn't particularly high-skilled. It was expected that being born into a country meant its primary obligation was to make sure your efforts to sustain it would be rewarded with the means to sustain yourself.
But now, due to mass immigration, automation, globalisation, neo-liberalism etc, we see a larger pool of men becoming utterly undesirable to women due to their inability to earn a decent salary in a stable long-term job, unable to rely on any kind of naturally-bestowed power (desirable to women) due to women being better educated and often earning more and being more experienced sexually etc, unable to buy a home, unable to compete against shitskins hired to appease diversity quotas, unable to work a blue collar job without being undercut by some shitskin who is now the favoured pet of the golem overlords.
This pool of unloved men grows, many remaining incels because they were born poor, attended shitty highschools and were then abandoned to a world of retail and call centre work, many remaining incels because their single mothers coddled them and encouraged them to forego responsibility and independence and instead spend several years building debt in college before channeling their resentment at being so fucked into far-left identity politics (ultimately self-loathing in nature).
It's an absolutely fucked state of affairs. No longer does the son of the village tailor sneak out on a summer night to hold hands while sitting by the river with the shy, blushing daughter of the local schoolmaster, each declaring their ever-lasting love and anticipating the day when they one day may kiss after their relationship becomes more formal and stable. No, now that same guy is sitting in a rented room somewhere after a long day helping aggressive boomers with their computer problems over the phone and swiping right on dozens if not hundreds of high resolution images of women whose personalities are little more than the manifestations of serious personality disorders. There is no room for tenderness, care, innocence, subtlety, understatement, romance or formality today. There is only a generation of sugar-addicted onanists whose waking hours are spent in a state of constant distraction while staring at a series of brightly lit screens, each corrupting them with the illusionary promise of genuine fulfillment. And yes, before you ask I am a virgin.
Stop making shitty threads like this
You deserve a cold beer for this insightful post.
I suppose there have always been guys that were lonely and never got laid. I think what is happening is that people have become more vocal about their despair. In the past admitting such things was akin to suicide.
Does Robinson Crusoe count? I mean the guy got stranded on an island, alone, for quite a while. He had to rebuild a Bourgeois lifestyle on his own.
In ancient Egypt only one in 16 men procreated. I don't know how that's possible desu considering they were presumably employed even if only as pyramid cucks.
Good post except that shitskins are not even close to one of the primary causes of these problems.
>issues inherent with (unregulated) capitalism
>damn the leftists
This kind of reminds me of the time when I saw a youtube clip of a movie by a left-wing director and underneath in the comments section some alt-right homosexual furry liking the video. What is it with you idiots who are unable to see the prison that holds them?
>They're normal ass guys with stuff going on and jobs and gigs and lives, but who are, for some odd unexplainable reason, simply unable to get and hold female attention.
t b h, I've never seen a normal ass guy with zero relationship experience. Only the usual suspects.
What you’re missing is that before the current era there was space, lots and lots of space. If you couldn’t find work, you just went out into the wilderness. If you were kicked out of your tribe you just went off and lived, eventually expanding the range of humanity. There is no way to leave society now that’s what causes joblessness and homelessness.
Incels will make any excuse.
There have always been people who simply never married, whether they were celibate or not is another question. They might have just stuck to prostitutes. Most "normal" men have some experience with women though. The unnatural levels of general loneliness are probably the result of there being less social interaction overall, not just romantic interaction.
Which country has no space any more?
The US and Canada have tons, but nobody just pitches out and starts a life somewhere any more.
Left-wing politics in 2019 involves being pro-immigration and hostile to the notion of borders. It's largely a symptom of the culture war, but it still doesn't help when you're trying to unfuck your shit nationally.
Men were disposed of more in the past, through being the only workers and from deadlier wars, there just weren’t ever enough men for there to be significant amounts of incels, and thanks to monogamy there always would have been more femcels anyway. Today we have less people dying in war than ever before and general safety and living conditions on the rise, coupled with the fact that there are 21 boys born per 20 girls. The lumpincel mass is only going to grow.
You’re actually not allowed to go live in the woods, it’s all private or government property.
There are people alive who wouldn't be alive today.
>inb4 we need to go back to the old ways
It's those people who would be dead.
>any books about not getting pusy
It’s also this femcel prevalence from all the men dying in war that gave rise to our modern feminism and ideas like men being cheaters, so we can hope that incels will effectively reverse feminism and bring about a masculinism. We’re already seeing it with the addition of MRAs and feminist bloggers becoming radicals.
Healthcare has improved a lot too, naturally men would have died more from accidents/health issues but live now.
Falls under improved living conditions imo, also all of the unions protecting workers with safety regulation and benefits.
high quality post
I'm not sure if it's possible to live a completely happy life without experiencing validation from women. its biological, we are programmed to seek reproduction and punished via stress if we dont.
What's this film about?
inceldom is only coming out now because the left has been pushing an angle where men need to "share their feelings" in order to overcome toxic masculinity. Problem is now you have a bunch of emotionally stunted manchildren who are given licence to air their dirty laundry, because they're just "expressing their feelings". The left created the space for identity politics to thrive, but they also created a space in which identity politics around ALL kinds of social issues can occur. If we can talk about cast systems, gender wage gaps, the vilification of the disabled, etc, so why can't we also talk about the percentage of men for whom sex, love or intimacy is nothing but a dream?
this explains everything
>tfw I published a short story which is from the perspective of a frustrated incel manchild
>tfw it's now online and linked to my relatively rare name and catfish-tier selfie the publication asked me to send them
I will never live this shit down. It's like White Nights written by a sloppy autist.
>so we can hope that incels will effectively reverse feminism and bring about a masculinism.
>bring about a masculinism.
Remember that part in Breaking Bad, where Walter White rants about being "the one who knocks" all the while the two twins are making their way to kill him?
You've been talking about this a lot here and on /int/, why not just let us see it?
Sperg-tastic post
>until industrialization and the subsequent cycles of accelerated boom and bust.
utter bullshit. for every subsistence farmer there was an army of field laborers who worked daily jobs on large estates or on smallholder lands for irregular work. These were by and large incels with absolutely no marriage prospects. Their numbers fluctuated by the century but they were a fixture of rural life and they were certainly incels who left no descendants
"Amplification of the battlefield" by Houellebecq is The Great Novel of this generation.
Shhh, your truths have no place in a cope thread.
This. The great unloved have always been among us. It is only now that we hear about them. There are no wars for us to die in, no great church for us to pledge ourselves, no master for us to slave over til we die of TB, alone, not even our mothers knowing where we lie in rest. Now we have the internet where we can yell our bittereness across the many miles. We have a voice now and still nobody wants to hear. Unless one of us starts killing people then people get real interested but only to use us as a means of peddling their ideology, both left and right. The unloved man is the plaything of the culture war, the bogeyman of the far-left and the pawn of the far -right. And it goes on.
Well said.
have sex
Sorrows of Young Werther
Notes from the Underground
Hunchback of Notre Dame
Book of Disquiet
White Nights
Pleasant Hell
Phantom of the Opera
Hungover Square
Doctor Glass
The Collector
My Twisted World
Sex and Character
Petrarch's Canzoniere
Canti by Leopardi
Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock
Collected Poems of WB Yeats
Collected Poems of Phillip Larkin
Harlequinade (Pierrot)
Cyrano De Bergerac
Uncle Vanya
Taxi Driver
Lars and the real Girl
Blade Runner 2049
The Double
Swiss Army Man
The Last American Virgin
Schubert's Wintereise and Die Schone Mullerin
Fur Elise/ Moonlight Sonata
Symphony Fantistique
The Queen is Dead
Weezer: Blue Album
Five Leaves Left
Works of Daniel Johnston
Blank Monk Time
Violent Femmes
In the Wee Small Hours
Frank Sinatra Sings for Only the Lonley
Works of Roy Orbison
Jimmy Corrigan
Neon Genesis Evangelion
breaking bad was too boring for me and I didn’t make it past season 2, elaborate
This is a fairly bad post. Let it be known simply because you spend a lot of time dilating upon an issue, this does not make it an intelligent observation.
Simply using magniloquent vernacular does not make you a social scientist either.
Absolutely sordid view of the world, and generally speaking, an incorrect one as well. For shame. :3
Good post but. The root of the problem is precisely the exploitative nature of capitalism (‘everything solid melts into air’) and the only solution is to fight for working class power (working class defined broadly) and against this blind destruction of all human attachments and communities in the name of profit. There is nothing inherently self hating about the left. The left as defined and accepted by global capital (‘capitalism with a human face’) - yes, self hating and inefficient. We need to rediscover the militant spirit of class based solidarity which, by the way, can work and cooperate with people of faith and other non-materialist convictions
>mfw beautiful one
Based. Someone in this thread talking sense
You bell-end. Basically Walter, IIRC, is being hunted by the (rival?) cartel for some reason and in one scene he's out of options and is pacing up and down a room when his wife asks him if he's in trouble. Walter, outraged by the question, exclaims he's "the one who knocks" as if he's still in control of the situation. This scene is intercut with the cartel twins making their way to Walter's house to kill him.
Someone correct if I got the details wrong.
How does all this class solidarity etc actually work in real life?
Sounds great, but the death of localized communities is more to do with quicker transport, technology and personal decisions IMO
>Now we have the internet where we can yell our bittereness across the many miles.
Sounds like zoomer-talk. To me, it seems like everyone of your generation is fucking and having relationships. The only unsexed losers I see these days are severely mentally ill and isolated.
>the death of localized communities is more to do with quicker transport, technology and personal decisions IMO
I'd say it's more likely to do with the death of industry, so that more service/tech based jobs based in larger cities attract (or force) people to move there.
Did communities still exist during the industrial revolution, when a ton of people moved to cities?
Yes since there was still agriculture and many jobs still existed before technology changed it all. Also, many communities existed based on certain industries (say, logging towns and the like).
>the only solution is to fight for working class power
what does this mean? what does it look like? please take your delusions elsewhere.
women will only add to your problems, oblivious incels
>To me, it seems like everyone of your generation is fucking and having relationships.
stats say otherwise senpai
Don't seem that way. Even everyone Yea Forums seems to be fucking these days. What happened to all the losers?
That's not what "vernacular" means, poser
Satou had sex with his senpai in high school
ONCE ages ago that hardly counts, he is a different person afterwards.
“Seem” is the key word. People who have sex here trumpet it precisely because its the exception. Most arent getting any and if they do on the off chance they do they make it appear as if theyre mega chads. Its all manipulation because to admit social failure to society and ESPECIALLY one self is to admit your social life is less than happy. Stats show people are sleeping around way less than boomers in the 60s
It's not enough to fight for working-class power, ideologically freighted as this supposed telos is with the 68er values of the progressive bourgeoisie. The very same priesthood that preaches a dictatorship of the proletariat from their ivory towers are the ones who looked the other way as their parties were cartelized by triangulation politics, as industrial communities were desolated by the destruction of barriers to trade and immigration, who suddenly care about the stock market and GDP now that a national protectionist is in the Oval Office. Yes, capitalism is a destructive, progressive force, but renewal will have to involve non-progressive national statism.
How can you not have sex during your teens?
I get your point, but
>Any books about going your entire life without having sex or being in a relationship
>ages ago that hardly counts
In the show I thought they were friends but never officially went out
As others have stated, most normal men have had SOME romantic/sexual experience. I would wager a lot of "incels" have too, hence the hatred of "fakecels" amongst "true incel" communities. I think the increasing precarity of young adulthood - people living with their parents longer, people unable to find long term secure work, the declining popularity of real life community gatherings in favour of online interactions means that its harder to "hold down" a relationship in the way you used to be able to. One thing that really pisses me off with people my age is this weird cynicism people have toward community. Like it's lame to hang out with real people and enjoy things together. It's much more fashionable to be detached and online, than to engage in a feeling of shared enthusiasm with people in the flesh. I'd wager that if a lot of incels lowered their social standards and started going to warhammer shit or anime clubs they'd eventually find some pussy to root. Those things are gay though so I understand the reticence.
While it's important not to exaggerate, as Nagle points out I do think Japan should be seen as a warning rather than an oddity. I think the current state Japan is in right now should suggest that its not *all* in our heads and that there really is something going on, even if it's not cataclysmic at this stage.
I don't think that poster would disagree with you. The difference is those incels still had some kind of community and brotherhood. Now its all shot.
It's explained in the LN that they had sex when she graduated. In the show I'm not sure if it's referenced or implied, but it's definitely not outright mentioned
because I find most people disgusting.
I can have sex literally right now. I'm not fucking exaggerating. My roommate has asked me before. but I find most people repulsive.
I am not kidding - I've had people thrown themselves at me and I could not fathom being intimate with any of them.
I wish I could just find someone I found interesting.
Anytime - of the few times - I found someone interesting it ended up being a playbook in my head. Then I think about how I only have these relationship opportunities because of things outside of my control. No one gives a fuck what you say, how you say it - no, just stroke their ego for a bit. there is nothing and I am just the same. Why wish for things that aren't reflective of your ability? I can't help but see intimacy as a farce.
I am reaching an age where it's weird being a virgin, and I'm not sure what to do.
I didnt read your post but im disappointed at how bad my previous bait post was
>Nagle points out I do think Japan should be seen as a warning rather than an oddity.
This is actually what i read in a book of japanese society- whether japan was some anomaly or if japan actually surpassed the west in historical trends (whether good or bad) and the west is going to become like japan
your bait was more of a place to open dialog than a visceral reaction - I think most people are wise enough to realize it was bait.
Because the field of sexual promiscuous women in high school and college is dominated by Black music in order to deal with the existential dread that treating your body as a commodity entails. As such any genuine expression of love or compassion is thus stifled in these degenerate havens and ones defeats in these arenas become the failures of your self in every social arena. This manifests along with anxiety to either become ironically disattached from your low status in the sexual marketplace or it becomes the core of your hatred. Either way it psychological manifests itself in your subconscious to where you feel inferior to other men because the men who just said fuck it and had sex with a fat girl because they are fucking douchebags and will fuck anything that moves just to get into the sexual marketplace and have some sort of skill in order to go off and fuck my prom date even though I was so nice to her and took her to a fucking sushi restaurant and talked to her about anime fuck you Kyle
>I've had people thrown themselves at me and I could not fathom being intimate with any of them.
I would say you have some sort of psychic block here that you label repulsion but may in fact be disguising something else (perhaps an insecurity). I say this because, although you are happy enough not to have sex with people you find repugnant, you still worry about being a virgin.
I don't say this in a mean way because I understand the feeling of finding people uninteresting. This isn't about lowering your standards. But I don't think you'll be able to find (and then actually attract) someone you're interested in without first identifying and resolving whatever it is inside of you that finds people repulsive.
>The difference is those incels still had some kind of community and brotherhood.
They didn't though. By definition a landless farm laborer was detached from society and moved from farm to farm looking for work and at the mercy of seasons. There was no community because life was a brute struggle to stay alive. Incels have much better camaraderie and organization now than they NEVER did in the past. These people’s pains and miseries are literally not on the record they were so disposable. At least incels now have a language and vocab to articulate their troubles whereas then it was all filtered through christianity which literally has nothing truly profound to say about incelism except in the abstract
Do you remember the name of the book, user? Sounds interesting
Well, if there was only a way to figure out what is the blocker.
Yoshio sugimoto an introduction to Japanese society. It was an enlightening read its like holding a distorted mirror to our own society seeing how their society is structured. I liked how sugimoto concludes that japan is “happy authoritarianism”.
I blame Boomers. Day of the Pillow coming soon
I own a home, have a well paying a job, and have no student loan debt. I’m fit and have some interesting hobbies. On paper I’m a catch. But the reality is that my social skills are poor. I’m weird, and some find me difficult to talk to. It’s no fault but my own that I have zero success with women and that I’m a virgin. I do have friends who love me, though.
:3's collected posts: the butterfly story
Hah. Not a virgin bud :3
She is tho.
Just wait for the second coming
Great post man, nailed it. Although there has always been some segment of true omegas and unloved males, I seriously doubt there's ever been such a large proportion of them.
Of course they are. We import loads of genetically divergent people who compete for the same resources while wisely preserving their in-group preference (while disarming us of ours). These people either adhere to more traditional gender roles/relations and outbreed us (South-Asians, MENA) or they exploit welfare with single-motherhood behaviour (niggers, and I'm guessing a lot of mestizos in the U.S.) and also outbreed us. They also raise housing costs, and displace whites via affirmative action and now just plain anti-whiteness. You can argue that demographic invasion is secondary to feminism/liberalism or whatever, but his point is clear and correct.
I feel the same way but hate to say it because of how arrogant it sounds. Maybe we’re just schizoid. There’s so many girls I could’ve gotten with who I just rejected because the thought of a relationship with them does not compute in my head.
>She is tho.
Butterfly has slept with women before. If you mean she has never been penetrated by men then that is probably true.
Pathetic post
Very well put.
>mice die of overcrowding conditions
>"whoa man we live in a society"
It's a phenomenon, it's nothing new now it's just easier to connect with people like that. Where in the past lost of them would have been on monasterys or just the outcast of the village.
The is short story we learn on school about a guy(16) who has an araenge marriage and does not have sex on the fist night instead they play around. The family find out in a few months they they are not having sex so they merry her off to the neighbors and for the rest of his life he looks at her form a crack in the fence.
How does what you quoted have anything to do with what waffle you said?
...which is the only kind of sex that matters, after all. :3
She is not allowed to defile herself with any outside penis.
yes please
>I am not kidding - I've had people thrown themselves at me and I could not fathom being intimate with any of them.
That's a bizarre form of bragging.
>Daniel Johnston
So based
I'm a 24 year old khv-virgin. Several women have asked me for my number, and have attempted to engage me physically in different ways. I have refused them ALL.
>"wanna grab a coffe?"
>"come to my place :)?"
>"can I have your number?"
One time at summer camp, this one girl literally hopped into my bed and rested her head on my chest. I left the room that instant. She'd asked me for my number a few weeks before, I didn't give it to her. What would a high-schooler do with a girl's phone number? We all know women are less intelligent, so help with school work was out of the question.
I refuse to engage in pre-martial sex/intimacy with ANY woman. Simply out sheer principle. Even in elementary school, I found myself disgusted at school "disco" nights. Why the hell do we allow kids to "slow dance" before puberty for fucks sake? Clearly the educational system has been compromised by hedonistic hebrew scum.
Autism like this makes me want to vomit
t. cumbrain retard
Lay off the memes, son
Like anything nowadays, everyone thinks they can obtain the perfect job, diet, partner, look, outfit, cat, etc. It is all people want. Everything you see is people trying to obtain perfection, yet everyone looks fatter, lazier, and mkre neurotic. The simple answer is that men now behave like women so we have lots of emotionally driven people waiting around for mr/mrs right. It is a terrible way to live and something I had to pry myself out of. I chose to reform a tumbler leftist and now slowly we are forming into something more beautiful. Life is about reaching across and picking up the ones that have fell even though they want to lay and die. Pick up your brothers and sisters. There is still time.
good list
I also liked his "Basic Elements" and "Domination"
My Inventions, Nikolai Tesla
cringe and wizardpilled
have sex
my forthcoming novel.
Why are you so afraid?
Ah yes, caps lock: the true sign of an enlightened and balanced mindset.
alternative take: people who were 20-something virgins did not used to plug themselves into some apocalyptic narrative blaming women, jews, or capitalism for their faults and eventually found a girl to settle down with
It's uncanny how much this reminds me of one of my friends...
MGTOW literature. Google it!
I’m not talking about bourgeois woke capital politics masquerading as left wing or pretending to care about working classes (broadly defined). Of course they don’t. Nationalism might be a short term solution but at the end of the day nationalism is as much a product of bourgeois modernity and the disintegration of ‘organic’ communities as liberalism itself. Revived nationalism might slow down the destruction brought about by global capital - private capital - it might offer short term fixes, but it doesn’t offer a genuine alternative to the logic of capital. More than that - today national states aren’t nearly as powerful as they were a hundred years ago. It’s the transnational private corporations that are causing most of the damage and there is only so much that a protectionist nationalistic state operating in today’s world can do.
Nah, I'm not a fag.
>eventually found a girl to settle down with
any book
>complete lack of real world experience or understanding of how business or social relations work
Jeez buddy, get out and have sex before spewing such drivel
Can you give us the title? I would really like to read it
Jesus christ.
Please have sex