Why is critiquing other writers' works so easy, but actually writing it tough as shit?
Why is critiquing other writers' works so easy, but actually writing it tough as shit?
Because there's no such thing as "critique".
What you're actually doing is saying "This isn't how I would have done it, change it to be like how I like".
People can attempt to be unbiased in criticism. This is an insufferably hypocritical post if you’ve ever judged someone.
its just the second law my friend.
it is very hard and energy intensive to create order.
It is very easy to break an egg.
Because it’s hard to write something good and people of middling talent who can’t write good but can recognize good excel at critiquing. Be honest do you find it that easy to critique? Are you proud to share your opinions on others’ work?
>People can attempt to be unbiased in criticism
And will always fail.
There is no objective good when it comes to art, only subjective. Asking for critique is always a stupid idea, it's like asking 20 different people how your cake should taste.
Everyone will always fail at being unbiased in anything and everything they do, redundant point. There is objective good, there are rules, there is an ancient overarching process that can be tapped into. Anything can be good/beauty is in the eye of the beholder is stupid post modern bullshit, if you desire to reach a common vein of beauty and have the most people enjoy your work then there is objective good.
Also to go into your analogy, you would agree that a cake shouldn’t be made out of shit right?
>There is objective good, there are rules, there is an ancient overarching process
Nope, nope and nope.
Fine enjoy your shit cakes then
>you would agree that a cake shouldn’t be made out of shit right?
Cake's are edible, sweet food. That is a cake. Just like a book is a bundle of pages with writing on them. The contents are up to the artist.
Is a cake composed 50% out of shit a good or bad cake?
Why would there be any shit in a cake retard?
That's like saying you're writing a novel and you're going to smear shit on every 3rd page.
If there can be pineapple on pizza why can't there be shit in cake?
The ingredients of a cake are like the words on the page. Or were you trying to say the only difference in writing is what it’s written on?
>If there can be pineapple on pizza
You can put any food you want on a pizza.
You get your dough, your sauce base, your cheese and everything else is a free for all.
You make a convincing argument.
There is no "correcting math homework".
What you're actually doing is saying "This isn't how I would have done it, change it to be like how I like".
You're probably also critiquing badly. You just think it's easy because critique rarely has to stand up to scrutiny like produced writing does.
why are americans obsessed with cuckholdry?
You're probably not as good at criticism as you think you are.