Why are women who like literature always morbidly obese

why are women who like literature always morbidly obese

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They're not?

have you ever entered a college lit class?

because you are american.


c'est l'heure d'aller dormir



My wife likes literature and she is 120 lbs. at 5'5". Also American. ;-)

not op, but yes. meet tons of girls who are extremely attractive

Congrats on your wife but most American women are indeed fat

>he doesn't want a cute fat girlfriend who likes to read
>he doesn't want a pretty fat girl who can sit with him in the Starbucks at Barnes & Noble, talking about books while she guzzles a big caramel frappucino

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So are most other women, everywhere.

Why my dear boy, I am the Architect. I have sculpted the heavens, using only the materials of food and feminine flesh.

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why my class have no qt art hos

Shut up I'm average my bmi is normal

Butterfly isn't, I don't think. She's a horrid shrew, but to be fair, she ain't fat. Where is she, by the way?

IMO a lot of the people drawn to literature do not really enjoy life for one reason or another. A fat sow is probably not loving that men mock her, ugly loser males pursue her thinking they have a chance (very insulting), and she is always overshadowed by skinnier, more beautiful women. So, much like loser anons with their video games and web surfing, she stuffs her snout into a couple of books. Erotica for the obvious sexual frustration. Feminist literature because it's always comforting to blame anyone but yourself.

The happiest people I have met never troubled themselves with books. Probably because they were already getting so much out of life that there was no need for them to exert themselves resisting the real pleasures it had to offer in favour of those imagined and abstract.

Speaking of obese women, is it the pill? I’m convinced the pill is somehow connected to female obesity.

>she will never kill you by sitting on you
why even live

You just ruined this for us :3

Don't ever mention her name in a post ever again.

Same reason men who like literature are morbidly obese.

No, it’s McDonald’s, the corn industry and general neglect of the impoverished classes.

This might not be entirely incorrect.

Please note that it is a licentious and promiscuous life that leads women to use a 'pill' in the first place. But you may be on to something. :3

Based architect

^This is bullshit from a bullshitter, fyi

A fair amount of points, but please see
I have personal anecdotes in regards to the 'pill' and obesity link. :3

Hold on. This isn't a fake tripcode???

How is what I'm saying bullshit?! Is it not a generally bad thing that women are more promiscuous in this day and age than they've ever been? :3

]Hey, there you are! I just went to bat for you:
You ain't a fattie after all, are you?

Women are unchallenged. They have literally no reason to stay skinny, men will flock til they die no matter what, so they’re just getting fatter.

Well birth control does mess with your hormones, or so women have told me.

Not fat, no. I eat right but don’t have the time or energy to exercise much

Don't respond to that post. Don't respond to posts like those :3

Take your underwear off and stuff them in your mouth.
All the way

why are men who like literature ugly losers?

>Not fat, no.
Fatty lmao

Ok, done. Now what.

(I'll have you know, this is how you should respond when I tell you to do things) :3

Only if you do the same, Butterfly

Not really, just not svelte or muscular


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The pill does indeed make you gain weight

They like to sit around reading books and snacking probably.
Why are gym rats buff? Why are drug addicts skinny? You are what you do.

Butterfly, he clearly loves you. You should give in and sleep with him.

>don’t have the time or energy to exercise much
>but does have the time to expose their retardation online at all hours of the day

So you think your clothes hide it but you are fat. Pinch as much skin as you can and lift. Is it just the skin being pulled or is it kind of thick like a dime or a penny? You’re probably skinny like an A student at public school is smart, just a result of dropping standards, I can tell by your fat people words.

Wow, that was rather rude, from an otherwise cheery girl :3

You're not allowed to be mean to me. And listen to what I say

It’s leisure time after a long days work. Of course I have more energy for that.

I’m thinner than my girlfriend.

And again, the pill does not make one fat. It’s now used for a whole host of reasons. Eliminating PMS and regulating ones period to name two.
My first answer still stands. The poverty of the poor in america leads to fat people

Why would you need the pill? Aren't you like 50?

>It’s leisure time after a long days work.
When the fuck is this long days work? You never stop posting. You don’t seem to have a single other hobby than Yea Forums.

>poverty makes you fat
Now I’m doubly sure you’re a fatty, and a huge one. I bet your girlfriend is fat too, lesbians are all disgusting refugees of trying to be attractive, gayness is a microcosm that shows male superiority clearly.

They are no more fat women in lit circles than there are fat women in the streets. They may he more talkative in a little circle because lit doesn't involve looks like a lot of other activities.
More people are fat now because we have strayed from God's path. God makes fat people when He is angry. And we deserve it.

Poverty of means and will is the chief cause of obesity. We’re talking about MORBIDLY OBESE. I’m not without body fat, but I’m not what most reasonable people would call fat. Fuck off back to fa or fit.

Read up on why women take the pill. It’s not all about pregnancy, okay

>Read up on why women destroy their bodies with hormones.
Because they're stupid and emotional?

people in lit classes don't like literature.

Why do you want woman who share your hobbies, or have hobbies at all? A woman is not your friend retard.

t. The king of the incels

You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about
You’ve never even seen a woman having PMS.
Talking about getting emotional. Dumbest shit poster of the night award. You win it, user.

>Increasing your risk of cancer and pumping in more hormones than a dairy cow is healthy.
Suck start a shotgun.

It's mostly because of rampant carb/calorie intake in modern society mixed with the idea that women shouldn't be in the gym lifting weights. Tredmills were literally punishment in prisons and they don't do a whole lot if youre eating 3000 extra calories in quarterpounders a day when your TDEE is 1200.

LMAO keep deluding yourself :P
I don't get why people keep making stupid threads like this, apparently Yea Forums is an echo chamber (just like reddit xD)

>The pill makes you fat
>The pill gives you cancer
No, you're not worried about any of that. We all know what this is about, ya piece of shit.

I'll admit, I don't know much about women. I do know that the wings make a difference, that women are sorely irregular and need heaps of fiber and yogurt, and that "the pill" is not conducive to a healthy lifestyle, you whiny shrew.

imagine being such a whore that you willfully scarf that little cancer-starter each month

Maybe in America lmao
I know many women that actually enjoy literature and philosophy and are quite cute

In what world?

don't be like that user, for once it's something a man can more easily get away with. Nobody like fatty, they are mocked and shamed here but a fat guy can still drown in pussy if not ugly and charismatic.
But still, depends on how fat we're talking. Since I'm not American maybe it's different for you idk

Finland, Estonia, Slovenia, etc

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France. It's not that mainstream nowadays tho but still quite easy to find if you frequent libraries or bookstore

I wish i where French

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>I’m not what most reasonable people would call fat. Fuck off back to fa or fit.

In Latin America too

Why ? I'm curious

Also she doesn't look french at all but indian

That nose is very French

It’s pretty exciting there right now.

You don’t know what French look like

>They have literally no reason to stay skinny
There's the whole dying thing

that's offensive
I'm only overweight

Je suis français ma petite, je sais à quoi ressemble mes compatriotes quand même non ?
Depends, a southerner doesn't looks like a breton, or a Normand, or a Savoyard. But the woman in the picture looks like nothing I've seen, but close to an indian.


>Je suis francais
Honestly it doesn't sound like it, why does that question end in "non" and not in "n’est-ce pas?"? I mean it sounds like you're transliterating from english.

or more informally "hein?"

Oh putain maintenant tu commences à me fatiguer, tu veux de l'argo ? Du verlan ? T'es chelou comme type, j'espère que t'auras jamais de gones.
Me faire reprendre sur mon français pas un étranger c'est le comble, le pompon.
Non is also usable in this case, it's just less formal, something you employ more when you talk to someone.

No, "Hein" wouldn't be right in that case, hein is usually more like "what" and while you can sometimes use it in place of "non ?" or "n'est-ce pas ?" it justs feel weird.
Nice two double in the row btw

par un étranger*
Faute de frappe, typo

>Maria de Medeiros
Oh non. Elle est portugaise.
Euro-Latins all look alike to me I guess.