Has a non fiction book ever made you cry?

has a non fiction book ever made you cry?

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no book has ever made me cry


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anne frank's diary

>Anne Frank
>Non fiction

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nonfiction silly!

nvm thought it said fiction how do i delete post

Why does that pepe make me cry

The Bible


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My twisted world

Although you weaklings would probably hate it because he was an ebul raycist

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>a monster
Gotta crack a few million eggs to make an omelette bro

That's some really cringe worthy trip.

my diary desu

>Although you weaklings would probably hate it because he was an ebul raycist

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Well it's true, seems like people have a bias on this board. Its a heartbreaking book even if you dont sympathise with his views.

Obviously a choice by the publishers to include that. Kubizek adoration for Hitler though sometimes begrudging basically forms the entire thesis of his memoir, starting from the very novelistic and Romantic in the capital R way that they first met. In fact without that little addendum there is basically no detraction in Kubizek's part from any specific actions he took as dictator, like on my edition which doesn't even have it

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ desu

The Rise and Fall of The Roman Empire

I cried reading infinite jest when that guy was trying to get people to touch him and no one did for like weeks and when someone finally did it was Mario.