Is accelerationism a meme considering Moore's law is ded

Since tech innovation will probably plateau and we'll never reach the singularity does that mean accelerationism was just some meme philosophy and nick land was just a burned out schizo meth addict?
>tfw you'll never be a inhuman genderless blob hooked up 24/7 to a virtual reality matrix

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Not necessarily. A lot of what Land talks about is still relevant even if the singularity doesn't happen. It's in the nature of both matter and capital to posses a hydraulic propensity towards dissipation and death, things will continue to accelerate as everything solid melts into air.

So you're saying there's a chance that technologically enhanced surgery techniques could make me into a real life hatsune miku?

I think it's the symptom of a new scientific revolution. It is the market that has the reins of this horse. Please consider that science is literally Boxer from Animal Farm by Orwell.

I can't believe that book is both capitalism and communism applied at the same time.

I can't believe people think George "write efficiently, plainly and bore your readers to death" Orwell is a good writer.

What's wrong, user? Do you need to be entertained by your books?

>Moore's law is ded
citation needed

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I'm not saying that, im saying intelligentsia and the working class are literally Boxer.

Get ready for 400 years of cell phones and message feeds and private megacorp ISPs until quantum computing finally becomes practical in the year 2419

Someone who's bored is asleep.
Someone who's asleep will not say no.

ugh christ is this way land is such a cunt, he's just trying to have a bit of fun from his hermeneutically sealed china man land playground.

No, but if your writing style is tedious and your allegories heavy-handed then I will call out your lack of competency. A writer whose literary ability starts and ends in political satire will never be an artist.

I would so fuck me

So now that OP's request has been fulfilled, lets talk about why we love Nick Land.
I think that Nick Land is the only philosopher for people who, like me, are a radical misanthropist. Nick Land wants to eradicate humanity, and so do I. 95 % of people I've come to meet online or from the media or real life are either absolutes assholes and I get the urge to physicall hurt them, or they are vapid, uninteresting degenerates. Even on Yea Forums I'd likely hate most people.
Who gives me the moral and philosophical permission to have this thoughts which would be considered "evil" in christianity? None better than Nick Land.

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classical moore law will be simply be repackaged and updated for quantum moore law.

>Europe is the racial trash-can of Asia
Personally one of my favourites. Along with the time-travelling AI-generated Amazons from the future.

>I think that Nick Land is the only philosopher for people who, like me, are a radical misanthropist
I can't tell whether this is serious summerposting or subtle bait, but either way, good job accelerating the process

Honestly I really love land, but you have to come to terms with how genuinely shit he is at writing. And yet he still get's the core of what he's saying out, it just comes out with a fuck tonne of hatred, misanthropy and condemnation inherent in him. But also at least this allows cunts like you to access what he's saying.

The part you replied to was copy pasted from me but I am the original poster who wrote this. 29 years and I am not a videogamer. No bait, just my real thoughts. My social and emotional intelligence is likely higher than yours, I work with many differnt people on a daily basis on my job. I do find many good people there & even more from the large group of stupid people, out of which a small portion makes no secret out of the fact that they would like to make you kill yourself.
My workplace is filled with grade A people only, but I guess I'm not the only one hearing abhorrent stories from relatives who participate in real life, stories from work or private life, where again the stupidity of the large part of humanity is presented to you.
I want these people to burn. Who can blame me for liking Nick Land?

Just finished watching this lecture about how society will collapse soon
Land's dream will become true soon, mabye even during his lifetime. I am awaiting it in joyful anticipation. Good luck.

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I hate myself for taking the meta bait. But anyone who doesn't want what land want's has some genuine problem with themselves.

>Honestly I really love land, but you have to come to terms with how genuinely shit he is at writing.

This statement doesn't hold up when you have masterpieces like this.

Such a literary masterpiece, he knows how to use nostalgia but not text (well...).
Anyway what i'm saying is he can't hide his obvious conviction with anything other than mania.

>My social and emotional intelligence is likely higher than yours
cringe, believe it or not I like Land but self-identifying as a "radical misanthropist" betrayed your emotional immaturity long before you claimed otherwise

I need the video where a guy from Yea Forums made a video reviewing a book but had an intro where he did the dance to the music in pic related.

Anyone know who he is?

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read this

Book Club

>Unanswerable questions, by the way, are what give rise to superstring theory, Gaia, psychoanalysis and other example of ironic science, as well as all of philosophy.
I see why he posted this on a site called edge

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I thought boxer represented how most pf the work in any business is done by a small percentage. I don't see how he represents science as a concept

You're an absolute legend, thanks.

Where do those darned ducks go every year, ey?

It's not bait but you are still a retard.

Moore's law doesn't stop innovation, it just means we have to use finite resources efficiently. And even if it did, the accelerationist wouldn't care.

You don't need a high-end computer system to do most of the stuff that Land is concerned with (i.e. be a capitalist); a desktop from 2010 plus some decent open-source software can manage supply chains, host a website, etc.

Even really sophisticated shit like Google can be done with many now-average computers on a large network. There's no need for super-tiny, high-powered CPUs unless you want to have a data center on your smartphone.

And, of course, if we do come up with some insanely complicated task that needs lots of CPU time, we can always parallelize it. This is Intel's new business model —moving money away from hardware research and towards software optimization.

For an accelerationist, then, nothing changes. Capitalists can still apply computing to areas of the economy that could be made harsher (e.g. Uber's union-busting), because they already have all the tools they need to do so, and any new obstacle can be overcome with good resource management.

The same is true of most other ideologies. Communists don't care how small computer systems are, they just care who owns those systems. Fascists don't care how software works, they just care about making sure that software spreads their propaganda. And so on.

>tl;dr —tech growth is already in software, not hardware, so moore's law doesn't matter at the political level

t. CS grad student

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Oh mann you certainly know what an artist is dont you? I assume youre a real artist aren't you? Not like Orwell. You read the REAL artists. You have knowledge that a useless dilletente like orwell could never have. Have a fucking medal you useless waste of human skin. How's your book coming along by the way?

Most code these days could use a lot of optimization so even if moore's law plateaus there's the matter of simply doing more low-level optimization to achieve higher-end results using the same hardware. You'd be surprised at what can be done with optimization

Also the internet of things is going to slowly engulf everything and devices will communicate with each other in such a way as to eliminate the need for humans in a lot of areas. Devices through neural networking, training sets, GAN, crowdsourcing of sample data, etc. will be able to automate tasks that traditionally require human intuition. Even programming will be automated through template metaprogramming, automated spec development, and neural networks meant to identify and solve existing problems in software.

Transistor limitations can be overcome through materials other than silicon, such as graphene. Problem is there's no way to mass manufacture graphene yet, so it will definitely be a few years, but that does not predicate a multi century plateau in information technology. Furthermore the availability of such means in the third world will certainly yield interesting and transformative results.

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Nick Land didn't invent accelerationism. It was originally used by Karl Marx and had nothing to do with robots or AI.

Please explain your statement user.

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>For an accelerationist, then, nothing changes

The accelerators theorizes that nothing changes. If it's in your best interest that nothing changes, it's up to you. But basically

>it is easier to imagine the end of the world before a replacement for capitalism

That is the problem of our time. I don't know if Land accepts that premise as an absolute, but at least other members of the CCRU, like Mark Fisher, don't propose reforms because history shows that any movement outside of capitalism ends in disaster (All the cold war black ops)

>boomers larping as millenials larping as zoomers