So I stopped being a NEET, got a job, got a nice gf, got my own place and I still feel the same.
Fuck you stupid boomer faggots and your "DUDE GO GET EM BRO OOO RAH" philosophy.
So I stopped being a NEET, got a job, got a nice gf, got my own place and I still feel the same.
Fuck you stupid boomer faggots and your "DUDE GO GET EM BRO OOO RAH" philosophy.
have you tried tidying up it's life changing
stop being an athiest
I discovered the magic of tidying up when I was 9, I didn't need a pseud to tell me about it. I did it all the time I was a NEET too, it's like taking regular showers. You don't NEED to do it, but it makes you feel better when you do it.
I can't.
I physically can't do it. I can't force myself to believe in something that offers no proof of existing.
But that is what faith is for user! Believe on Him and thou shalt be blessed thrice-fold!
watch a nature documentary like planet earth II and read the gospels, it's impossible for you to still be an athiest after that unless you have personal hangups like a hatred for Christianity because your christian uncle raped you or your mom made you go to church, if you get over those though you will see the truth
Have kids
>experienceing the basics of life is considered a revolution
Do you think christian philosophy is the only one that can provide "salvation"?
Sounds like your expectations are fucked, modern life is tedious and exactly as you've described. most of the world's population would kill to have what you have, but obviously its dissatisfying if you're the sort of person that romanticises the future and all its opportunities. Ultimately they all narrow into the same channel anyways, and then you're dead.
You can try. Pray everyday and read the from the Gospels and Epistles.
Thanks op, now I know to search elsewhere
Fuck boomers
in terms of hell and heaven yes, but other philosophies can spirititually satisfy people and make them feel at peace
Try Buddhism then. They don't have a god and some studies show them to be the happiest people on the planet. You can also just do meditation.
Cringe post
Been at it 5 years OP
Sometimes I just want to run away. But there are always things tying you down. Life sucks when you're an uncreative brainlet
Go to church.
Yes because if misery loves one thing... And if he feels the same way after having a kid should he have another? And so on?
People who use the epithet cringe should really be ostracized and shunned. How is the post you are responding to "shameful" or "painful to watch"?
you have a gf now. you can’t complain
>you dont need to take regular showers
Studies have shown that showering more than once a week has no benefits to your hygene, you might smell and look worse but there's nothing harmful about it. Plus your skin actually needs the oils it produces, people who shower too regularly or for too long end up drying their skin out.