Should I avoid any form of entertainment and dedicate my self only to literature and art?

Should I avoid any form of entertainment and dedicate my self only to literature and art?

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I'm about to blow your fuckin' mind.
Literature is a form of entertainment

Even philosophy is a form of entertainment? I think fiction is what you're talking about.

Should I avoid any form of entertainment and dedicate my self only to entertainment and entertainment?

>everything is entertainment lmao!

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Everything in this world exists for my amusement, you are like ants to me

If it holds your attention it's entertaining to you on some level.

suck my juicy dick

go ahead :)

>attention =/= entertainment

If I read a book of philosophy or a book of science I'm concentrating my attention into something that increases my knowledge or my comprehension of the world in the end. If I watch capeshit or play videogames I'm concentrating all of my attention for the sole purpose of entertainment itself with no achievements whatsoever.

entertainment with reward is still entertainment. seeking it out with the implicit intention of that reward doesn't negate the fact that if it does not entertain you, eventually you will fail to fully appreciate what it has to offer. A philosophy book that is well written is much easier to read and absorb than the same philosophy book poorly written. Even if you didn't put it down physically, it would still happen mentally.

It's not about the reward at all, but the process. Passive attention is what constitutes the consumption of concrete entertainment, but a modality of attention which involves active thinking, critic or problem solving it's not. I don't think I'm entertaining my self when I'm studying computer programming or playing an instrument, even if it probably leads me to something (aka reward).

>Passive attention is what constitutes the consumption of concrete entertainment
who told you this?

>entertainment bad
>reward good only through toil
You sound like a catholic

Nope, I'm atheist.

A capitalist society based on consume.

Do you think we would have the same society if people would stop going to facebook or instagram forever, and instead they start thoroughly dedicate to literature, art or classical music each day of their lives?

But it's both wrong immediately disprovable. See video games.

The inaccessibility of truth to human beings leaves philosophy as basically thinking for sport, yeah. If you don't see it as a form of entertainment it's only because you're not very good at it.

What a dumb consumerist attitude

There are videogames which are genuinely a form of contemplative art and which makes you involve in thought, but they are not commercialized often. The general videogame is an entertainment which involves more inertia and reflexes, rather than real active thinking.

I think that videogames at very specific levels can be virtual art basically.

The inaccessibility of truth to human beings leaves science with no actual purpose outside progress for the sake of progress. So scientists are just doing sport with numbers and formulas right?

Could actually probably make an exception for formal logic games like mathematics, but physical science just models reality by measuring changes in quantities relative to eachother. It doesn't give access to truth, just to models of it that can predict observable results. So yeah, progress for its own sake I suppose.

Mm. While I agree with you on most points, I'm unsure where we'd draw the line. Reacting to stimuli doesn't require a lot of thinking once it's become rote, and the stimuli familiar, but it's still an involvement, and vidya get more and more involving all the time. How passive is, say, Super Mario Bros, csgo, super smash bros, until dawn? Hell, what about things like The Last of Us or Breath of the Wild, where a major draw is actually, the aesthetics? Where people will happily ignore gameplay entirely just to watch the scenery?

Reading is active, reacting is active, and even watching can be active. The problem with "it qualifies if it's art" is that art is, in a general sense mostly undefinable. I'm not saying that there aren't games that aren't MORE, but where do we draw the line?

Yes. Include sport and cooking, though.


Yes, do not consume media any further. Media impairs your creativity and only makes you dumber.

That's Protestant work ethic thinking though

I don't think so sweetie.

You should build up enough discipline in order to pursue your artistic ambitions, then do the fuck you want.
The problem nowadays is not entertainment itself, but that every form of entertainment has been supercharged in the addictive department.
Deal with the PoMo

philosophy is also fiction

your life is fiction

All of that is entertainment with no redeeming artistic qualities, with the exception where you can consider the expressionist visual style of Super Mario as effectively an artistic merit (just visually). But the approach is still reacting to stimuli and using reflexes basically.

It's difficult that a game only focuses on visual contemplation (or diving your senses with no goal) because the sense of the game itself is to have a reward/reaching a point/winning. But there are indeed particular games that are designed to be perceived as a work of interactive virtual art. Even if they still involve using the controller dynamically, there are surely unconventional ways of structuring a game.

I wish mine was.

Beside being contingent on immersion, and engrossment, entertainment can also be contingent to inspiration, and enjoyment - when one shares affinity with, and appreciates, art, regardless of medium of expression, one is impelled to create, and give/share something of one's own created work.

Maybe not the current genres which are used by philosophy, but Plato's dialogues, medieval consolations and apologies, Nietzsche's poetry, among other works were also intended as entertainment.

Your missing the point of literarary and art pursuits, which is 2 dedicate yourself to thot, which you're already doing you absolutely disgusting 3dpd poster. Renounce the cooch or you get nowhere.

I am virgin

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Depends if you mean to exclude entire media or specific examples that are clearly just for entertainment.
Also as long as your main interests lie in art, entertainment is irrelevant. Entertainment is only a problem when it takes over like it's admittedly designed to do. Someone who reads Joyce and Cervantes still reads Joyce and Cervantes even if they also occasionally watch anime and play video games. Engaging with art will often make entertainment less appealing, but that's a different thing - someone who reads Joyce and Cervantes may also watch anime and play video games occasionally, but is unlikely to watch seasonal trash or play whatever FOTM multiplayer is trending, they'll probably want to watch more 'Yea Forums' anime and play more 'Yea Forums' video games, although even if they do watch seasonal trash it doesn't make a difference as long as they understand that your bog standard high school anime is fundamentally different from Milton. I hate capeshit, but even then I'd say the problem is only with mindlessly consuming - if you grew up loving superheroes and want to see what happens but also engage with art and understand that your average capeshit is just entertainment, then whatever, I still browse /vp/ to see what's new with Pokemon even though I'd never in a million years put it up with Goethe. And even though I hate capeshit, I still though Watchmen was good, because it is 'Yea Forums' capeshit.
This entire post can be summed up and your question can be answered just by saying 'Thomas Pynchon', but I thought I'd flesh it out a bit.

Maybe so but you've got to renounce the whole cooch. When you post a picture of women you've given it billboard space. When you see a woman you've got to run, shield your eyes, tell it to BEGONE and call it out for the deviant it is if it won't leave you alone because they will literally suck the artistic and intellectual potential from your body just by being in the perverted form they're in.