fuck mary harron. she took everything brilliant and progressive from this novel and shot it so shit, made it literally so saturated and Hollywood-friendly that the book and movie are basically incomprehensible different -- basically completely different things
i want so badly for this movie to be remade, I know it would be amazing if adapted well
I've only seen the movie, what themes from the book did I miss that you think are so important
Liam Jones
ALL MOVIES adapt the books they start with. You ought to feel glad to have two versions. Seeing one and then being supersized by the added nuances of the book. They’re two different medias, geeez
Jason Harris
The book is nonsese.
Benjamin Clark
>prefers Sports to Huey Lewis and the News' Greatest Hits
You probably can't get in to Dorsia, huh?
Aaron Harris
what is so nonsensical user tell me
Logan Davis
fuck you, the movie could've been so much better
Dylan Jenkins
It's not that bad especially considering the content and it would never be made into a film anywhere close to as good now. The parts its missing are the ones that make you feel true disgust towards Bateman and the over the top celebrity cameos but one would never see an American theater and the other is too expensive.
The movie is just a gateway to the book where the real point is made.
Jaxon Brown
It always surprises me that they wanted to make this into a movie so badly. There isn't really much of a plot to the book and its so graphic that it would be difficult to film. The movie is its own thing. The book is better at getting across its themes but someone could easily read it and completely miss everything apart from the violence and endless suit descriptions
Mason Cook
>a cult classic >better Do better
Gabriel Thomas
lots of obvious filler. nobody gives a shit what they wear, drink or what brands they like. on the bright side, the infanticide at the zoo was dark as fuck and deserved to be on the movie.
Logan Johnson
The zoo part was very fucked. No way could have filmed that scene
Asher Butler
yeah, you're right. one can only dream, though.
Ryder Roberts
i think the amount of creative freedom a good director could have trying to form the novel into the best movie it could be would be something amazing to see.
though I agree with you on how they're pretty much different entities in the sense that maybe it wasn't what harron was going for whatsoever, I still believe it has that potential
William Sullivan
jean and pat's relationship, a descent into madness that goes beyond his gruesome murders, dialogue (in the movie) that serves no use in where it was placed, etc
Adrian Jones
I hate movie adaptations of "transgressive" novels bc the movies ALWAYS end up being coockie-cutter Hollywood bullshit with no sense of transgression at all. No wave film directors should have been the ones to adapt them. (With the exception of a clockwork orange bc Kubrick is based)
Colton Myers
>The parts its missing are the ones that make you feel true disgust towards Bateman
His casual racism and obsession over the outfits everyone wore made him much more relatable desu. If anything the movie removed all the parts that made him seem like a real human being. The killings feel empty in the movie because we don't get to know how Patrick is feeling beforehand and afterwards alongside the magnitude of his struggle to be normal. The quote of why he even works in the first place: "I want to fit in" is said at the very beginning of the movie in a way that betrays how big of a deal it is in the book when it's revealed.
Hell, the movie removed his time in the Hamptons with his fiance which was his last ditch attempt to live a normal life. How much more dehumanizing can you get?
Dominic Flores
You sound like Ellis I like American Psycho as much as the next pretentious hipster douche, but the book is not some kind of psychiatric masterpiece. It's a fun story about a grown up trust fund baby losing his mind because he defines himself by being fawned over by his peers and gore porn. The movie was fantastic, and it somehow made the end bearable, instead of hot, idiotic garbage.
Luis Murphy
>t.missed the point of the book
Andrew Anderson
I understand it alright "we're so superficial and vapid bro it's all about the appearence xDD", but I still think it's filler
Ayden Rogers
Don't make me agree with fucking Butterfly dude. It's an interesting film and it's solidified Ellis in pop culture. "It could have been better" Uh fucking duh? With very few exceptions pretty much everything could be better you fucking moron.
Leo Wood
This book isn't good. Read the classics.
Jonathan Nelson
The brands and the details of their life style was the best part imo, the murders are less exciting.