What are your opinions on Allen Ginsberg? Is he one of the American GOATs or a hack fraud...

What are your opinions on Allen Ginsberg? Is he one of the American GOATs or a hack fraud? Pic related is a recent /pol/ thread I just made for the keks.

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That's a bit obvious.
You might as well slip in a few shaloms and thank G-ds in there as well

they're taking the bait lma

>american GOATS
>hack frauds
>separate things
sry user

Ginsberg is thoroughly mediocre and only celebrated by a generation of mediocrity.

one hit wonder. after howl he subverted his own brain

this board hates him for some reason even though he is objectively a major poet in the american 20th ce canon and wrote some astounding poetry. kaddish is far more powerful than anything lowell or other respectable poet has ever written

Jew faggot whose reputation rests almost entirely on resentful arriviste jew elites letting him publish the word "fuck" before the schtick got worn out.

no it isn't

Don’t forget he was a pedophile.

I just received this little gem lmao

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I really like him but I understand why this board hates him beyond just run of the mill anti semitism. He was a low key pedo but that doesnt really bother me too much. Howl is a great poem and his project, though unrealised fully, was one worth undertaking. Ginsberg was above all interested in the aesthetic nurturing of his aesthetically barren country.

I sort of like Howl if Im going to be honest about it.

Whitman was likely bisexual, so there is precedent .

>low key
>joins NAMBLA

His recital of a poem he composed on Acid in Wales (near Tinturn Abbey, not that far ftom where I live) on William F. Buckley Jr.'s 'Firing Line' was actually pretty interesting, Buckley actually gets into it. Vid's on YouTube I think


>celebrated by a generation of mediocrity.

or americans which is almost the same thing but beyond generations

Howl like all of Ginsberg's work is a perversity. What he calls art is but a marriage of the vulgar and the highfalutin. For reasons well beyond me this is popularly mistaken for novelty, when really it is the most common and banal pretension offered by his ilk, charlatan showmen and reprobate conmen who look to veil themselves in significance. The only thing timeless about the aforementioned is their hollowness.

Attached: halt.png (1024x768, 1.4M)

>one of the American GOATs or a hack fraud?


As illustrated by mediocrity's favorite revolutionaries The Clash and their song Ghetto Defendant.

His early stuff is great, but he became a caricature of himself later on.

Kek you made that /pol/ thread because of my thread and then made this when it's still up

lmao you got me