Destroys your reading comprehension

Heh nothing personal kid

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Yeah but then you aren’t high anymore and you can read fine. Dumby.

I have never had sex. I have never been drunk. I have never been high. No one on this board will ever understand the focus and clarity of mind I wield.

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>unironically smoking the devils lettuce

>inb4 you can't smoke yourself stupid


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Weed is for niggers.

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And beaners

They just sell it. Niggers buy it.

is a hack

Sadly, this is true. I've done some research on the culture of getting high in Europe's past in order to justify my vice but the sad thing is, it's not something that was common in Europe of old. There are some examples of smoking hemp but that variety of hemp had no psychoactive qualities and only served as a means to overcompensate for the absence of regular tobacco.

I have abstained from all those things, but I still masturbate. Am I still on your level?

based character


Is this proven? With out all prejudices and stereotypes, I read a study recently that said weed links words together in the brain, it’s a psych active drug and there’s a lot going on neurologically, we don’t know enough to make objective statements, or critiques, but hate it all you want I guess, pussy. Since race is common topic, maybe that’s why so many black people rap,
>muh bars



Drinking made me stupid
What do?

I'm doing an honors in biochemistry & a minor in pharmacology. Graduating next year going to be doing research starting my last semester. I smoke daily, started at 14. I watch my lectures stoned. I quit two weeks before exams and study seriously but can hold conversations about what I learned just fine even when stoned. Does make you somewhat lazy though.


sorry user I only do opium and absinthe.

quick user, vomit into my mouth!!

Good work, user. Not many people can manage a demanding lifestyle like yours, even without frequent pot use. Personally, pot fucked me life.

You sound boring (unironically)

Reading Marcus Aurelius on 100mg edibles and meditating for an hour in between every chapter. Brainlets can't handle powers of Buddha broccoli

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have sex

white people smoking weed is cultural appropriation.

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Marcus Aurelius was the Dr. Oz of Romans. He was a faggot theist that attributed the greatness achieved by oneself to higher powers.

Didn't have any problems with comprehension, but it definitely impaired memorization in my experience.

It's not that it links words specifically, but rather that it increases apophenia and decreases inhibition. So stream of consciousness becomes much easier, even if the content of that stream makes precious little sense. It can make you more creative if you already have intellect/talent to work with, but it won't make you smarter or more articulate.

I am the same as you, yet i still can't seem to focus too well...

Well put, yes I always say, what you have going into it is what you will get, and it also depends on the person, everyone reacts differently. I’ll have to look into the stream of conscious things thanks user

Holy fuck if I don't like to roll one up pour some joe and walk through any of my favorite episodes from GR

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Maybe you aren't what you could be user

Idk if I agree that there’s anything wrong with that poster but there definitely is often something off about people who have never done anything, almost like strict sobriety can be as bad for the mind as drug use. Maybe there’s a healthy middle ground, or maybe we’re just all stupid and crazy no matter what.

niggers smoking weed also is

Reading solely social media and consuming television destroys reading comprehension, not marijuana

Do you masturbate?

the only people replying to you are trannies and socially inept retards
alcohol has been a necessary and important social lubricant during recorded history. marijuana could be the same way if there weren't all these neopuritan retards or shills convinced it will steal your life force. i wholly invite everybody in this thread to link me to cases of marijuana's fatal toxicity effecting the hordes of REALLY SMART READERS your faggot post is astroturfing for

>le social lubricant

I like smoking weed before reading the new yorker and shit. nonfiction/journalism at its best is scrap to burn through

Alcohol destroys you too

t. anti-social idiot that can't function without alcohol yet is terrified of solitude so he goes out and drinks himself in a stupor to forget about his troubles and pretend this little gathering of his is constructive or anything other than a big distraction.
You're a bug man and a half.

>no important decisions are ever made by important people when drinking
fucking shut-in faggot, you'll probably neck yourself before me lmao
right, and it's a staple of several master authors. weed isn't because literary circles can't into cannabis
way to completely miss the point and project all of your insecurities. the only way out of this one is to hang yourself bro

what an obvious way of rationalizing your alcohol addiction. take a shot of cuervo to calm those shaking hands of yours, elvis.

Pathetic. Imagine defending your alcoholism

>literary circles
There are no more literary circles, it's just a bunch of geriatrics. Once we smoke them out with full bore kush clout then we might start seeing good books again. Literature has never been as bad as it is now.

And neither can you, since you have no experiences from which to judge your current state of mind.

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That means it's working, goy.

sex is fine, unlike the other two. replace sex with caffeine

I cant fucking do anything on that drug, I wish I could enjoy it like some others do but just seems like a waste of money.

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Just smoke it more frequently

Coffee is good for you though. I drink 5 cups a day and probably have a clearer mind than you

Reading makes me smoke less pot.

If it is not fun, don't bother with it.

What about audiobooks?

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I enjoy smoking weed to relax and feel good before I go to bed. Only use it about once a week and I believe it's made me an overall happier person.
But I do confess that I can't do anything when I'm high. I only smoke before I sleep because I can't read a single page without forgetting everything by the next day.

Cigarettes too

Woah, dude. Words are just like symbols of meaning, maaan. DDDDDDDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

So glad I kicked that.

Literal opposite of dude weed
>increases focus
>aids memory
>non hedonistic tasks done on it.


Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered. You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field? A college degree? In that field? Then your arguments are invalid. No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

haven't had a drop of alcohol in months nigger. but i do smoke daily.
i figured. i actually gave up on creative writing and literature as i left high school because i was disillusioned by my "honors" classes being nothing but added work for "bragging rights" (which they would reiterate to themselves everyday)
modern academia is largely trash. i told myself i'd go out and live my life (drugs and alcohol included) so i'd have something to write about.

>The result is that much reading robs the mind of all elasticity, as the continual pressure of a weight does a spring, and that the surest way of never having any thoughts of your own is to pick up a book every time you have a free moment. The practice of doing this is the reason erudition makes most men duller and sillier than they are by nature and robs their writings of all effectiveness: they are in Pope's words: "For ever reading, never to be read.”


t. weed addicts

>tfw weed and tobacco smoker

People still care what other adults do? I believe OP is a burger.

I got my masters degree smoking weed semi-regularly

Both God and empirical evidence are on my side.

you're probably not even on a paleo diet


>No one on this board will ever understand the focus and clarity of mind I wield.
Clarity of mind comes from these pleasures, idiot. You are just too focused on not doing these things instead of doing and forgetting about them.

I smoked weed about once a month and completed my masters in Computer Science.

>Computer Science
not even once kids

Before I smoked weed I read constantly, even got suspended from school once because I wouldn’t stop reading. Since smoking weed I’ve read maybe 2 books a year.

so you're wasting less time on useless shit now

have read

Impacts short term recall has nothing to do with your vocabulary and interpretation ability. Good thread though.

Spotted the mommas boy

chronic use leads to a higher chance of developing Alzheimer's. On a developing brain, it has been shown to change the shape of the hippocampus.

debunked already

literally nothing wrong with loving your momma

Ok r kelly

Citation needed

t. brain damaged cumbrain

I smoke weed all the time and read just fine thank you very much.

I second this. I have noticed slight memory impairment but nothing about decreased reading comprehension or intellect in general.

But like what the other guy said it is different from person to person. Some people probably become borderline retarded.

Like you said if you have no creativity or talent it won't give it to you. It's much the same with psychedelics and other drugs - if you aren't open to it you're not going to have a good time - you won't automatically gain some third eye from doing them.

My reading comprehension would be greatly enhanced if I knew what the hell was so great about the now-deleted post? A simple prose description would be appreciated.

Me too. If anything, it feels like my comprehension is just better. I look up more words and look at maps and other references a lot more when I'm high. Now, whether I can actually access all that later, I don't know. I'm not in school and I don't write for peer review, so I don't give a shit.

>I have noticed slight memory impairment but nothing about decreased reading comprehension or intellect in general.
But that’s what’s so bad about it, it doesn’t make you less intelligent so if you’re smart you see less reason to quit while the destruction to your working memory is turning you into a different kind of retard. Also the average stoner is completely insufferable.

I do and I admire your will if you're not bullshitting.

I do this as well. I try and stay off it before/during exams for obvious reasons.

That's a fair enough assessment actually. But I take breaks regularly, and like I say above, before and during exams.