Suggest a book that will convince me to kill myself

suggest a book that will convince me to kill myself

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do you speak German? Or do you speak Ancient Greek and have a time machine?

My Diesury

Milk and Honey

120 Days of Sodom

The Philosophy of Redemption

What's the Ancient Greek book?

Anything by Kafka

my diary desu

read Houellebecq

It hasn't been translated..

The conspiracy against the human race

The Little Prince

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Don't do that, you can overcome your problems. I wish the best for you.

Cringe and redditpilled

it has actually, I don't have the link right now though

Game of thrones

Lost in the Cosmos

50 shades of grey

any self help book written by a woman


Committing suicide by yourself is so passe', find a beautiful woman to do it with.

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