Is Thomas Hardy legit?

I buy my books from charity shops and his works seem to be the most ubiquitous, especially far from the madding crowd. Similar thing with DH Lawrence

Attached: 1280px-Thomashardy_restored.jpg (1280x1858, 266K)

Yes, they are both very underrated (around here at least). His poetry is even better than his novels.

Far from the Madding Crowd is a masterpiece. Pick it up next time and see if you want to read more of him.

Thanks lads

Another UK user? I always find the same Thomas Hardy, Dickens, or DH Lawrence or Trollope book in mine. I find the odd gems here and there but the pickings get a little predictable.

>Another UK user?
Yes! From up Norf, I have the same thing with Dickens too but I've already read his stuff. Trollope doesn't pop up as much for me which is interesting. There's also a few popular fiction authors that dominate most of the shelf but I've learned to block them out, and I can't even recall their names

At this point I can pick out the Penguin Classic spine in a charity book display from twenty yards

I'm also in the north and I've found some good stuff here that are usually in the top 100 yearly Yea Forums charts I have to do some good digging and timing right but if I want something obscure or a piece of surrealist fiction that no one talks about then I have no other choice but to order it off of Amazon.

For me it's Penguin, Picador, Vintage, Oxford. Pure distinctive cover Kino

Yeah, I've narrowed down the best charity shops in my general area to about 4-5. I check back every few weeks or so to give time for new stock. Roy Castle is the absolute best: 1 pound soft cover, 2 pounds hard cover- No exceptions. Some of the steals I've got from there are ridiculous

Best finds I've had lately in my local charity shops are Thomas Mann's Buddenbrooks and The Cairo Trilogy for about £3 in total. Absolute bargain. I was very happy with The Cairo Trilogy especially since I've been wanting to buy it for a while I just didn't want to pay £15 for it on Amazon

Always seem to find Stoner or The Collector by John Fowles lately in just about every shop I check in.

Quality finds, lad. Nice trips too
That's how I got my Stoner, kek, and William's other book Augustus too. Now I have a hardback Stoner that cost less than the soft cover lol

Attached: Picador and vintage.jpg (4032x1960, 1.92M)

>Nice trips too
Welcome, I've found both Stoner and Butcher's Crossing in mine. I haven't managed to find Augustus but I know it'll happen one day.

It's weird how certain books seem to suddenly pop up at every charity shop you check, then the next week their gone and now there's a new one that's everywhere. Maybe certain books get memed by a book group or something, and immediately donated by the plebs once they've finished.

Stoner I can kind of understand but the odd one is The Collector. I don't think there is a new movie adaptation of it or anything coming out, just a weird choice to be seen all over in just about every charity shop I've checked. Maybe it was assigned as part of a book club or something.

He’s a big writer.

pour vous

>Maybe certain books get memed by a book group or something, and immediately donated by the plebs once they've finished.
Yes, it's called school

If I bought books for cheap would you die

I don't think they meant 'big' in the personal context user. Nice french

i think the original 60s movie was put on netflix a while ago, which might explain it

Hardy is great.

Tess of the d'Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure are both amazingly bleak read

Has some really cool short stories, especially when he's writing about the Church-as-institution and its associated bureaucracy

Great poetry, shit novels.
Lawrence is shit all around.

It would be extremely frugal