Will I get into trouble for writing filthy smut? Planning on self publish some stories under a pseudonym
Will I get into trouble for writing filthy smut? Planning on self publish some stories under a pseudonym
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Yes, the FBI will get you, you homo.
I'm not sure about any obscenity laws. Merely asking.
Trouble with who?
Any law that could deem it inmoral / illegal
it will probably be banned in the UK if providing piss porn
Do watersports carry the greatest risk?
Only if you live in a dystopian hellhole like China or England, as points out; in America, heaven knows, anything goes.
I live in an european country but not England.
only with your mom
There was a thread a few days ago from an user making some good cash selling smut. So I decided to write a few 5-10k stories, made some covers, and threw them up on amazon. The first two had people read them with the kindle unlimited stuff for a total of 47 pages read. Put the third up last night. Just checked and I made my first official sale. It's been fun forcing myself to write and shit out words.
I'm not really hopeful about making any money with the stories, but I have some interest in moving them in that there outside world. I'm merely curious about any possible reception they might have. Any link to your stories, user?
Ha. I only have them up on amazon, but if you have kindle unlimited or stupid money to burn for terrible smut you can search for:
The Seduction of Knowledge: Accidental college harem
Captain Andrews: Pre-Programmed Pleasure
I'll check them. Thanks, user.
I'm not sure I understand the second part. Loli porn is not allowed, yet Lolita is allowed. Is it based merely on the literary value of it? Some of my stories (many of them, actually) have that kind of content. That's why I asked about getting in trouble.
Yes and the cops are on to you right now, sicko.
If you have certain tag words or images in your cover amazon will either give it the adult tag which makes it not show up in searches, or take it down and ban you. No rape or underage or bestiality, or at least that's what people are saying on forums about this.
>le epic subversive pee pee poo poo on jesus are you triggered yet MOM
Was there ever a less interesting period of art?
my main problem would by my mum reading it
i have a shirt with the OP picture on it because i thought it was just an aesthetically pleasing picture. when i found out what it actually depicted i was embarrassed and felt like an edgy teen wearing a bad religion shirt to mass
My mother doesn't read.
You seem pretty triggered over it buddy
Would it be more intelligent to market it as horror and be vague about the actual content of it?