This board is shit

Look at the fucking state of this place
I want everyone here to die

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I agree, start with yourself.

It's summer, and someone spread the IQ infographic a while back. Now we have a bunch of deus vults literal pseuds pretending they know more than they do.

That being said, you're part of the problem, nig. Only make good threads. Report bad threads. It's that simple.

Based thread on the far-right of this pic saving this board

Have you considered reading a book instead of posting?

remember when Yea Forums was an okay board bu then everyone left for /leftypol/

now we're left with 14 year olds wanting to be touched by priests or larping as fascists

>number of namefags and avatarfags decreases around the same time this purported /leftypol/ migration occurred
really makes you think. not a /pol/tard btw,

just report off topic/shit threads

Oh vey, muh literature board on le anime forum isn't very good!

The board's been awful after the split from Yea Forums to 4channel. They must've split the moderation or something.

even /ck/ deletes more onions threads as off-topic.

summer and that IQ infograph didn't help

more lurkers

O? What infographic? The 2012-13 faked one?

>board too slow
>most of the posts were about infinite jest or starting with Greeks
>discussion took days at a time

Finally this board is filtering out some of the cheap memes like /fit/ did with seid and Scooby.

average iq per board Yea Forums

the beauty is objective thread is ok. This board is also for philosophy

i think the real problem are the fucking redditors with le have sex, yikes, cringe, le shitty argumentations. That's the worst.

have sex

We should ban everyone who started posting here after 2015

Dubs anoint this user's post over and above their well made point. I take Yea Forums as a territory of Philistines, miscreants and mostly unserious types, within whom curiously lurks some incredibly talented people. I have harvested from this territory many new authors. I am a deeply ignorant and misshapen American, a barbarian of the New World and so even these humble things from this inuit candlemaking Q&A have given me literal treasures of the English language. I am a better person now that I have various authors clattering around in my head. I have a whole library of sentiments for those books that did not exist prior to their recommendation here. Plus, many anons are quite keen and sharp writers, deft, agile, sleek. Many are lost in the pathologies typical of this website, but that is also much of broader society too. Here it's easier to pan for gold than querying your coffee queue mates.
In regards to the low quality of posts, its far worse than you can imagine, this place having been discovered by the political class and now a thing of study and subversion, a resource to be mined and exploited, even if they do not quite understand it. The degrees of chicanery and the financial expenditure spent on surreptitious productions here boggle the mind until you understand how disconnected and aloof that political class remains. They pay henchmen of henchmen to run the various influence operations, and its but a portfolio of their power exercises. The worst of their pollution seems to be the discovery of this place by the broader pool of normie rabble, flooding board cultures with numbers that are then fed upon by the above operations and trickery. It's all quite unsavory and if you do not have capital, not money, but capital to leverage not spend, but leverage over your opponents, you're not really even playing, at least not according to the metrics of all the consulting firms engaged in fucking with this place.
But this is where I like to think of old Judge Holden and look out across the various catalogs, the curious quirky memes, their varieties, their splendor, their always mysterious origins, and regard it all as mine for the taking. There are none amongst them who could stop my posting, no not really, even in all their numbers. And I needn't really match their numbers or extensiveness. Only a few good posts here and there will likely do. For one, things are quite bad and anything that isnt an outright lie is an improvement. But when you ever can peak behind the screen and see the qualities of those aligned against you, the chubby cucks, the chubby whores, the chubby trannies, you start to understand you are a Brave surveying sounders and that the universe has placed you there not merely to observe but to participate and push the celestial mechanics you have been uniquely designed to thrust.

this board sometimes gets raided during some lectures or class, otherwise it's just the usual third world posting hungry for knAwledge, that's why alot stay silent among fools so just lurk.
Yea Forums isn't a board like any other and if I may speak for Yea Forums, we don't need the smoke screen of low level posts to find the higher level posts as a gem because this isn't Yea Forums. among fools, fools just beat you on their psyche turf


for those who dont know

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>2 of those threads are mine

>all the old Yea Forumsfags left
>board is now mostly newfag 18 year olds

It's not fair bros

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tfw been here for years but have just moved progressively farther right

current lit is actually way better than the joyce pynchon wallace circlejerk that it used to be

Wait what

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>peak behind the screen
literal brainlet

Leftypol leaving is a good thing

Useless thread you clearly aren't reading anything philosophical

This, why the FUCK is the moderation so bad? Off-topic threads will stay in the catalog for hours. Is everyone just not reporting them, or do we report them only for the janitors/mods to not do anything about them?

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Pay them.

I dont actually know, but my guess is that lit doesn't really have a dedicated mod, there are just globals that come through here like once or twice a day and do a rough sweep of things that don't seem like they belong. The exception is if people report something for breaking the law, which will get them to come right away.

I have no idea how the mod team works on this site though, that's just from observing how and when threads get deleted. People report all kinds of stuff so the mods can't just delete everything that gets reported

so make some good threads, or go actually read a book. Yea Forums has been total shit the past few weeks in particular, i've just been reading. how's that backlog coming?
t. salty virgin
have sex
>leaving Yea Forums
this is impossible

Those are great threads you faggot what is the issue w any of those

>I've been found out!
Exercise, butterball.

I also left for /leftypol/ but occasionally come back and realize how shit Yea Forums is.

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>I want everyone here to die

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user, I really do think there are heaps of money spent on manufacturing exactly this reaction. Demoralization is an important instrument of the political class. Whatever you believe, do not let all the bullshit sour you. None of it is real and I think you know this on some level too.

heehe yeah

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>heaps of money spent on manufacturing exactly this reaction

been here longer for 5 years

came here less than 2 years ago

>leaving Yea Forums is impossible
Attributing this kind of power to "muh autism club" is absolutely plebbit-tier. Actual yikes!