Fight Club

Do we like it?

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its literally, my diary desu

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There is no "we". Stop trying to construct one.

Unless you are trying to turn a mostly fine board into r/books I suggest you present some semblance of an opinion before forging yourself on hipster diarrhea.

written by a gay man for gay men

chuck palahniuk is probably the best pop thriler writer out there desu

we agree

We don't really talk about it.

I read all of his books as a teen. This is the only one i revisit.

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His next book sounds way too far out.

>After a popular writer of shock porn novels that he turns out at a rate of once per year discovers that he can only write in a single bitch, sassy gay man faux macho narrative voice, he begins to worry that his facial muscle wasting disease will expose his HIV status to the world, so connects with a creepy acne-ridden twenty-something fan who wears a grey suit and fedora to all his readings to teach him the ways of heterosexuality and ghostwrite his next book, which is about a nun who moonlights as a stripper or something equally asinine.

Rant is objectively his best work. Fight Club is 2nd or 3rd

"Bad Habits" sounds like a postmodern classic in the making.

The charm on Palahniuk is that he takes believable concepts and relatable social struggles and then just fucking turns it up to 11 out of a possible five.
>I'm dissatisfied with my shitty, 9-5 job, and feel trapped in my life
dissatisfaction with a shitty/mundane life manifests as a second personality that orchestrates a massive, multi-national terrorist cell in order to destroy the government and dismantle the society that facilitates 9-5 jobs and our dependance on materialism.

I've read all his books (that was a long weekend) and I think they're trash.

that's cool.
I don't.

How much money have you sunk into your The Cult membership fees, fag enabler?

Whatever I find in your piggy bank after I'm done fucking your father.

This ineffective "shock" shtick is the reason why Palanuik isn't taken seriously as a writer, and why you aren't taken seriously as a poster. When you move past your teenager years you'll look back at this point in your life and cringe.

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the movie was ok, dropped the book at the naked beach chapter


Palahniuk peaked with Rant

We disagree