What is it about this picture that's supposed to make me mad? Why is it posted so much?

What is it about this picture that's supposed to make me mad? Why is it posted so much?

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you must be a full blown burger if you don't find this horrifying

It's a saturated consumerist nightmare

Europoors mad that they can't read the signs in thier streets because they are all in arab.

Read society of the spectacle

People are clearly mocking the plethora of fast food places and gas stations and logos but this is probably one of those popular pull-over spots off long stretches of highway. It may look gaudy but when you need to go to the bathroom, fill up your nearly empty tank and grab some food quickly on a long-ass trip it's an oasis

> implying you have to shop at any of these places.

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A food and gas stop on the side of a highway is horrifying to you?

peak burgerpunk

This is what people mean when they say whites have no culture. Google american suburbia for more gore

Probably the fact that you don't go outside as you've apparently never stopped on a road trip before

using "whites" and "americans" interchangeably is one of the biggest linguistic infections of recent times

please don't do that

I find American painted wooden houses with white picket fences and cared-for lawns pretty. Much better than the nightmarish terraced redbrick shithole suburbs you get in my country, at least.

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There some green here and there and in the background. I find city centers worse than this.

>picture littered with what anyone with over 70 IQ would call propaganda if it was the messages of political parties but somehow is completely okay, normal and not unhealthy, because it's "advertisement"

>"Is this picture supposed to make me mad?"

Imagine being this alienated.

Attached: 1526136845228.png (400x381, 114K)

People can see nothing around them that is not their own image; everything speaks to them of themselves. Their very landscape is animated. Obstacles were everywhere. And they were all interrelated, maintaining a unified reign of poverty. - some dude

You are bothered by that picture because you long to shed blood. That picture represents the abomination of desolation, the very one. The abomination appears when the sacred rites are ignored and the whore of Babylon reigns over a lawless people. There you want to shed blood to restore the rites and renew the semblance of order and directed social energy.

But this is really nothing than copulation with said abomination. For copulation involves germination, and germination is necessary for fertility. The desolation results from barrenness, lack of the virile element uniting with the female. Therefore you are looking at nothing but the decay of a once ripe and youthful fruit. You see the old whore, the bitter soil taunting its master.

What maddens you is the delirious part which you play in the whole ritual, that is to say, the killing stroke, the violation. It is murder that calls to you; the sacred goat yearns to spill its blood. Its eyes gaze at you and your deepest tendencies vibrate and threaten to overthrow the sovereignty of reason. The madness of Ajax cries from your blood, and your breath thickens with lustful intention.

The world yearns for your virility, and beckons for its king--it desires the return of the slave-king, the demi-god. Indulge yourself, release yourself to the rite and the rivers will flow with wine and monuments will be raised in your image. Green vines will overhang monolithic temples. Your people will rejoice in the gentle warmth of the sun and delight in the pale light of the moon. The dew of new fruit will drip from trees, and a gentle king will reign upon the throne.

But if you reject the rite, then let the rapture come; of this t'were vain to speak, for God only knows.

Where are all the highly cultured cities then?

The capitalist elite have convinced the urban progressive proletariat that they are themselves an elite situated above the suburban and rural conservative proletariat who are in fact their equals. This illusion of superiority is maintained first of all by geography, and then by a number of cultural signifiers, mostly choices of consumption like which kinds of restaurants you can shop at and what music you listen to. The progressive prole's entire sense of social status is centred around not being one of those outcast non-urban proles. The picture in the OP represents the banal and cultureless intersection of the urban and non-urban existence, lacking the charm of the properly rural or the luxury of the suburb(though these symbols will also be derided by the prog, the only acceptable non-urban environments being Travel, Cottages, and Outdoor Sports(but not hunting), which place them as visitors at a safe detachment from the locale), so when they see a picture like that they feel a sense of existential panic, merely being in such an environment causes them stress, there are absolutely no small coffee shops or Ethiopian diners for them to extract precious cultural prestige from, their only freedom- the prole choice of consumption as formation of identity- has been stripped from them and they have to go get a gas station sandwich like some redneck. For just a second it almost occurs to them that there are people who simply never come across this situation, having flown overhead in a private jet, making them feel suddenly very similar to the people around them until they remind themselves with a flash of relief that both they and the jet-goers read the New York Times(they are at least fairly sure of this) and the man behind them in line watches Fox News, which is what really matters. They are spiritual and cultural aristocrats, not filthy flyover plebs, all they have to do is exit this unpleasant purgatory where there is no way for them to distinguish themselves from their clear inferiors, hence the feeling of impatient aversion the picture inspires.

lul @ the edgy losers offended by this picutre


Europeans are white

I'm talking about the architecture, bigot

There is literally nothing wrong with that picture. It's just commies and fascists seething.

How is looking at or living in a clutsterfucked shit factory something to be proud of?

>Implying you choose where to shop

>unaware of burgerpunk

>missing the point that it's not about shopping, but about the heinous eyesore and destruction of the landscape that such corporate redoubts manifest

It's not pretty but it's sacrificing beauty for efficiency. Try to imagine how hard travelling would be if these traditionalists got their way and had a bunch of unfamiliar family shops that you could hardly guess if they have what you want or the quality of food you wanted. If anyone can think of a good alternative then go ahead

This is a pull over stop off of the highway. yuropoors don't seem to understand that.

It offends and confuses the butthurt NEETs who don't have a driver's license. Public transport and getting mommy to drop you off is the new counter culture.

use tinder

Capitalism sucks shit. Fuck America.

>(((The capitalist elite)))
Oy vey

It doesnt bother me. It's a necessary step towards living in my ideal science fiction dystopian society.


This. The area that is pictured in OP's image is Breezewood, which is an entry/exit point of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.
>it's an oasis
There is a combo gastation-Dunkin Donuts-Subway combo called Traveler's Oasis that is below the Gifts & Souvenirs shop but above the Pizza Hut in the pic, and it also has a designated area around back for pets to do their business. There are also a few hotels in Breezewood (not pictured). It is a modern oasis for travelers on long road trips.

I don't know why people find this image so disturbing. I found one of these burgerpunk rest stops on my way from California to Vegas and I was so fucking relieved to find some gas and food and somewhere to take a piss. Bought some monsters at the gas stations and chowed down some McChickens and went on my way

Anyone got the burgerpunk charts/doclinks?

I didn’t save the parts I wrote and I’m wanting to publish a short story collection on amazon for fun.

>>Implying you choose whether to shop

gentrificated to exclusive mall

this is the based and the redpilled

>tfw gas station frenchise celebrates saudi prince's birthday

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Where did Quiznos go bros?

Any literature to arm myself against this?

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Imagine how the Prelude would have been written if Wordsworth saw this

you can't because it will never against you

>Saudi Arabian and South Korean companies actually forming partnerships
What a time to be alive

Attached: i sleep real shit.jpg (900x584, 54K)

It's not even a actual relationship. Just worshipping like a cargo cult.

Yes but who worships who?

>literally just an icon telling you what the shop is and a list of how much gas costs
>what anyone with over 70 IQ would call propaganda if it was the messages of political parties but somehow is completely okay, normal and not unhealthy, because it's "advertisement"

>gas station
wow so cool bro

>unfamiliar family shops that you could hardly guess if they have what you want or the quality of food you wanted
food is always better in family shops moron but you wouldn't know that
and in a traditional environment people usually invite you to their home for food and stay

tldr: have sex