What is the next logical step after Cosmic Horror?

Can horror go any further than that or is Cosmic Horror the apex of horror?

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Having your balls cut off while you're at the peak of your life

actual religious cosmology is a lot scarier. learning about the 32 levels of the universe in buddhism is scarier than any tentacle monsters


real life

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Meta cosmic horror.
Such as Azathoth

I don't know about 'further' but the obvious next step is "The New Weird".

Modernist and Surreal contemporaries of Lovecraft were already going further, bypassing being "about" the indescribable.

This, and other predecessors of cosmic horror like Arthur Machen are worthy of reading.

This, but unironically. There are enough horrors in nature, between people, and in the actual cosmos.

Mathematical horror

I like the idea of this...

>This, but unironically. There are enough horrors in nature, between people, and in the actual cosmos.
I read to avoid these exact things.

Horrors in dreams

Fiction about exposure to the Lacanian Real.

How popular is cosmic horror nowadays? It it a popular subgenre or kinda neglected?

>What is the inevitable heat death of the universe?

Most "cosmic" horror misses the point. It's the cosmos itself that is horrifying, not the alien gods that might live in it.

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>Dead Space
>Darkest Dungeon
There's certainly an audience for it.

I know about it in video games, I meant in literature though.

There's an audience for it, but whether what's available is good or not, is a very different question.
I have an affinity for a number of obscure subgenres that have a shitton of potiential, but each only has like, two books max that are worth the paper they're printed on.

Try Hammer on Bone and Foods of the Gods, both by the same guy.


This, as Vernor Vinge says.

Try to put THIS into words

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The reader as the cosmic horror perpetuating the powerless existence of the characters by reading about them

yami-yugi's soul room

>Most "cosmic" horror misses the point. It's the cosmos itself that is horrifying, not the alien gods that might live in it.

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sanitized piranesi

tangled christmas lights, but stairs

i came for this



For anybody intrigued by this concept, look up Divided By Zero by Ted Chiang.

Just read Ted Chiang in general.