I handed these around my Australian university (Monash) and began to be emailed by the ethics board in some sort of a scheme to goad me into revealing my identity for the prospect of getting a job running my own official university paper
Zines and subversive lit
Other urls found in this thread:
prolly psyops like the church of subgenius.
I am looking for similar zines or e-zines in this style as I realise they are pretty shit but I enjoy the attention and it distracts me from a smouldering relationship I am trying to revive
>tfw back in the nineties
I knew plaid had become too popular to not cause problems.
this looks like a bruh moment, no substance.
could you elaborate?
Cheap Truth was essential for cyberpunk. Although I read through some of it and couldn't comprehend. The idea of handing out a 1 page zine sounds cool though, but around here it would be cringe of me to do so.
>almost literally the Church of the NEET
>they hate normies
>they kek @ wagies
>they ponder to my inflated perception of my intelligence
Holy fuck, how do I join this cult?
Pay the fee, become a minister, and then you're officially a member. I'm glad to see other anons are aware of the Subgenii. Lonesome Cowboy Dave is a gem.
Can you even join if you have a job?
Never heard of this before, very intriguing
fuck off edgelord incel autistic american fuck, i bet you retweet cringe ass fashwave edits, stop shilling your pseudo dadaist shit
im aussie, tio
is the chinese translation supposed to be inaccurate
Who made these dude?
These were lame when you posted them a month ago, and they're still lame now.
It looks somewhat similar to Kohlzine.
I like these a lot, this is the kind of material I come to Yea Forums for, ignore the redditors ITT
How much of this did you write yourself? Some quotes I don't recognize, if they're you they're really good and right on the money
>Hieronymus Bosch
>Flammarion engraving
>Fibonacci sequence
>Salvador Dalí
>Gustave Doré
>Ancient Greeks
What the fuck is this, it's aesthetic af. I want to know more
When's the next issue coming?
>nick land quotes with no credit
Be careful around academia, people might notice and flag you as a plagiarist
edgy and cringe but also based and aestheticpilled
keep it up user
I am just a student.
yes I know its cringe but i am a cringy person
I start my masters at melbourne and may continue making them then
I dont want to be known for this stuff or necessarily insult writers i like by crediting them, everything written in it comes hot baked from the chora
I think you guys agree that it has a nice aesthetic but the writing is unfocused, I am going to look at the zines you guys mentioned because they look sick and can inspire.
yes its an excerpt from lu xuns diary of madman
How do you make them?
with ms paint and word 2012 and google images
I gotta ask, were you the one making the memes in the 5 o clock wojak threads? The style is very similar
All righty then