He reads literature written by polytheists

>he reads literature written by polytheists

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Literally who? Greek or hindu writers were rarely pure polytheists.

Does polytheist literature even exist

There has been plenty of well-written literature written by polytheists. I don't understand why you feel the need to announce to everyone on a cantonese badger catching image board that you are Christian. But the fact of the matter is Christianity is declining in popularity due to the fact that it can't provide answers for the problems of today. In that sense, Gnosticism can.
t. raised Catholic

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>he posts anime
how do you live with yourself? posting and watching anime is worse than wearing sweatpants

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Is it really polytheism if the idea of the Unmoved Mover is far more important to them than the soap operas of some seasonal "god"?

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What was his issue with sweatpants?

>he reads


The Greeks. The Romans. Norse.
Basically the foundation of Western literature.

What does gnosticism say?

Educate yourself, incel

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Imagine being this stupid.

Have sex (and start with the greeks)

The root of evil is found in the creator of the universe. That makes more sense than the vague responses you get from priests that assert that "God works in mysterious ways" or "it's the fault of free will"

>Basically the foundation of Western literature.
Umm no sweetie. That would be Christianity.

Haha he has a Benis in his hat

misquoted lagerfeld, anglo try again.

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jsuis français abruti plus jamais tu m'insultes comme ça

>Christian math

>The root of evil is found in the creator of the universe.

for a frenchman that is a compliment.

>"God works in mysterious ways" or "it's the fault of free will"
literally never heard either of these things from priests

t. raised Catholic

I also don’t see how a religion which asserts “an evil god did it” is necessarily more relevant to today’s problems (whichvreakky aren’t much different than yesterday’s problems) than a religion which asserts “evil people freely chose to do it”

Ch*istian nigger culture only served to destroy it

Schizoid autism

c'mon OP, Catholic writers aren't that bad.

The Christians fear the Hellenes

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>Christianity is not a White thing.
Correct. The Abrahamic system has its roots in Persia.

Most Greek Culture was taken from Asia and Africa. Culture doesn't exist in a vacuum

>year 3000
>find a doodle in college
>literally period blood on canvas
>tfw u think humans think art is an extension of their bodies
>tfw human noble savage theory
>yfw when that's u

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I do not permit a woman to talk

>Most Greek Culture was taken from Asia and Africa.
The fundamentals of civilization were taken from the Mediterranean, like agriculture. But culture? Not so much, unless you think the Greeks looking at the Egyptians and going "fuck all this, we will do all this WAY differently" is culture being taken from Asia and Africa.

Ignore the cringe /pol/ part... Europeans naturally worshiped strong and healthy men and were cucked by jews into hippism an worchipping the pathetic, thinking liking people because of looks is bad, muh misericordy for refugees, etc. Shit tier influence.
>asia and africa
Come on dude, middle east only, but most was deveoped in greece. Both being white and better then jews

They seen things that were going on elsewhere and shaped them into their own.

>had a cosmology and eschatology that is philosophically similar to the Abrahamic religions
>geographically tied to the Abrahamic religions as well
It's obvious where this shit comes from at this point.

have you ever heard of isreal and judaism, bro?

>Connections between Egypt and Crete are prominent; Minoan ceramics are found in Egyptian cities, and the Minoans imported items (particularly papyrus) and architectural and artistic ideas from Egypt. Egyptian hieroglyphs might even have been models for the Cretan hieroglyphs, from which the Linear A and Linear B writing systems developed.[17] Archaeologist Hermann Bengtson has also found a Minoan influence in Canaanite artifacts.

Yeah, and Judaism is a desert religion by desert people too.

Too bad all the high points of Hellenic culture can't be found anywhere in Asia or Africa. Only the most superficial aspects of Hellenic culture were replicated from those regions.

this is so obviously bait you retarded nigger but:
>implying that art isn't an extension of the human body, mind, and soul

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Lmao imagine being this retarded for still being attached to bullshit debunked centuries ago.

>n-not my fault
Gnostics proving they are weak-willed irresponsible cowards who shift the blame onto God.

Good and Evil were created to contend in the material (with the predicate that Evil is now impotent and doomed in the eternal sense) as a method of trapping Evil and preventing it's eternal subsistence in the nonmaterial. This is the simplest device at play in Satan, Yaldaboath, etc; There's a lot of variation.

The gnostics are too pessimistic about creation, otherwise their moral dualism is both clear and enlightening, and easy to understand and practice.

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Evil is the absence of good. It has the same "essence" as nothing.

Cringe non-dualistic answer

No wonder Christcucks are so dumb. They didn't even start with the Greeks.