What is the most Yea Forums field of science? (Math included)

What is the most Yea Forums field of science? (Math included)

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Isn't that the one with the Haruhi problem?

Most Yea Forums: pure math
Least Yea Forums: 'Computer' ''''Science''''
All good philosophers were also mathematicians
No good philosopher ever bothered with the technical aspscts of a machine

How about medicine? Many great writers were also doctors


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Name 3

Why should i trust you when you post fat animes girls)

Gender studies




A fallow one.


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most Yea Forums: biology
least Yea Forums: chemistry

Literature is just applied speculative chemistry, so it's already scientific.

Louis Ferdinand Celine
Arthur Conan Doyle
Even Schopenhauer studied medicine for a year

Actual computer science is very much Yea Forums, it's only in recent times it's become commonplace to conflate computer science and computer engineering.

Okay, you win.

Because statistics is based.

Based user.

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Is this real?

If you can understand metaphysics, you’re already above most people on Yea Forums

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Actually yes. My friend took a philosophy course based on a book about metaphorology. Seems interesting.

Based terry pratchett reference

history of science
read Thomas Kuhn plebs

That's not science in itself, but just history and philosophy (particularly Kuhn)


computer engineering is being bunched up with computer science now? baka!

not science


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Reflexology. Many great writers had foot fetishes. Theres nothing more beautiful in life than pleasing a cute girl or guy by touching their feets.

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That's the point

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Still not science

>Arthur Conan Doyle


>(Math included)


>i win i win
The Being Dumb Award goes to you everyday, dear.

The good man entertained thousands of not millions of people with his works that, although not the most complicated, are still well thought out and nicely written. What have you brought the world user? Or are you just an internet snob who's entire self image comes from reading difficult books?

It still isnt a science no matter how much you bitch and moan to me

t. chicago grad
computer science is a mathematics over a subset of problems, such as decision problems, combinatorics, algorithm proofs, etc.
P=NP is a question of humanism, namely, which efforts in problem solving are futile and which are efficient?
our understanding of mechanical computation as formalized by turing and church, along with Gödel’s discoveries in mathematical logic (to an extent, formal language theory) have raised the most profound questions of the 20th century, namely, what is reason, what are the limits of reason, what is it to think, and what is it that makes us human? (crossover to chomsky here, etc)

the famous quote: computers are as relevant to computer science as telescopes are to astronomy

Sociology is a science faggot it’s a social science why are you so confident being stupid

social sciences arent real sciences. theyre pseudosciences. only natural sciences are real sciences.


But your head needs a Real Science mascot for literature, I guess. Dumb thread.

stop posting in it then, crybaby

What's with all the shitskins in your picture and purple-haired dykes in your little comic, sweetie? There's even a blond nigger!

Anything involving logic

Most Chad : finance

Artists are goofy like that.

I’m not the one crying.

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>im not the one crying

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Nice self portrait, crybaby.

It's gotta be physics. Math is Yea Forums in that it's full of pretentious people who self congratulate themselves on knowledge that isn't popular to seek out. If we are talking about beauty that is agreed upon by most of humanity, then physics fits the bill because of, well, "poetry in motion".

t. physics major
nothing is as pure and beautiful as mathematics

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Weak. Anyways, thanks for keeping my thread alive by repeatedly bumping it. Oh, and remember, any reply you give me enables me to bump it again myself!

t. the user you're replying to
I'm interested in why you think that. The word 'pure' to me doesn't necessarily imply beauty, and a lot of literature is 'impure' and beautiful at the same time. 'Beauty' to me is a measure of the ability to strike a human in a way that causes them to pause. Within that framework, I just can't see how Mathematics has a one-up on Physics, even if Physics uses Mathematics to predict happenings. To me, Mathematics is just too far removed from everyday experience to be called universally 'beautiful'.

Pure mathematics



Surely that’s a caricature of Moby.

Not me. And I don’t care.

See? It doesn’t make sense. The most lit field of science? Mathematics?


you fucking retard, I gave you my thoughts on this exact idea and you just drop a link like that, referencing what I'm using in my explanation. You just added a footnote to what I said about mathematical beauty. What the fuck even is Yea Forums at this point? You're un-nuanced as a thinker and you're never going to generate even a single unique idea that could have any positive effect within yourself, leave alone others.

I'm the person you were replying to before and not the one who posted that link. Unfortunately, what you've said about me is still true.

Theres no need to be upset, user. I read what you posted and remembered the article, thought it was a good read for anyone interested in the discussion.
Here, have a pretty picture you can jerk off to.

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Nice cloud formation user.

y i k e s

Fundamental and applied linguistics

What makes you say this?

Quantum physics

Statistical Physics


are you actually retarded

>Mathematics is just too far removed from everyday experience to be called universally 'beautiful'.
That's such an Algebraist thing to say, pretty much the entire foundations of Analysis are inspired by everyday experiences.

To me literature is the communication of the authentic.
If it does not engage the real community of people then it isn't literature.
As such I'd have to put civil engineering as the most lit science.

Biology is pure surrealism


Also Rabelais.

Theoretical computer science is pretty much a branch of pure mathematics.
>No good philosopher ever bothered with the technical aspscts of a machine
Who is Pascal?

Except that poetry is written in mathematics (and the physical reality is often much uglier and more irregular than the mathematics describing them, amusingly).

Remember that Feynman himself pointed out that if you get into physics for the aesthetics you're a brainlet. Physics is about working descriptions of reality, beauty is very secondary there, while it is central in mathematics.

Mathematics isn't really more removed from everyday experience than physics. Most of the physical theories that get people wet (relativity, quantum mechanics, to a lesser extent event chaos theory) only applies in extreme conditions you scarcely witness in daily life. While there is profond mathematics in addition. Heck there are even pre-mathematical intuition in apes and some birds.

You could also say things like atomic chemistry explain the workings of daily life phenomena, but thena gain this also applies, to an even greater extent to a good deal of mathematics discovered before the nineteenth century.

Ultimately the border between those two if very badly guarded, if at all.

when you take smaller and smaller parts out of the context of the whole and give them ridiculous names it can get pretty whacky

it’s electrical engineering

Anticipatory systems theory

Computer science is one of the most philosophically relevant fields. Tons of early computer scientists were also both pure mathematicians and philosophers.


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based user. i see too many retarded normans that complain about math being 'useless' but they fucking love science and muh exploration! it's pure propaganda