No point in living

>No point in living
>No point in killing myself
>No point in doing anything
>No point in doing nothing
>No point in being alone
>No point in being together with someone
>No point in cheating
>No point in murdering someone who cheated on you
>No point in living

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John 14
>“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”
Go find your room, user

>No person able of arguing against this
God. It is so maddening.

I'm trying to find a rationale to do anything but i can't and I never will.

inb4 christcucks


It is true that life is absurd...without God

life is even more absurd with god

Here's the point:

One feels bad(doing nothing)
the other feels good(doing things)

Absurdism is an atheistic phenomenon. The atheist doesn’t like to admit that everything comes down to faith, but the theist professes his faith, and trusts in God, and therefore he trusts that all of existence is not absurd. A devout Christian does not commit suicide. Atheists do.

Fuck this, I don't want to play this game. I mean, Nietzsche was right, and it's not a good thing.

>mfw watching collateral for the first time
what are some other movies like this that you must watch before you die?

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>One feels bad(doing nothing)
>the other feels even worse(doing things)

Blue Spring, 2001
Ghost in the Shell, 1995
Heat, 1995
Vampire Hunter D, 2000

aesthetics. that covers the way you pay attention to the quality of your thoughs and feelings. do the corrections necessary to aim for great health; when you are healthy that way of expressing yourself fully just keep increasing in every way, including the communautary, political institutions. the nietzschean project is left unfinished, still lot of work to be done by healthy people.

>no point in living
>no point in killing my self
instant contradiction
you clearly want to live for something but weirdly put a load of faith into nihilism and have to excuse that feeling

>instant contradiction
Just like life

I wish I could believe in God, life would be so much more bearable.

But I fucking can't. I just can't, my brain isn't wired that way.

take the honkpill, but unironically. there's no meaning in anything, so live however you like and milk all pleasures from that bitch of an existence

>be a devout Christian
>develop an unknown brain tumor
>fucks you up, makes you crazy
>kill yourself
>some smug fag on Yea Forums says that you were le fedora all along
Try not to be so dismissive of terrible things like suicide, schlep

>Can't find meaning in life
>"Go find meaning, OP"
Thanks a lot user-kun :3

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I already do, but most of the time it's unbearable to be alive

anyone capable of staying true to Christian tenets won’t go crazy and kill himself. You’re trying so hard to twist what I’m saying and prove me wrong but you know it’s true.
Read Pascal
The room isn’t in this life...We may not know what’s in store for us but our goal in this life is to seek that room that Christ prepared for us.

Are you doing some reverse baiting? Convincing yourself about the meaning life has is confined entirely in a religion that you follow possibly only because of the region you were born in?
None of your arguments make sense otherwise

yes I only follow my religion because it’s popular. I thought atheism was popular, so I was an atheist, but now even Yea Forums is Christian, so I’M Christian.

That was not the point I was trying to make, at all. Had the circumstances of your life been different you might have found solace in another religion and professed its greatness instead. The hole of meaning would be filled with some entirely different remedy without inspecting other possible cures. That being the case, how could you possibly claim that it is the solution while seemingly discrediting other schools of thought when the validity of your claims is just as powerful as theirs?
Please explain your side as I have missed something, it seems.

Fellini’s stuff

1) The true God wants to be perceived, so dead religions cannot be true (that doesn’t necessarily mean that the most popular religion is true though)
2) Any religion or philosophy that does not come from God cannot be true (Buddhism for example, was founded because one man thought he was enlightened and knew of the afterlife without God)
3) Any religion that does not care if you follow a different path can be dismissed (Hinduism, for example)
4) Any religion that does not promise a good afterlife can be dismissed (in Greek mythology, only a select few can go to a good afterlife, but only because of divine heritage, not because of their works)

So what do we have left? Christianity, Judaism, Islam....? Judaism has so many references to Christ in the OT (Isaiah 53, Psalm 22, for examples) and the crucifixion was BEFORE the destruction of the second temple, as predicted in the book of Daniel, so Judaism makes no sense. Even if it were true, couldn’t God still forgive a truly good Christian?

Islam? Are you serious? No history of prophecies, no miracles, pedophilia, looting, etc. There’s no comparison

Shooting off statements again with nothing to back it. The basis of your belief could as well be the basis for any other similar belief. These four tenets still leave many religions untouched, anyways.
Closest to a logical point is #3; it assumes benevolence and protectiveness from god.

Let me ask you a question: is there any way our existence could possibly have a meaning? Let's imagine that tomorrow someone proves that the Christian God exists, without any doubt. Would you then be able to say what the meaning of life is?
>it is to serve god
Ok, and what is the meaning of worshiping God? I have a feeling that no matter what you do, life can't possibly have a meaning.

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Show me any religion as complex and difficult to fake as Christianity is. It has creation, history, books of wisdom, books of law, poetry, and a lot of prophecies. There’s a reason the Bible is the most influential book of all time. Why is it that atheists are only concerned with attacking Christianity? It’s not because it’s the most popular religion, but because they know it’s the most probable religion. Nothing can compare. If you are slow to choose, then what other choice is causing your hesitation? But you’re at the buffet, and you’re hungry, so you must choose anyway...

The meaning is to complete existence, to complete God. Esse ist percipi. We are God’s mirrors. Why would God, who is perfect, create anything at all? Why should a perfect being do anything at all? Because it is through the creation that God is made perfect. Through us God is glorified. All of existence is the completion of God’s nature.

I think that life may or may not have a meaning I don't have evidence either way. Unfortunately, I am not well read but am working on it so what kind of arguments have you come across about this?

Two opposing events can still be meaningless


Why do you assume things about your god and not back any of it up with any sort of even half baked logic every time?
Why is god perfect?
What do you mean by difficult to fake and
complex? I cannot understand what exactly you mean by these vague terms.

If I could believe without a doubt that God is real, I would be content. Literally anything that happened would be at least bearable

No point in posting.

You’re clinically depressed, but anyway.... Do stuff that makes you happy and builds up as a person. There’s no “real” point to life but if you want to be miserable and suffer through it all, then go ahead. Otherwise you can join the rest of us who are aware of the Nihilistic nature of our reality, but choose to leave behind the misery and suffering in place for challenge, struggle, achievement, overcoming, fulfillment. Your choice, sisyphus.

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>giving into human nature
my misery defines me, user!

Which religion is causing you difficulties? Which one seems plausible compared to Christianity? Or are the prophecies and literature and wisdom of the Bible not enough to convince you?