Books which will motivate me to get out of neetdom and do something meaningful with my life

Books which will motivate me to get out of neetdom and do something meaningful with my life

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The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius???

Honestly, no fictional books will ever motivate you to do something with you life. Fiction books will do the exact opposite, you will want to stay inside reading and indulging in escapism more and more. They might even make you lazy and fearful of the real World. Philosophy on the other hand, can actually compel you to do something instead of sitting on your ass all day. Buddhist Philosophy will also make you stress a lot less if you actually take it seriously and believe in it. I'd recommend checking into it.

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Bank book

How old are you?

I second this, fiction only has impact based on pre conceived philosophy.

I would read Plato and Augustine

Why do you want to do that? There's nothing wrong with neetdom

>Plato and Augustine
No. He should read something more practical and less masturbatory than that. I'd recommend stoicism, practical life philosophy that will take away one's worries, fears and anxieties. Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus and specially Seneca are great to read and to teach one how to get rid of the fear of death. Maybe it's no good to read christian mystics like Thomas a Kempis, St. Francis de Sales or St. John of the Cross because that sort of stuff will make you even more of an introverted recluse NEET lmao.

For the love of Christ OP, don't read Schopenhauer.

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Can you define this word?

Things are only meaningful if you yourself see meaning in them.

my problem is that I don't have any self discipline and my I can't concentrate on anything
My daily schedule is an absolute mess:
I get up at 12 am and go to sleep between 2-3 am
Most of my days I spent either in front of my PC or lying in the bed with my iPhone
Occasionally I go out for a walk to the supermarket or around my neighborhood
I want to change, universities barley cost anything here (western eu) and instead of educating myself I just keep wasting time
I want out of this vicious cycle but its rally difficult and I have already wasted a whole year doing nothing

>a 22 western european NEET
lmao. I'm 22 too but at least I'm finishing a worthless degree in International Relations. My plan is to get daddy and mommy to spend enough for me to keep on living and let me get another degree and keep having this bohemian lifestyle and keep studying and reading for more 4 years lmao. I can't bare even the thought of having to work and hold down a job. Self-discipline is something I've never known.

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The Bible helped me just fine.
Philosophy is literally pleb tier justification for being a cunt and Buddhism is the crown jewel of being a lazy bitch.

If u focus on discipline it eventually comes in a very deep way you never knew it could be expressed

The Bible isn't on the fiction section, you pleb.

t. 16 yo atheist

Start w anything you really really want to do and keep to it, not something you want achieved but something you want to do and make an achievement for it.
Next, keep doing it and making more achievements. Whilst doing this do something less enjoyable but w a good goal.

I'll give examples, try and eat something new every day (if you have money this means try a new restaurant), do this for a month or however long and keep a journal about what foods you like.
It doesn't have to be food choose something you like doing and attach something on it like the journal thing or posting or conversing about it in a few conversations... whatever.

Eventually try reading, take as many steps that you like, the more you do something you dislike the more nuance you'll find in it and you should stick with that.
I think you can get as dumb as you want just there needs to be some achievement and follow through on it.
Working out is really good w friends. I recommend that

This is what you look like, faggot.

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Gets replying gets

You're both christians

The communist manifesto


Thus Spoke Zarathustra. /thread

You don't need motivation, you need to cultivate discipline, shitty dumb NEET. Until you do that, rot in your own personal hell and stop bothering normal people with your problems.

Fuck off worthless drain NEET.