That book you had to read in high school that you fucking hated

>that book you had to read in high school that you fucking hated
What was it?

For me? It's Moby Dick

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Other urls found in this thread:än_veljestä

I didn't really like Catcher in the Rye (even though I liked Holden), but for some reason I hated Mother Night.

The House on Mango Street can suck a fat nut.

To kill a mockingbirdän_veljestä

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anne frank
jacom the liar

A Separate Peace and A Farewell to Arms

Pic related in original German, what a boring, formulaic piece of trash

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scarlet letter

Things Fall Apart

Shitty nigger """literature"""

It's supposed to be valuable, why? Because it was written by a nigger? It is nonsense, truly. If anything it is simply proof that great literature is a tradition deeply tied to the western world. The author attempts to express the story of his people through a western medium and his lack of mastery is so painfully evident. Like all attempts at diversity, it demonstrates why we are seperate in the first place.

Ender’s Game. What a piece of shit.

Fanged Noumena

Van de koele meren des doods
(translated in English as The Deeps of Deliverance or Hedwig's Journey, literally Of the cold lakes of death)

The Chosen by Chaim Potok

The single driest, most uneventful book I've ever been forced to slog my way through. I couldn't tell you a single name or plot point.

Life of Pi, incredibly stupid book

You Jewish?

Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals

Honorable mentions: Tacitus & Cicero
Fuck Latin

>He least enjoyed one of the fewest opportunities to get away from the emasculating, propagandal projection which western education systems cast of our own culture and into a world where men are allowed to be men and to be proud of their countries even if they were not the reader's own.
This is how you spot the treadmill fascist whose entire soul has been consumed in labeling himself a man of the west. Pic related is making fun of you, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

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at least it was short

Nope, and that probably plays a factor, but frankly I don't think it was the right book to assign to a bunch of teenagers to begin with.

Not high school, but I was forced to read this in third grade and for a long time it made me hate reading, women, and autistic people. I like reading now, though.

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Well think about it, if a monkey was able to write a book everyone would want to read that book. It's the same thing with niggers only not so extreme