Does English lack of subjunctive, le passé simple,gender, distinct second person plural and cases make it an inferior language?
Does English lack of subjunctive, le passé simple,gender...
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What does that even mean you nerd?
dumb frogposter
To communicate information English is the best language. But it's ugly.
It can be aesthetic. But, the leading English-speaking country, the US, has ruined English, and legitmized nigger tier speech like "ebonics", which is literally cancer for the ears. In the future, Burgers will speak like niggers.
>legitmized nigger tier speech like "ebonics"
Consider it a creole language in its own right.
Yes, the superior languages are French, German, Russian and both Spanish and Italian are similar so choose between those two and then learn it with the other three, faggot.
Whatever limitations English has as a language, its more than made up for by the sheer number of quality writers who wrote in English. No other language has so much quality work
This is why one should keep english as a secondary language.
seething inselaffe
english isn't white because the average speaker is indian
> >
>past tense
>is ass
> y'all
> we have cases just rare declension
What are the white languages at this poLint? French, Spanish, German, Swedish all out. Gaelic?
Why do those things make a language superior exactly? My native language isn't English, and I'll just tell you that my language is much worse.
Whiter than your language.
>nous nous aimons
>vous vous aimez
Does this shit make french an inferior language?
no the french are responsible for that
What does English sound like or look like to a non-native speaker? I imagine we sound very monotone and slow compared to the emotive sounds made in latin languages or eastern ones.
Only idiots looking for validation think in terms of the 'superiority' of one language to another. This is why Europe has fought so many stupid wars.
Sounds like cowboy caricatures pretending to be cool.
how about non-americans? What does an Englishman sound like.
People in the West are bombarded with it so often, it doesn't really sound or look strange. I don't even take the time to translate English text, I just internalize the meaning as if I were reading something in my native language.
However, hearing a native speaker in person is jarring, and makes me feel like I'm in a movie set, probably because most of the exposure I have to English comes from entertainment.
studying Latin is like growing a second brain
wish I went to grammar school
>No other language has so much quality work
More great writers have written in German and French than in English.
Name me one great french writer. (You can't)
Had Latin in high school, now i am trying to learn to speak spanish. It is not that difficult with my latin background
No. It's much more flexible. Gendered language is legitimately terrible design and just bloats the language. Adds unnecessary abstraction and humanizes (creaturize?) things that shouldn't be humanized.
Yeah, all languages without free word order are inferior
Forgot to add this to my post:
Is latin gendered? As in inanimate objects having a gender?
>gender is human
anglos are spiritually corrupt, their language is devoid of metaphysical content. Reminder that meaning = meaning. This is the power of the english language.
Yes it is. In stupid ways as well, e.g. the term for manliness (virtus) in Latin is feminine gender.
Things shouldn't have a gender because it is up to interpretation. Should a book be referred to and treated as a female if the words in it were written by a male? Should schools be referred to as male because education was (in the past) reserved for them? No. Ideas and cultures change, and the language should be able to reflect upon those ideas without such a massive upheaval of what should be a simple way to get ideas across.
Not really. In the Romantic period alone English has more great poets than the entire history of French or German
gender is arbitrary. it really just makes the language sound better. you're overthinking it.
Gender is generally abstract and does not mean anything about the term in most cases. E.g.
It's certainly not inferior, see
but it's simple, yes. The simplicity can make it difficult in a way for non natives because there is a lot of unspoken nuance in the way we order our words.
It's just complex in a different way. It's why you can often tell someone is not a native speaker even when their grammar is correct.
t. alienated & materialistic anglos who think their own metaphysical shortcomings is proof of gender being 'arbitrary'
You know, you could leave your pathological ethnocentrism for once and ask yourself why only the most materialistic language used by the most materialistic culture in history doesn't use genders. Yes, there are other cases of non-gendered languages but there are an extreme minority.
Feel free to enlighten us on the nature of this supposed metaphysical content rather than simply asserting its existence.
>gender is arbitrary
therefor pointless. I feel like the goal of language is to condense obtuse concepts down to highly optimized and versitile chunks. Instead of saying that you have a "furry mammel with four legs, a tail, and a wet nose" (which that phrase can be expanded upon even further) you just say "dog."
>extreme minority.
Like English? A language that basically everyone speaks, and the one you're speaking right now?
Hmm. Weird how the language used primarily for business worldwide is very focused on the simplification of the titles of material.
Please enlighten me on your forgotten language which supposedly can't describe physical things is so much better than English.
It's just something you can innately feel in your existence, like culture. You'd understand if you had either, but Anglos can't have a subjective or mystical reality. Things may only have pragmatic utilitarian value, no metaphysical beauty.
Zulu is not less relevant than Igbo even if you are a Jew.
>Weird how the language used primarily for business worldwide is very focused on the simplification of the titles of material
You explained it yourself my man. Why would a materialistic language be used for materialisic endeavours? Mmmh, I really don't know.
I wasn't expecting much of an argument from someone whose language posits that meaning = meaning kek.
Literally the only use for English is for shitposting on this frog forum. If you are doing legitimate work in the sciences or arts then you are for sure not using English. There's a reason why every shitskin the world over can easily learn this language and move to the West.
Is this what Guenonfags actually believe
You do realize people wish for the extinction of the anglo race precisely because of this pathological ethnocentrism? anything that isn't anglo is discarded on the basis of it not being anglo*. You couldn't be bothered to even consider the poster's reply as legitimate anecdotal evidence.
*yet another tautology.
>if your language isn't inherently flowery and overly verbose then it's BAD
Still haven't told us what language you speak, friend. Please write what you just posted in your mother tongue so we can all laugh at how inefficient it is.
>wish for the extinction of the anglo race precisely because of this pathological ethnocentrism
He said, posting on an American website about Japanese cartoons where the primary language is English.
If you don't like us, then go play in your dirt hut in whatever irrelevant country you're from.
>explain your reasoning
>it's unknowable to you, just trust me lmao you can't get it
What value am I supposed to glean from this argument?
English has a subjunctive mood, simple past, gender, and distinct second person plurals.did you just start learning French as a monolingual?
It sounds like how a Germanic tribeswoman who got raped by French invaders would talk, which is precisely what it is.
so good?
>Why yes, Latin is the superior language
Passé simple is the most masculine of the French tenses. English definitely suffers from not having an equivalent.
>Why yes, I wish to restore the glories of Ænglisc. How did you know?
English does have a subjunctive mood if you weren't a langcel you might have realized. "If I were not such a smoothbrained Quebecker I might speak better English"