Any doomer lit, bros?

any doomer lit, bros?

Attached: 1553869828142.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The stranger by Camus, nailed the doomer feel for me, all the hopelessness and rage

meursault was able to get pussy and enjoy life even if he feels no hope nor purpose, already better than all the retarded doomers out there

Catcher in the Rye

Attached: 1554507534139.png (1016x984, 41K)

Albert Caraco - Post Mortem



Been on a doomer spree the last four months:
>No Longer Human
>The Stranger
>Conspiracy Against the Human Race
>Journey to the End of the Night

how is roxane gay doomer

I don't get it.

reminder that doomer memes are dead as they've now been taken over by Discord and Reddit trannies.
Google "doomer" and you'll find this monstrosity on the front page.

Attached: file.png (1200x914, 851K)

This meme is forced garbage.

there's like three different doomer charts

what's some lit for consecutively failing every single exam?

Best doomer one

Attached: salafi21.jpg (1024x1008, 222K)

it's even worse than that

How about this one, user

Attached: 1556541667184.png (1216x1328, 148K)

What are good books to describe this feel?

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my diary

self help book

Is their a gnostic doomer?

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Fuck my life. I have all of them except the opioid addiction and cloud rap. What's more, I have a Tinder but I literally have NEVER got a match. should i just an hero?

das kapital

Fucking ouch user

László Krasznahorkai is the patron saint writer for you doomerfaggots without the faggotry and you don't even read him.

Doomers are either failed stoics, or those who lack the capacity to see beyond themselves.

I see doomerism as a transformational stage where the extreme individual passes through the crucible of societal abandonment.

Any literature that elicits a similar feeling to looking at this image?

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