Ywn read proust in french

>ywn read proust in french
>ywn read pessoa in portuguese
>ywn read kawabata in japanese
>ywn read bernhard in austrian
>ywn read neetchan in german
>ywn read cortazer in spanish
>ywn read leopardi in italian
>ywn read kiery in danish
>ywn read joyce in
>ywn read shakespeare in swahili
>ywn read bely in russian
>ywn read wu cheng'en in chinese
>ywn read hedayat in iranian
>ywn read rizal in filipino
>ywn read hrabal in czech
>ywn read seferis in greek
>ywn read sillanpää in finnish
>ywn read virgil in latin
>ywn read kosztolanyi in hungarian
>ywn read eminescu in romanian
>ywn read hamsun in norwegian
>ywn read gombrowicz in polish
>ywn read tagore in indian
>ywn read simenon in belgian
>ywn read martinson in swedish
>ywn read in korean
>ywn read laxness in icelandic
>ywn read andric in servo-croatian
>ywn read agnon in hebrew
>ywn read singer in yiddish
>ywn read mahfouz in arabic

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Born just in time to read Mongolian baskets in English.

Learn one of those languages and you might prove your own OP wrong. Nobody ever learned all the interesting languages in the world anyway, just pick what you like.

yup *sips*

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I've read proust in french

And it's nice you mention Tagore

>didn't say Dostoevsky or Tolstoy in Russian
>chose Bely instead

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This was very based of op Bely is much better than those hacks

cant wait to read tagore in indian

for me, its Sokolov

>couldn't think of anyone for korean

>ywn read mahfouz in arabic
but i have, user.

not with that attitude

>tagore in indian
Ah yes, the original Indian version. So much better than the Bengali

people that try to collect books like pokemon cards annoy the fuck out of me, there's obviously more good books to read than you have time to actually read in life

Korea has no culture

wrong, eating live octopus is cultural as fuck, people even die for that.


A foremost exporter of music and film. Soon to be of literature too :^)

not high culture
western af and also garbage
they have no talent at literature and their music is garbage

니가 see 이상

>ywn read simenon in belgian

no fucks given desu

>ywn crack OP's stupid fucking head open and make the world a better place

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lads, where does a foreigner starts with leopardi (in italian)?

plz dont bully apu he make mistake

Sempre caro mi fu quest’ermo colle,
e questa siepe, che da tanta parte
dell’ultimo orizzonte il guardo esclude.
Ma sedendo e mirando, interminati
spazi di là da quella, e sovrumani
silenzi, e profondissima quïete
io nel pensier mi fingo; ove per poco
il cor non si spaura. E come il vento
odo stormir tra queste piante, io quello
infinito silenzio a questa voce
vo comparando: e mi sovvien l’eterno,
e le morte stagioni, e la presente
e viva, e il suon di lei. Così tra questa
immensità s’annega il pensier mio:
e il naufragar m’è dolce in questo mare.

>ywn read me in any language


The only one that matters there is Virgil in latin. Others are memes

I grew up bilingual speaking arabic at home and english whenever I was at school or out.
Before I read Mahfouz in arabic my horizons only extended to those of the western canon, but this has changed since.
One thing I can say with absolute certainty is that Mahfouz's prose is much more beautiful than those of English-speaking authors of his time. He's a wonderful writer and a master of the pen.


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>tfw can read Hamsun, Ibsen, Kielland, Bjorneboe, Vesaas, Bjerke etc in Norwegian


>austrians speak austrian

>ywn read bernhard in austrian
>ywn read joyce in
>ywn read shakespeare in swahili
>ywn read in korean

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I'm reading Pessoa in portuguese
It's unbelievable how good it is, my new favorite book honestly

are you portuguese native speaker?




>not Dostoyevskii

>tfw you're Portuguese and read Camões, Eça and Pessoa

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>filipino (Rizal wrote in Spanish)
user, I...

But you can. if you put in the work you can learn the important romance languages quite quickly.

>tagore in indian
Based retard.

>tfw Norwegian is the plebbest of the Scandi languages
How come you are "i kjoekkenet", but "paa soverommet"?

>tfw Im german but i dont give a shit about meta physics so I only read prose and neetsche

With Young Signorino poems

>>ywn read simenon in belgian
Do you mean French, or maybe you mean Flemish (dominant language in Belgium)?
Pseuds are gonna pseud

I have also read a book by an author in the original language in this list, OP, you have made a mistake

it's a meme baka

I just read you nigga

Korea has some good poets like Kim Soo-young, Baek Seok and Lee Seong-bok

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>ywn read kawabata in japanese
>browses an anime fanboard for 10 years and still can't speak weebrunes

Great. Now name a single korean novelist worth a shit.

Choi In-hun

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wait 3 months while i get through my backlog and then pick this guy up, and i'll tell you whether he is indeed worth a shit or not.

sorry but I'm gonna end myself before 3 months later

based and blackpilled. leave me your stacc

french isn't that hard to read m8