>cioran>nietzsche Cioran has almost nothing related to nietzsche. He, himself, said a lot of times that nietzsche bored him.
Christian Reyes
Sebastian Ross
>Shakespeare>Dante Delusional anglo. Name one Shakespeare work better than the Divine Comedy. Go ahead. >Pessoa>Eliot Based opinion. >Wordsworth>Blake Wrong.
>Were you reading Nietzsche then? >CIORAN: When I was studying philosophy I wasn’t reading Nietzsche. I read “serious” philosophers. It’s when I finished studying it, at the point when I stopped believing in philosophy, that I began to read Nietzsche. Well, I realized that he wasn’t a philosopher, he was more: a temperament. So, I read him but never systematically. Now and then I’d read things by him, but really I don’t read him anymore. What I consider his most authentic work is his letters, because in them he’s truthful, while in his other work he’s prisoner to his vision. In his letters one sees that he’s just a poor guy, that he’s ill, exactly the opposite of everything he claimed. >You write in The Trouble with Being Born that you stopped reading him because you found him “too naïve.” >CIORAN: That’s a bit excessive, yes. It’s because that whole vision, of the will to power and all that, he imposed that grandiose vision on himself because he was a pitiful invalid. Its whole basis was false, nonexistent. His work is an unspeakable megalomania. When one reads the letters he wrote at the same time, one sees that he’s pathetic, it’s very touching, like a character out of Chekhov. I was attached to him in my youth, but not after. He’s a great writer, though, a great stylist.
Jonathan Scott
Where can I read N's letters?
Jace Ramirez
Look up the "Selected Letters". I've only been able to find the collected letters in German, though.
Angel Ramirez
Did he sperg out in his letters?
Hudson Gray
>During the few days after his breakdown, Nietzsche wrote seemingly psychotic letters to a number of friends and various figures of European royalty. These letters are called the Wahnbriefe or Madness Letters, and he signed them alternatively as “Dionysus” or “The Crucified.” The Nietzsche Channel has an archive of all of these letters in their original German, but generally they focus on a hedonistic understanding of humanity, and call for the death of the Pope, Wilhelm, Bismark, Stöcker, and “all the anti-semites.” These alarmingly unhinged letters worried their recipients so much that within a week, Nietzsche’s family came to Turin and brought him back to Basel, where he was hospitalized and diagnosed with the syphilis that would generally be blamed for his mental decay.
>gogol Hes not even a real person, he is just a Beckett character, you shithead
Carter Collins
>and call for the death of all the anti-semites wtf /pol/. You told me Nietzsche was based, but he sounds like a cucksoiboi here
Aaron Williams
Thomas Hill
>hedonist jew lover OHHH NONONO
Dominic Perry
im a right wing white guy from europe and i want to fuck a hot black chick sooo bad. how into? gere are no black prostitutes and all other black women are fat. GOD I WANT TO FUCK RIHANNA SO BAD
Some really intelligent dichotomies you're creating here OP! Think you ought to write a tract on this - a surefire contender for a Macarthur Fellowship!
Isaiah Morris
Basically with his life and his vision, he taught me that I can still choose life. From the greatest darkness I can imagine lighting a candle.
Nee-chan makes /pol/ look like the cucks they really are.
Gavin Gomez
A rumanian talking about a prusian. Almost Seinfield.
Cameron Perez
Any other modernist literary figure> Joyce
Gabriel Scott
>Tolstoy > Dostoyevsky hahaha No.
Ayden Hall
What's up with this Dostoyevsky praise? To me, it's obvious that Tolstoy was a much greater writer - he could capture human experience in a natural way, not like Dostoyevsky whose works read like plays. Tolstoy explored the subconscious in Anna Karenina decades before psychologists even came up with it. Tolstoy is thoroughly modern and comparable to Woolf and Joyce, while Dostoyevsky belongs in Balzac's time. Both are great, but it is easy to see that Tolstoy took his literature to highs unseen from Dostoyevsky,.
Blake Morales
Dostoevsky appeals more to edgy nihilist teens, and you're on Yea Forums
Colton Reed
Solzhenitsyn has nothing to do with Bulgakov and their writing operate on completely different planes. This comparison is meaningless
Jason Martinez
I'll name three >Hamlet >Macbeth >King Lear
Angel Gray
James Lee
Have you ever actually read Tolstoy's philosophy. It was straight up nonsensical pacifist horseshit
Aiden Miller
Your birth was meaningless too
Sebastian Morris
Is Thomas Bernhard really worth reading? Where should I start with him?
Mason Young
Anywhere other than Frost, Extinction, Correction, and Gathering Evidence
Easton Garcia
one random ancient philosopher > all these hairsplitting spooks.
William Perez
lmao you're not even trying. terrible b8.
Mason Carter
Timon of Athens
John Anderson
its true
David Ross
>All the authors I know about need to fight like my dragonball Z toys!!!
Jackson Bailey
Yes. Lime Works,Corrections, Extinction are all great.
Beckett is still better imo
Bentley Perry
Jesus H. Christ, that might be the most adolescent opinion I've ever seen uttered.
I think Dostoevsky had more to say on life, and the ideas he wrote in his novels are more significant, camus said he was the 19th century prophet, he has his esteem for a reason, beyond the nihilist tendencies theirs a man that loved the world, I admit i have not read Tolstoy yet, but i do know that he wrote for a greater purpose, that for arts sake, If i read his books id probably agree that hes a better writer than dostoy, the ideas dostoy expresses, are Superior. Tostoy was jealous of his works at the time, and admired him. and vice versa
Joseph Campbell
>I have not read Tolstoy yet >but I know Dostoyevsky's ideas are more significant
Lol, you have no idea what you are talking about here.
Elijah Campbell
Nietzsche is for adolescents though.
Lucas Ortiz
He only wrote 3 novels, and I think pacism is moral masturbation and evidence of a weak soul unable to see the necessary things for good to prevail.
Benjamin White
Wow literally not a single correct answer. Vut ofcourse this means it's bait.
Bentley Butler
I feel a connection with Dostoevsky for some reason, and currently reading all his works, which is probably why I shilled so hard, but im sure ill enjoy tolstoys works greatly as dostoe thought him to be the greatest writer of the time.
Zachary Reed
Cioran hasn't a hundredth of the insight Nietzsche has. A nonentity who will soon be forgotten.
Camden Cox
>I read him but never systematically no wonder he completely misses the point LOL
Grayson Barnes
Alexander Morgan
James James
Actually? I read Too Loud a Solitude, which was pretty trash compared to Streets of Crocodiles.