Which Steven King's books are worth reading?

Which Steven King's books are worth reading?

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>he reads books
Just get knowledge directly from the aliens, LMAO.

talisman because it doesn't have a movie

Black House

What's a literary end for Stephen King?

That's Bob Lazar lmao

Not yet.

Name a story with a worse climax than The Stand

What are the most kino Groomlake books? I'm a sucker for Annie Jacobsen's book

Unironically Dark Tower. It is his Magnus Opus.

Dark Tower

His short story collections
The Stand
Pet Semetary
probably some others too, but I haven't read all his stuff

11/22/63 read like a fantastic pulp novel

The Mist. Avoid IT unless you're into insubstantial and gross for the sake of being gross literature.

shit writer, anyone who disagrees is a brainlet

he's good at writting, it's just the shit he writes isn't good.

Clearly The Tommyknockers. They're here and they're from Altair 4. King's coke habit opened his mind to receiving signals that allowed him to tell the truth in the form of that book. In fact, King hasn't written a book in his entire life but picked up on subtle psychic influences that were of otherwordly origin.

kek, i laughed out loud to that pic

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>The Bachman Novels
The Running Man
The Long Walk

>Regular stuff
The Stand
The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger
Skeleton Crew/The Mist
Nightmares & Dreamscapes

From there it's sort of a toss up. Don't bother wit his new stuff. They're OK, but King in general is sorta high school level fiction. Not terrible, but surprisingly shallow.

all Bachman books are very quality. Normal King for me: Salem's lot, shining, tommyknockers, kennedy killing book, IT, pet sematary

The Bachman stuff and his short stories are ok. He's not good enough to warrant his drugged out boomer ego though