I'll start:
ITT: most Yea Forums way to die
Other urls found in this thread:
Ritual suicide, obviously.
Cyanide pills is aesthetic asf that or hemlock
Being sacrificed by a town in rapture for being an edgelord
Attempting a coup, faling. Having a friend chop your head off, failing. Asking another friend to chop your head off, finally die.
>killing yourself with a silver bullet that was blessed by your village priest and which you have been slowly filing over years until it fit into the barrel of the gun
Laughing to death
Heart attack in the library.
lightning bolt while climbing Mt. Olympus
*Drowning in pussy
Bullet in the back of the head
Shotgun. Just like Hemingway. And I think Hunter S Thompson.
Aneurysm while writing a book.
A duel where both parties die
Get Yea Forums up like a witch.
OD-ing on cocaine while writing a novel.
How does one achieve this physique?
Death by a thousand papercuts
by your side
Suicide by staging an accident after both your parents died and you failed to achieve your life goals and lost your pride.
Leaving behind a notebook with your poetry and writings just in case.
Artillery fire, anything less would make me feel like a pussy.
In the Eugenic war as cannon fodder on the accelerationist side.
The ancient Greeks thought that drowning was one of the worst ways to die, since you wouldn’t get a proper burial.
get killed by a giant ass rock
shot by a jealous lover
getting shot in from behind while drawing a nightingale in the hell of flanders
It's mid october and its raining. You're hold up in an abandoned house in a sea of other abandoned houses in the suburbs of some eastcoast American city. You've been sick for a week with some unknown virus and on top of that you're already starving to death. It's been a year since the fighting began and like millions of others you were caught in the middle and unprepared. Now you slink around trying to go unnoticed by the other wanderers and scavs. Beneath your pile of blankets you can hear the sloshing of boots in mud outside, you hear laughing and glass breaking. You shrink inside knowing what is about to come. A door knob rattles and then a crash as the door is kicked in. Yelling and laughing. You feel blankets being torn off you layer by layer and then finally a gun is pointed in your face. They ask you questions but you are too weak to understand or even answer, it feels like a dream. Then suddenly, black.
Days, months and years pass all while your body decays in the house. Eventually the house collapses and it becomes your tomb.
True Yea Forums
Encased in creampie
Climbing the tallest mountain in your country in the middle of winter without adequate clothing, clutching your unpublished novel, and dying before you reach the top
obviously martyrdom
>all those postmodern intellectards killing themselves
don't overeat, don't eat bullshit food, and work out very day. calisthenics.
Read Sun and Steel, fag