>You say the Inquisition was a dark part of the Church's history? Trust me, I want to bring back the Inquisition and a whole lot worse.
Is there any literature on this growing Catholic mindset?
>You say the Inquisition was a dark part of the Church's history? Trust me, I want to bring back the Inquisition and a whole lot worse.
Is there any literature on this growing Catholic mindset?
Other urls found in this thread:
If that's a real Barron quote, I want a link.
And yeah, there are tradcath authors. The more successful ones like Dr. Taylor Marshall are not really reliable. They're conspiracy theroists like Malachi Martin.
And if you don't think the Catholic Church needs a good cleansing by fire, you haven't been paying attention. The lavender mafia has leverage against all of them.
Quotation. The word you are looking for is quotation.
>tfw the catholic church will collapse in your lifetime and awaken hundreds of millions of complacent cultural catholics to how badly the world needs a vigorous christianity
classic christcuck wishful thinking
You know, I find it weird that so many Catholics started a war without having one of God's elect at the helm
The Bible is really clear about how needed they are
Most of the people involved with Inquistorizing were probably closet athiests, or Pharisees
he's not wrong. the Church will be winnowed, it will shrink and may lose its earthly power, but it will be renewed and reinvigorated by true believers who actually follow Christ.
most rank and file priests are pretty good. some are annoying attention-hungry IPA-sipping bearded millennials. only very few are moral failures, unfortunately most of those are in the higher ranks.
The last thing the world needs is more christcucks.
St. Alphonsus
St Cardinal Bellarmine
Have you guys even been to a Catholic church so that they could totally ignore the first like fifteen books for you?
I really think it's God's favorite church by the way you should go, they leave their doors open during the day and you can just walk around, pray and look at the pretty stuff
>they leave their doors open during the day
Some do, some don't.
Public schools have more sex abuse cases, ure brainwashed by media
Are there more Bishops like Barron? I heard he's killed at least 15 homosexuals
sure copecuck
Do you know the numbers? How many sex abuse cases happen in Churches and how many happen at schools?
Pick one.
Baptists are not Christians. They are heretics and all will burn in hell.
I they don't it'd because they lack personnel and they are in an area full of Muslims so they can't leave it unattended
>this thread
>On the first day G-d created COPE.
>On the second day G-d continued to COPE.
>And on all the other days G-d increased his COPING
>And on the Seventh day G-d was SEETHING.
>Baptists are not real Christians, they're heretics
>Catholics are not real Christians, they're heretics
>Orthodox Christians are not real Christians, they're heretics
>Aryans are not real Christians, they're heretics
And so on. How do Christians know that their god is true, if they cannot even figure out the correct way to worship him?
Christianity is evil.
>r/atheism: the thread
Please learn your own religion. Catholicism teaches that Protestants are Christians as they have valid baptisms.
r/atheism is a bunch of catholics calling all other churches devils? Makes sense.
Don't you all Christcucks have a sacred grove to cut down or something
Anyone remembers when atheists proudly said atheism is a growing movement?
Christ says that it's okay to divorce your wife for adultery.
>Mt. 5:32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.
>newspaper pic
great source
Christianity is pretty steady and other religions is going down, the only reason atheism is rising is due to immigrants dropping their religion
It does not say that in the gospel of Mark and regardless he does not give permission to remarry, even if the cop-out exists. People who remarry and live in a state of sin, will not receive the reward.
You just linked a descriptive dictionary to try to prove a point about word usage. Unironically, are you in high school?
>projection from 2010 vs 2019 actual statistics
Cope profligate
We need more priests like that
cringe Yea Forums "trad"cath detected
So if I become a Catholic and my wife cheats on me with Tyrone, I have to raise their mutt child? Sounds like a great religion, man.
I'm not catholic and I'm telling you ure evil and I can prove it
I don't have a problem with atheism as a concept, but why is every single atheist constantly seething and foaming at the mouth about Christianity? It's hilarious.
Shit like this looks so insincere and ostentatious.
>atheists don't do this already
I don't have a problem with Christianity as a concept, but why is every single christian constantly seething and foaming at the mouth about non-christians? It's hilarious.
case in point
Which books tho ?
>christians will be replaced
>no we shall not
The atheist cries out in pain as he strikes you
Almost as if every bad stereotype about fedoras is actually true.
How am I evil?
He's not wrong. Fedoras here just like to jerk off to their big boy brains until someone points out their stupidity.
Maybe because Christianity is even worse than atheism.
>let me prove how your source is invalid by showing you a pic taken from the internet
No one thinks you're quirky or interesting dude.
Proportionally or not? Would like to see the stats.
I didn't see christianity pushing the LGBT ideology down everyone's throat.
Holy fuck, I'm just picturing some fedora wearing acne faced neckbeard having redditor angrily making that image in MS paint. made my day
imagine still using fedora memes
the absolute state of christcucks
>imagine using a meme about atheists
>uses a religious meme himself
1000IQ post there.
No? Then why'd the pope protect all those sex offenders? And why did all the other churches even bail-in for your faggot church?
What religion are you?
The absolute state of aristotelians.
>Greek science
If atheists only studied philosophy they'd be saying fuck thales et all
>source: my ass
If you are gonna shit out a claim like that, at least gace enough decency to post a source.
Nice reply. Sure showed me.
will ALL of you fucking retards stfu and start recommending books like OP asked for before this thread gets deleted. nobody gives a shit about your uninformed opinions.
>that dennet quote
lol, evidently he is a Catholic? the questions of God, faith, and nature of reality have withstood our best efforts very well.
Is there anything more fedora than thinking God bows to your faggotry? Heck, God himself wears a fedora.
You said you could prove it. Why do you need to know my religion?
Go back
>76 posts
>16 posters
OP sure is seething
Not enough for a (you).
He surely must be laughing to your own brand of faggotry.
I can what's your religion so I can speak to you
not that user but you're a gay fag
How have you not heard about this? It's one of the main reasons why the church is falling apart.
Why do you need to know my religion to speak to me? Just tell me why you think I'm evil.
Most fags are
>i know you are but what am i?
The absolute state.
Can anyone explain why Christians always have that deer in the headlights look to them?
Well in order to speak to somebody you have to speak to them, unless you're just asking me to explain why christianity is good and thus all else evil
pure cringe
>falling apart
It's yet another obstacle placed in front of the church that the church must overcome just like it did all the shit throughout history. I wouldn't be surprised if the abusers turned out to be placed time bombs inside the church by an external factor.
Here's my upvote, based fellow redditor! You sure showed them christians their place!
>free will and all that other stuff
Yikes. These were supposed to be men of God, sweaty.
Often high-ranking.
Here's my upvote, based fellow christian! You sure showed them fedoras their place!
So knowing my religion is speaking to me? And why do you presume I would be willing to offer the other cheek?
Just tell me why I'm evil.
Christianity is /rdt/: the religion. You don't get to make that joke.
Checked. How many posts have you made OP?
Well am I talking to an Arian? Am I talking to a Christian? Am I talking to an abrahamic? Am I talking to an atheist?
Come up with something better. I'm sure you can earn the (you) if you try hard enough.
I kind of feel bad for Christcucks.
But they're so insufferable.
What the fuck are you even smoking right now? Who even mentioned free will here?
Now THIS is epic.
What's going on in this thread?
Fedoras sperging out as usual and other people taking their shitty bait.
OP literally samefagging the whole thread long and seething hard
>Yes, good goy, keep worshipping our god
>Is there any literature on this growing Catholic mindset?
If fedoras can count then I'm a fedora. But what does that make you?
no one has ever claimed this
Just someone who's tired of seeing autistic fucks having the urge to derail a thread because they must prove how smart they are.
Do you want to bring back the inquisition and worse?
It was a butthurt cringy commie atheist
>butthurt cringy commie atheist
a w0t
please GOD make this real.
Why are christcucks so sadistic?
0 sadistic. Sadistic were the romans when they threw christians to feed the lions.
This is, unfortunately, necessary.
The original meme was real communism has never been tried and I can only assume he's also an atheist
No because the Inquisition wasn't even tied to the church. It was a political action performed by aristocrats to kill off those they did not like while using the church as a cover up. The Inquisition was the medieval version of communist acronyms that killed you off if you tried to defy the party.
Christians are basically the same as illiterate Marxists. All the same motivations and manipulative tactics are there. They are too ignorant to realize that no mentally fit person wants the shit they are selling. Almost every Christian I personally know has a learning disability or had abusive parents, it's obvious they are looking for the parental figures they never had. Every now and again someone comes around and claims that they among all others are the true church and every prior Christian was wrong so they don't have to deal with any past controversies caused by their fellow Christians. It's just stupid, anyone still remaining a Christian in 2019 is mentally ill, maybe 50 years ago you could be healthy and still practicing, but any reasonable person would have left by now
>Inb4 fedora (a stupid response and proof that the left can't meme)
Why didn't G-d just evolve the lions to be gentle towards Christians?
>Every now and again someone comes around and claims that they among all others are the true church and every prior Christian was wrong
thats just idiot american protestantism
So how will you stop your fellow Christians from doing it again?
Nice, definitely non biased arguments you got there. You truly are a prime example of the healthy homo sapiens, despite tge fact that you use personal stories as backup for arguments and pretty much label EVERY CHRISTIAN ON THE PLANET as mentally ill, thus completely ruining your credibility.
Christianity has a moral system you necessarily adopt, in large and subtle ways.
That being said you can't be a pure individualist and man necessitates a mystical side to him, whether he admits this or not.
Christianity has a very good message and it means a lot as well as is the driving force behind western, and thus the world, progress. Our separation from christianity has led to a destruction of literally the mightiest culture. It's pretty straightforward
You can't stop something that will never happen. I thought atheists were supposed to be smart.
Where's the lie?
because god is not your fucking personal maidservant do you understand?
So he's not good. Or you enjoy your suffering.
>Regarding the picture
Protestants generally conceive of themselves as a correction, not a recreation; i.e. they believe that the Church was gradually corrupted over time and that the Reformation was an attempt to shed the false accretions and return to something more akin to the original state.
>Christianity has a very good message and it means a lot as well as is the driving force behind western, and thus the world, progress.
So it's responsible for all the tranny shit then? Glad to see that christcucks are starting to realize how much they've fucked up our civilization with their stupid fuck fuck games
Great thread.
Your entire shitpost lost its credibility once you started generalizing and throwing in personal (which I think are nonexistent, but atheists rarely are intellectualy honest) accounts to justify said geberalizations.
If you are ashamed of admitting that the atheism is the cause of a degenerate West, then say it's us.
There is a difference between progress, and regress which is called progress.
Wan't my post sweatie.
Fuck off back to plebbit you fucking softcock
>"Surely the Catholic Church will collapse in my lifetime", says increasingly nervous heretic for the 7th time this year
he is no good, he is The good. He allowed the entire creation to be saved through His death and passion, so that death isn't just the end and suffering has a reward.
>So it's responsible for all the tranny shit then?
Why would it be responsible for that since all of that only started after Christianity had drastically degraded in influence? "Gender ideology" is completely incompatible with Christianity.
>God created Adam and Eve
Necessarily christianity is against homosexuality and gender disorders by default, it is literally impossible to get tranny stuff from christianity
>Catholicism teaches that Protestants are Christians as they have valid baptisms.
Why would you blatantly lie about something that anyone can so easily fact check?
The Church maintains the position that anyway who is baptised with water in a Trinitarian fashion is validly baptised, but there are a number of protestants who don't baptise in a Trinitarian way, but rather baptise in the name of Christ
Further still, you set the bar so low by making valid baptism the bar of entry. What about a valid eucharist? What about valid apostolic succession? Why did you conveniently leave out all the things that protestants abandoned 400 years ago when their feelings got hurt by good theology?
i didnt say protestantism isnt real christianity, i just said its retarded
I'm obviously referring only to the Trinitarian formula.
>Further still, you set the bar so low by making valid baptism the bar of entry.
What is the other requirement of entry? If someone is baptized but never receives the Eucharist are they a non-Christian?
>Why did you conveniently leave out all the things that protestants abandoned 400 years ago when their feelings got hurt by good theology?
Are you incapable of discussing this subject without resorting to juvenile polemics?
>tfw the catholic church will collapse in your lifetime and awaken hundreds of millions of complacent cultural catholics to how badly the world needs a vigorous christianity
the church literally can't collapse, although i agree that the world needs a renewal of genuine gospel living (which i see happening right now -- conserative parishes everywhere are filled with young people, who are having like 4 kids each at least)
Hahaha, you obviously haven't stepped foot in a church in years. While Christian's may not be directly responsible for it, conflating social conservatism with superstition has thoroughly damned and hollowed out western ideals and social mores. The Christian can claim ignorance of having any similar goals to the atheist Marxists and not realize that they are just two sides to the same coin. The abusive father and the enabling mother, a syzygy of narcissism that has shaped our world into it's own image. But it's not like you'll ever realize this, so I don't know what the point in trying to convince you of this. Christians absolutely love life even if they claim they don't, ITS ALL COPE
>conflating social conservatism with superstition
It's true, though. If there is no God there's no reason that people can't do whatever they please. When you stop believing in the "superstition," whatever it supported starts to crumble.
oh lord, i want to show him my massive rekt/gore folder while he's forced to act cool about it because i look like a 14 year old androgynous boy
>If there is no God there's no reason that people can't do whatever they please.
Imagine being this of ignorant about the history of civilization.
Where is this civilization without any superstition and without any significant moral dysfunction?
The beliefs that people in a culture hold =/= the mechanisms that sustain that said culture. It's structure and superstructure.
I'm a different user, but please explain:
> The beliefs that people in a culture hold =/= the mechanisms that sustain that said culture. It's structure and superstructure.
Makes no sense to me. If there is no philosophical belief or value that influences culture, then it follows that society never existed since we are all biological automatons. I mean.... what or how would you explain what happened to capitalist, communist, dictatorial countries, if belief is not connected to the structure. I mean... culture/society is not a solid that we can measure and distinguish where belief starts and where it ends.
There are many legitimate thinkers past and present who make this argument, say Dostoevsky, Burroughs, user... and the list goes on.
I agree. We need more inquisitors.
The multitude of denominations can largely be traced back to Protestantism and from there the distinctions are irrelevant.
How are they responsible for 'tranny shit'? There's nothing about transgenderism that is supported other than fag secular churches that have bastardized theology.
You haven't looked very far.
Christians worship Yawveh, it's written all over their holy scriptures.
Is Sedevacantism mainly an American thing?
No, some French catholics espouse it as well.
Mostly American yes. For this reason I think it should be viewed as "highly questionable". America has a history of dubious religious movements.
>for this reason alone
Fixed, obviously I don't uphold sedevacantism anyway, but the American-ness of it alone should make people extremely skeptical. America DID give us the Second Great Awakening after all.
>Is there any literature on this growing Catholic mindset?
Just read the Wikipedia page on trials by ordeal and how it was brought back from Roman law by the Church into pagan societies and you'll thank the inquisitive procedure which is simply about judging a matter based on facts (Inquisition, inquiring into the facts) rather than what you will read on Wikipedia and other pleasantries.
There is pedophilia everywhere there are adults in contact with children: the Catholic Church, but also amongst gym class teachers, rabbis, imams, Buddhist monks, etc. The point of an Inquisition would also be to clear the ranks of the Catholic Church and community of all heresies and crimes, you dumb fucking cunt.
An actual question in one of these threads? Stupid christcuck your so fucking dumb you stupid little fuck your failure stupid christfuck nigger jew bitch fuck
Bishop Barron
Bishop Barron
Wew lad.
Imagine linking propaganda.
Imagine thinking one wouldn't have to control for the amount of kids who go through schools vs those who get exposed to clerics.
Imagine ignoring time spent in schools vs churches.
Imagine basing this news on one Sherryll Kraizer's comment, who doesn't even bother lying about not having controlled for any of these factors.
Imagine not acknowledging the fact that the church spent MILLIONS over the last decade, lobbying against extending the statute of limitations for underage victims of sex abuse.
Imagine engaging in whataboutism when your clerics rape young children.
Imagine being deluded enough to believe in hell and self-righteous enough to not think you'll burn in it.
So destroy the church to save the church.
How many hail marys for that sin of yours?
why is he wearing a cardinal's cassock if he's only a bishop? wtf
dress for the job you want
not for the job you have
based. benedict wanted to become a priest because he was fascinated by some german cardinals' clothing, iirc
>my homosexual government propaganda news isn't propaganda. ownded.
>No one was ever really hurt in medieval warfare. Maybe someone got poked in the eye every once in a while, but it was nothing compared to the horrors that have taken place under those damned liberal communists.
Why do some people feel that overlooking blatant bias and incorrect information just to bolster their side of the political spectrum is a viable thing in this day and age of information?
death and warfare is better than sodomy being accepted.
read aquinas and feser.
>haha XD, whatever dude, I'll just carry on ignoring child rape perpetrated by clerics because they're based mitre tippers fighting against degenerate neomarxist chemtrails released by jew heathens
Okay but why encourage such innacuracy? Taqiyyah much?
You can also stop with your dillopian eye strain inducers now.
there is no inaccuracy. tolerance is not a christian virtue. tradwave is coming. it's a meme that god does not hate LGBT bugmen.
Yep, taqiyyah.
mistranslation of porneia
VERY good point... actually never thought of it in light of the traditional American religious trends towards hyper extremism. Puritan heritage right there
No it's actually not and it's related to "porn". I wonder what strings you'll pull to claim in means "toxic intolerant bigoted relationship".
The Roman sadists you speak of took over Christianity after 300 years of populist martyrdom. That's why the church is a latin-speaking mafia of pedophilic Romaboo opulence
The largest sede group is French. Not defending sedes but come on.
If the modern world has taught me anything is that the Inquisition was not thorough enough
The mere existence of the didache blows this theory up irrecoverably.
>Imagine linking propaganda
>Article uses as main source a study made by the Department of Education
>As good of a source as you could get
I hate this fucking board
If you're talking about literature on Trad Catholics, Catholic Twitter, and the growing popularity of the "old ways" of the Church among some Millennials and Zoomers, I'm actually not sure anything like that has been written yet.
It would be a pretty fascinating book, too. You've got young lay women wearing mantillas, young priests wearing cassocks and celebrating the Latin Mass, and men and women all joining traditional religious orders. The only orders of nuns that are growing right now, for example, are the traditional orders that still wear their habits. All the plainclothes nuns are dying out.
Which part of it?
>"LifeSiteNews.com emphasizes the social worth of traditional Judeo-Christian principles"
>"It has been caused by secularists attempting to eliminate Christian morality and natural law principles which are seen as the primary obstacles to implementing their new world order."
>"Who Produces LifeSiteNews? The service was originally started by Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), a Canadian national pro-life organization headquartered in Toronto, Canada. "
>disregards scale and proportion
>disregards exposure time
>"is "likely" more than 100 times" simply based on a gorillion students/pupils vs the pool of children smaller by orders of magnitude who had direct interaction with clerics
>continues to engage in whataboutism and frames it as a matter of me defending paedophile school teachers, when in fact all I am doing is pointing out to the moral bankruptcy of defenders of child raping clerics
begone demon
Puritanism isn't really the underlying thing here, it's the American tendency towards extremist sects. Look at the Second Great Awakening, Mormonism was just one of the products of that period.
It's kind of funny to think about what the world would be like if America was a Catholic country and existed earlier, though. I imagine us calling for crusades constantly.
We somehow got beyond 18 posters?
Why are they all so fat
>if you don't think the Catholic Church needs a good cleansing by fire, you haven't been paying attention
God spits the lukewarm out of his mouth. Stay based.
>Hell yeah I support Traditional Catholicism! It's the most useful to the state!
Tip harder faggot
lmao imagine actually thinking this decrepit, archaic, backward institution is a force of good in this world
pagans and libertarians stay tied for Most Cringe Retards Online trophy
the child rape is all part of God's plan, don't question it
I like how all the arguments are how retarded we are, really great points your bringing up
>"I just want to kill so many fucking people! Is there something worse than torture and murder!? Because I wanna do that too! I'm so fucking crazy!"
The inquisition still exists. Benedict was head of it when he was called Ratzinger the first time.
The Church will still be around when America has crumbled into dust. It will cleanse and renew itself and move forward long after its adversaries have fallen apart.
haha kek, epic basepilled catholic church dabbing on those balls
You seem upset, friend.
The cope, less than 40% of Catholics are even attending church at all.
>most Catholics already know they're going to hell
I think you're missing some of their doctrine.
They're frauds and fakes and they won't be missed. "Many are called but few are chosen."
>Implying you know you're chosen
Get on the bonfire, then.
If I'm ever faced with the choice of dying or denouncing Christ, I'll gladly allow myself to be killed.
10 mil's pretty small, especially if it worked.
No, user, this is an inquisition thread and I am giving you thirty days to commit to an act of faith.
I was talking about the inherent yikesness of supporting a religion because of its political and social implications.
>tfw going to hell
don't even care at this point
hell is lined with the skulls of bishops, little point in bothering
just gonna enjoy life :)
That's the gayest shit. Denounce Christ and live your life as a good man (while still believing in Christ, obvs). Words are not what matter.
Why not become a saint, and enjoy the beauty and the joy of Christ's love in both this life and the next?
that's not gonna happen
even then, how could i sit up there smugly when all of my family and friends are suffering for eternity
Maybe as part of your path to sainthood you could bring your family and friends into the Church, too, user?
ill just burn with them
>trying to force god's hand in judgment
>trying to divine god's grace and chasing after majesty so
>belief in sainthood through works and not ultimate grace
No one says this.
literally the foundation of conservatism in continental Europe
Isn't Burke? His writings on Catholic emancipation is hardly a ringing endorsement.
You're calling Burke a continental?
No, he wasn't much of a Tory either. He is, however, the foundation of modern conservativism.
>legislation that would create the potential for more lawsuits to sap the church's coffers
Gee I wonder why.
Go compare his birthday and death to Edmund Burke's and their bibilographies. Or actually read deMaistre. Your choice.
BASED Anglo refuses to bow to the continental menace yet again
Keep up the good fight, old chap!
Burke is Irish.
40k literature
You really haven't read anything from the period, have you?
When you read posts like this, you know you need Nicea III.
>I want to bring back the Inquisition and a whole lot worse.
Let's fucking go.
Look at these christless heathens.
Reminder that chr*stianity is fundamentally a doomsday cult with the goal of destroying the entire world
>But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
You can divorce your wife for being a whore.
Emperor St. Theodosius was based. "Greek science" is a spook
Ironic. Nice digits though.
>The last thing the world needs is more christcucks.
Why would you say this? Because you found a btfomoralfags image or do you have a competing ideology?
>the Catholic Church needs a good cleansing by fire
Yes, total eradication actually. A story about trees and fruits...
>they leave their doors open during the day
The church in my hometown used to do this. Then "youths" stole all of their paintings and copper. It's closed now except for mass.
No different from the G/Acc tranners and the postmodern neomarxists. They want to replace objectivity with their own brand of subjectivity. The entire point of Christianity is to corrupt the Divine Logos of the platonic tradition with the inclusion of primitive semitic deities. The Divine Pantokreator becomes a childish, resentful storm God. I have no idea why mature westerners let such an affront to truth and justice remain in place after all these years.
nor have you read Burke. He regarded himself as an Englishman.
>I have no idea why mature westerners let such an affront to truth and justice remain in place after all these years.
When it was convert or die, they stopped caring about the truth. Galileans are truly the most evil people on earth (save for their abrahamic forefathers).
He considered himself Old English (ie the Norman families who stopped off in England before becoming more Irish than the Irish themselves.) Which is basically more French than English.