Any food/nutrition autists here? I've been falling down the rabbit hole of reading this stuff...

Any food/nutrition autists here? I've been falling down the rabbit hole of reading this stuff. Some video examples if you're too lazy:

The "mainstream anti-mainstream" books seem to have a general consensus that
>processed food is horrible
>healthy fat is good for you
>most wheat and "empty carbs" are criminally bad for you
>you've been getting royally fucked in the ass for a century by big corporations basically directly controlling all the "health committees" who make the nutrition standards (and suppress and destroy the careers of any dissenters)

It's an interesting world. There are no standard paradigms critical of the mainstream, but the mainstream is completely controlled, so you get this weird mix of rogue nutritionists, bloggers, life extensionists, vegans, paleo/ketofags, conspiracy theorists and outright esoterics, all arguing over what the "normal," "ancestral," or otherwise ideal human diet is. Just reading about all the conglomerates and interest groups that have socially engineered themselves beyond all reproach over the years is some weird mix between reading Chomsky and reading Robert Anton Wilson. Anyone else into this shit?

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I am, user. You're not alone. Food writing is funny. They mostly haven't a clue.

I think it's the fifth or sixth volume of the Collapse series that focuses on food. It's interesting and a nice departure from "me mum did it this way" quaint silliness

I think it's funny how strongly our virtual reality is that tells us were not shoveling pesticides into our bodies throughout the day.

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I am. Medfag also.
Nobody knows shit. I've been following the cleanest diet ever since I'm 14 and I got a chronic disease based on the gut anyway.
The secret is in the microbiome, but guess what, it's brand new and obscure as fuck. What we know about the microbiome is based on the drosophile microbiome.
I think I got ill because I moved in with a roomate who had a fucked up microbiome, we probably exchanged bacteria. It's almost occult science at this level but it has been observed in mice.
Anyway. I'm going to go for the carnivore diet anytime soon.
The best nutrition books I have read yet are from David Perlmutter.
But keep in mind that noboby knows shit.
Eat what your grandparents ate, dont eat the same shit everyday (like I did), dont eat too much, avoid stress and you'll be good.

Michael Gregor is at the end of the nutrition rabbit hole, his website, videos and books are all you need. The whole food plant based diet is the best, of course don't be autistic and let it dictate whether to accept or refuse food offered by friends and family but don't overindulge in it either.
Read How Not To Die or check out the insane amounts of videos greggor made on his website.

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Greger and his followers is a prime example of nutrition cultists. Militant vegan missionaries are a disturbance to the public space.

My grandparents ate mostly garbage made of sugar, margarine, corn starch and msg because that's what was available in their commie country.

I suggest you start with Lehninger's molecular basis for biological energy and intro to biochem. Obviously, some of the truly radical thinkers believe that biochem as a discipline is basically void, but it still doesn't hurt to be familiar with its fundamentals, if only to more effectively critique it.

We're talking about whole food plant based diets here, tell me one thing what's so bad about whole food plant based diets.
>nutrition cultists
Empty rhetoric
>militant vegans
Hurr durr I feel attacked
>muh public space
Please keep the public space a safe space for my established belief system

Jesus christ, stop coping.

But oatmeal is my favourite meal?

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Thanks for proving my point.

It's indisputable that the research has shown that vegans and vegetarians tend to have way lower rates of the diseases that kill people the most (i.e. cancer, heart disease etc), and that this relation remains even when they remove or account for every influencing factor AND they've discovered a bunch of molecular mechanisms by which meat causes inflammation and cancer.

YES some vegans/vegetarians can be cult-like and annoying. NO that doesn't change the fact that the plant-based diet is generally the healthiest for people to follow (if done properly!)

Oatmeal is good just don't add sugar, if you want a good sweetner for your oatmeal then consider blending dates so you get date syrup. Most healthy sweetner in existence.

I never add sugar. I just mix it with milk.

In the population study “Milk Intake and Risk of Mortality and Fractures in Women and Men,” researchers following more than 100,000 men and women in Sweden for about 20 years found significantly higher rates of bone and hip fractures, heart disease, cancer, and premature death in general for women who drank more milk. Three glasses a day was associated with nearly twice the risk of dying early. Men with higher milk consumption were also recorded having a higher risk of premature death. A meta-analysis of all such cohort studies, however, failed to find a significant relationship between milk and mortality. Findings of a 2015 meta-analysis found that men with high intakes of dairy products did appear to increase total prostate cancer risk.

All animal-based foods contain sex steroid hormones, such as estrogen. These hormones naturally found even in organic cow’s milk may play a role in the various associations identified between dairy products and hormone-related conditions, including acne, diminished male reproductive potential, and premature puberty. The hormone content may explain why women who drink it appear to have five times the rate of twin births compared with women who do not drink milk.

When it comes to cancer, leading experts have expressed concern that the hormones in dairy and other growth factors could potentially stimulate the growth of hormone-sensitive tumors. Experimental evidence also suggests that dairy may also promote the conversion of precancerous lesions or mutated cells into invasive cancers in vitro.

Dairy consumption may also play a role in increased risk of asthma, Parkinson’s disease, and elevated blood pressure, among other health concerns such as recurring canker sores.

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>A meta-analysis of all such cohort studies, however, failed to find a significant relationship between milk and mortality.

False. Humans have a mostly incomplete knowledge of our nutrition and digestion, to say nothing of how we feed ourselves at a modern scale

It's an obvious high margin play from the capitalists who fancy they can make the plebs pay meat prices for cattle feed

How are we growing all the lucrative GMO "plants?"

>bro im like OBSESSED with nutrion like O.M.G

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>It's indisputable
Definitely not a cultist eh? please seek professional help.

Honestly pretty based


Sleep is more important than diet.