What a gross, degenerate, cowardly piece of fiction. Why is this considered good? Is it funny?
Other urls found in this thread:
yes, it is funny
wow you really suck. if you can honestly read catch-22 and let your /pol/cel bs keep you from laughing because you're too caught up in its "degeneracy" you are a really low functioning fucking faggot.
i am also guessing you have never served in the military
>is it funny
Did you read it
kek just wait until you read gravitys rainbow. you have no clue
Its wonderful
Its hilarious
are you assravaged because george clooney made a TV series about it?
you're beyond help
Stick to starship troopers which is a satire btw
>Is it funny?
Retarded post
>george clooney made a TV series about it?
I just found my Friday night, hook me up brother
Just found out Harold Bloom thinks is overrated and doomed to be forgotten.
But then again, I think Bloom is an idiot, so his veredict doesen't count for me.
well luckily your opinion counts for almost nothing.
It's on hulu, but I've heard so-so things about it.
Why do you think Bloom is worth defending? Honest question. As someone who really loves Tolstoy, Shakespeare and Emily Dickinson I have never found anything remotely valuable in his criticism. He never addresses the style of those writers and what actually makes them great. It’s always the same mist of vague rhetoric and astrology-like terms. There are critics that are very obscure but that write books far more valuable to someone who wants to understand writing than the Bloom books.
And I agave Bloom a many chances: I read many of his books. It’s always the same. He never talks about Shakespeare’s use of metaphors and his imagery, for example. One needs only to compare Mark Van Doren or Frank Kermode with Bloom to see how insensitive and obtuse the latter one is.
I cannot help but agree with reviewers like these:
If you go for superstar literary critics, then James Wood is far superior to Harold Bloom.
You're going to make me Google it aren't you? If I wanted this shit I'd be on a date on Friday night. Spoonfeed me.
natsocfags should be killed.
all literary criticism is bullshit and a racket
Lol Bloomlets talking about the value of opinions. The irony.
Shut up, bootlicker.
the skin is better but even more gross and degenerate
Fuck user
Way to hit me in the feels
A vastly inferior book to Good Soldier Svejk.
Joseph Heller can't seem to wrap his head around the idea of war. "War is absurd" is the meaning ofCatch-22; and indeed, in the individualist era it becomes impossible to understand the past, when the highest man is no longer the war hero but the actor pretending to be one, but who, if faced with a real gun, would run away screaming like a girl. Impossible for the slave to understand sacrifice. And naturally enough: his inability to sacrifice himself is the reason he became a slave in the first place. When the individual becomes his own agent and any kind of hierarchy, any kind of higher structure, is devalued, sacrifice becomes absurd. What would you sacrifice yourself for, when you yourself are your own end? To sacrifice yourself for yourself would be nonsensical, and that's why no one does it.
Is there anything more cringe then autonomous leftists?
Self-sacrifice is the sign of the slave, not the master. Only people with a mind like a slave would think that there is a higher authority above their own.
"the JQ"
white knighting for a lady named western civilization
jordan b peterson
ben shapiro
It's popular by ***pure coincidence***
>Why wasn't he an action hero like I would've been if I was in world war two?
I hope we both get drafted to go die in Iran together so I can accidentally shoot your dick off and tell our CO I thought I saw Muslim Cong