Here let me BTFO Socialism for you sjw trannie leftcuck libtard commies on Yea Forums
AHEM...Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba. There. Get it throught your thick heads. Socialism has and never will work. Now fuck off godless commies, this is a righteous Christian Capitalist board. Take responsibility in your life and stop asking big gubment to do shit for you, weaklings.
Here let me BTFO Socialism for you sjw trannie leftcuck libtard commies on Yea Forums
Cold take
America is literally socialist you dolt
Free market capitalism is incompatible with Christian values.
This is what gets me. It hasn't been successful. No matter how theoretically perfect it is, no matter how logical it is, it will never work because the masses are incompetent.
that's not a problem in national socialism.
It's working in China
That's why Christian values were changed by Russell Conwell in his sermon "Acres of Diamonds."
Unironically all three examples of success under socialism
Yea Forums is largely third-position anti-capitalist with Catholic values, flanked by some actual Catholics on the right, and Bakuninite Anarchists on the left.
Ummmm sweetie...... Individualism is not compatible with Christianity.
China isn't socialist lol
Markets, personal property, and trade are older than Christianity and are totally compatible with it. Usurious, greed-driven capitalism is not.
Cuba works pretty well.
Consider these two cases:
Pros: Healthcare, education, housing and nutrition are guaranteed for every citizen. Dignity is assured if you work.
Cons: No luxuries, freedom of speech not allowed in the cases it would negate the PROS.
Disadvantages: No natural resources. Under constant economic, military and propagandistic attack by the worlds most powerful military from the moment it was created.
United states:
Pros: luxuries, freedom of speech permited as long as it doesnt threaten the status quo.
Cons: status quo means most people have lower standard of living in general. Worse medicine, nutrition housing and education. You have no dignity if you have no money.
Disadvantages: literally none.
Just imagine what cuba could do if it wasnt under constant economic (embargo) and military (assasination attempts and cia meddling) and propagandistic (literally every us media spreads lies) attack. They would probably be able to have all that AND luxuries.
or just think of what a country like the us could achieve if it apply the same succesful structures as cuba without having imperialist enemies assautling them and with an abundance of natural resources.
Yes it is. There is no one Socialism.
Pick one
got any "trustworthy" sources that say cubans have better standards of living than 'muricans
Now read Sombart and Spengler.
Everyone sage and report this off-topic thread.
North Korea is good though. Cuba and Venezuela are okay.
i sure hate world-class healthcare
Government by the people, FOR THE PEOPLE you drooling fucking moron.
>Freedom of speech
>You have no dignity if you have no money.
>Disadvantages: literally none.
fuck you faggot, capitalism is more dangerous than communism, here's why:
coca coler killed 10 billion people
hitler was a neoliberal
the soviet union was NOT communism and neither is china
have sex
The government's purpose is literally to serve the people you dipshit.
muh michael moore documentary
you do realize that based cuban health care is only good for very basic requirements like broken arms or penicillin for your syphillis? once you need elaborate treatment, you're fucked.
Capitalism only works in your favour if you already have plenty of initial resources.
you're really fucking stupid
Why do people still do this?
All three are genuinely fantastic models that show how left wing governments can be incredibly successful. If anything they only show just how fucked the west is and how shitty their media is
individualism is not compatible with society.