The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "When three of you are together, two of you must not converse privately ignoring the third till the number increases, lest the third should be grieved.
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Discuss ?
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "When three of you are together, two of you must not converse privately ignoring the third till the number increases, lest the third should be grieved.
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Discuss ?
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well, i have to agree. Better to be kind in this life.
Don't be rude and ignore the awkward guy
Muhammad was a semi chad who was able to get an army of incels by promising them what they couldn’t get without force: women. Kek.
> Muhammed's companions are incels
You do realise most of them had at least 2 chicks at any given time , right ?
Yeah that’s why they joined his movement so they could have that life. Prior to that they were incels. You think the people that would join new memereligions like Islam are anything but the dregs of society?
A religion that banned killing infant girls, prostitution, drinking, gambling and abortion sound like the dregs of society to you?
>what is changing the rules once you have power
How stupid can you be?
>Citation not found
A lot of those were required prior to that, such as the bans infanticide and prostitution
The first people to join islam were high ranking members of societt , try again buddy
Menage a trois?
t. Assmad Arabic fanfic writer
This is actually not true. It is very well known that besides those who were close to Muhammad, the majority of the first muslims were the lower ranking members of society, e.g. slaves and the young.
I was born into a Bosnian muslim family. My mother is covered, my dad is very practising. I moved away and haven't kept with fast, prayer or anything really. I feel bad about it, my dad finds me to a bit disappointing because I partook in the rituals as a kid. Any suggestions my friend? How do I strengthen my faith and get into the fray again
Read The Revival of the Religious Sciences
Why do you think you stopped practising? The Book of Religion helped my faith immensely, though I realised there was no room for the faith of my father once I satisfied reason (the 'book' is less than 30 pages and can be found on gen.lib under the title of The Political Writings)
Mohammedist Islam is so refreshing. If only westerners took their Christian heritage seriously -- and removed from it the anglozionist corruption.
Don't, convert to orthodox christianity, that was the religion of your country before the turks forced Islam upon you. I would say become pagan but not enough information on local paganism exists because christians destroyed it and most pagans IRL are cat ladies and larpers.
Islam is cool water to a parched man adrift in the Judeo-Christian wasteland
>killing infant girls
oh gee how did all those other women survive?
what is muta marriage?
>gambling and abortion
also banned by other major religions
muhammad you need to up you dawah game.
The west didn't outlaw abortion or prostitution until the 19th Century
>Bilal ibn Rabah
>Ammar ibn Yasir
>Abu Dharr al-Ghifari
>Salman al Farsi
> Abu bakr
> Ali
> Osman
> Zubair
> Saad bin abi waqas
Hindus are upset their women go after Muslim men so they came up with an elaborate conspiracy that mosques are training Muslim men for "love jihad"
>Miqdad ibn al-Aswad
>Malik al-Ashtar
>Anas ibn Malik
>Hudhayfa ibn al Yaman
I didn't claim it was only the lower classes though a large part of it was made up of the lower classes. You made it sound as if it was a simple shifting of opinion in the Arab aristocracy, also important to note is the losses those wealthy men incurred.
Damn, interesting sexual dynamics between two peoples who shit in the street and rape children.
>reducing everything to sex
Recommend me some islamic audio books. Im a former muslim but recently decided to find my iman again
Listen to Mufti Menk
Sounds like your basic normie jumah imam
He is but if you're just trying to get back on the wagon he is a good choice imo
This speech is super good , i really recommend you watch it.
Makes sense. Sort of boils down to don’t gossip, right? Or maybe don’t take arbitrary sides among your kin. A lot of ways of taking it, as is the absolute wisdom of Allah. What do you think OP? Also lol at all the nerds in this thread trying to derail the topic of discussion. Don’t pay any mind to them my friends, Allah has put a seal over their hearts. They will come to him in their due time, as we all will.
Abu Bakr was part of a noble family, but not very high ranking. He himself was a bit of an outcast.
Ali was a fucking child come on.
Zubayr was a banu Hashim, he probably converted by loyalty to Muhammad, but he didn't represent much, he was a teenager when Muhammad first received the revelation.
Saad's mother was a banu Umayya, but his father's lineage wasn't noble.
Uthman ibn Affan is the only truly high ranking noble that converted to Islam in the early days.
Umar ibn al-Khattab after a couple of years was also a decisive conversion. He wasn't high ranking, but he was popular, extremely respected, feared, etc.
But only by 628 did the likes of Khalid ibn al-Waleed and Amr ibn al-As convert to Islam. And most of the oligarchy of Mecca (those who were still alive anyway after the many battles, amongst whom Abu Sufyan) submitted (not converted, they were called to tulaqa, the "freed", that means that they were taken as slaves and released by Muhammad) to him in 630 when he conquered the city. Most of the higher ranking meccans resisted Islam to the very end.
I'm not even Muslim, but Mohammed was uber chad, "semi"?? He had thousands of girls at his disposal, he has millions of people adore him over millenia, die for him and believe what he believes. Obviously was a near god-level Chad. Stop being a biased revisionist.
Christianity has been destroyed by Zionism and subversion of the papacy
isn’t it “off the wagon”?
Jewish trickery
>what is muta marriage?
not allowed in Islam, that's what
>Should you meet the adversary on your path, agree
The real Bible
>When it is said to them: "Follow what Allah hath revealed:" They say: "Nay! we shall follow the ways of our fathers." What! even though their fathers were void of wisdom and guidance? (Surah al-Baqarah, 170)
Try detonating yourself in the presence of other Muslims.
>A religion that banned killing infant girls
Yeah, why would you kill the Lolis when you can fuck them?
Came back after listening to that. This might have just changed my life. So many doors opened during that listen.
>he thinks people converted to Islam because it was "intelligent" and not to avoid having to pay heavy tax
Yes brother
If Islam is intelligent I wouldn't be in a position where my family and I could've been killed in a muslim sparked riot just for practicing the religion almost a decade ago lmao. Cause of the conflict fitted the praxis of that Surah.
People who tend to revere Islam highly for its sophisticated esotericism just don't see (and clearly ignore) how it's being applied on the street by the larger number of populace who just don't live a life muddled with the same kind of intellectual masturbation like most of you are doing. Or even worse, they know that Islam is a strong political tool to gain power and organize mob, hence deliberately using it for their own benefit behind the screen.
Jizya doesn't explain much though, what needs to be addressed is what kind of memes that the muslims are using to attract/force you to convert or at least be able to subvert your opinion.
>what needs to be addressed is what kind of memes that the muslims are using to attract/force you to convert or at least be able to subvert your opinion.
The purest idea of God ever conceived by human beings.
I love the recent influx of Muslim posters. What is causing it tho? Post Ramadan dawah fervor?
>Chad muslims give hindu girls multiple orgasms by licking them like lollipops
>Somehow that's a bad thing
How many muslim posts did you notice in the last week ?
Yeah I doubt it that it's for everybody tho.
The actions of few don't mean anything , are there 100,000 bad muslims 1000,000 doesn't matter that's like 0,001% of the population and believe these idiots who ruin islam's reputation would still find a reason to endanger others even if they weren't muslim
>banned abortion
>banned gambling
>stripped away women's rights
>enforced monogamy
Sounds like /r9k/: The Religion to me, tbqh.
> Enforced monogamy
How retarded are you ?
>what needs to be addressed is what kind of memes that the muslims are using to attract/force you to convert or at least be able to subvert your opinion.
yes the sword
you are a fool if you think Islam would've gotten anywhere if it hadn't been for constant warfare
>islam's reputation
Is in the gutter where it belongs.
>The actions of few don't mean anything , are there 100,000 bad muslims 1000,000 doesn't matter that's like 0,001% of the population and believe these idiots who ruin islam's reputation would still find a reason to endanger others even if they weren't muslim.
lol you're mentally inadequate for even applying math without any context at all and expect me to believe that 0,001% from 1,000,000 shouldn't even be worrying? Your use of math is bad. 0,001% is bs number, how many muslims are necessary in order to kill me? Let's say it's 10 people, with 10 people the chance for killing me is 100%, but at the same time, this ten people only amounts to 0,00001% from 1.000.000, have you even learned statistics properly?? The FEW matters based on the situation, dumbshit, the only thing to see here is whether if Islam is one of the primary cause for the qualitative change of behavior in a person.
Also I lived in a muslim majority with 100+ millions muslim whose half of it are increasingly becoming more politically radical, so no. Shit wasn't like this two decades ago.
>idiots who ruin islam's reputation
Then why is nothing being done to those idiots? You can't touch them if their behavior is justified by the religion don't you?
Also what reputation? Tell me, and don't even bullshit me with the thing like muh golden age. See .
>>enforced monogamy
I am just not into Judaism or any of it's heretical offshoots... I actually find it embarassing that non-Jews would want to worship the Jewish god, Jews doubtless find it ridiculous...
So Eliot Roger was a chad?
Fucking dunce.
Why does Islam have such bad prose in English
>Why is nothing being done to these idiots
Well firstly Muslims states have bombed them into oblivion, with some western tech and assistance, and though you /pol/tards don't read them there are thousands of cases in Europe and North America of the Muslims community telling authorities about certain peoples intention to commit terror attacks.
>stripped away women's rights
Kuffar think Arabia was a modern, humanist, liberal western state before Muhammad
Women didn’t select their mates for the majority of civilization, what it traditionally took to be a chad was to be exalted among men.
start with your local mosque or if you're shy then just relearn it online
Assuming you haven't been practicing for years.
Iman Tawhidi lives
YIKES akhi. I rather watch Dr. Zakir Naik
>army of incels
Some of the most notable and strongest members of the community converted. True, there were a lot of slaves but that is the same with pretty much any new religion which appeals to the oppressed.
Only Twelver Shias do Mutah though.
>guy who never scored whose greatest achievement was killing like four people and is admired by underground community of virgins
>guy with 11 wives whose greatest achievement was conquering the Arabian peninsula and creating a socio political and religious force that has persisted for one and a half millennia and is admired by billions over this time
Not a poltard, I'm born Muslim, and I intend not to abandon my faith but I do distance myself from other fellow Muslims.
>there are thousands of cases in Europe and North America of the Muslims community telling authorities about certain peoples intention to commit terror attacks.
What are you trying to imply again? Again, you're playing with numbers and disregarding the matter at hand. What does thousands of cases mean? Are you fooled by numbers because it makes you feel good?. Study mathematics properly.
That's just an excuse to ignore the problem that as long as any emergent violent behavior could be labeled Islamic if it's done by any Muslims, symmetrically it also means that any inclination for violence could be done under the name of Allah, anything that goes through the label of Islam from one way to another will result in a positive feedback loop of escalating violent behavior.
Contextually that's not even a good thing in the first place, use your fucking mind.
>Well firstly Muslims states have bombed them into oblivion
And that is a justification to murder civilians in countries who's involvement was nothing more then being strung along by US power?
>there are thousands of cases in Europe and North America of the Muslims community telling authorities about certain peoples intention to commit terror attacks.
And? Should we applaud every Muslim who doesn't commit heinous crimes against the country that, with self sacrificing kindness, has accepted him?
Even the thought that it is an accomplishment to not literally condone mass murder is bizarre, the fact that there was a single case where not immediately the entire community went to the police at the first suggestion that one of them wanted to commit an act of terrorism is the issue.
now add Zoroastrian at the very top above Judaism
>heavy tax
Yet nowadays people are fine with 20% VAT
Just make dua for Him to draw near to you and make you steadfast / patient during the process. Go to the masjid and just pray. He's the "Oft-Returnjng" for a reason you know? There are times when I veer greatly from the Path but when I pray I find Him again.