The hero with a thousand faces

Is it worth reading?

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I'm currently reading it.

It's pretty dense and at times could do with having some bullshit cut out, but it's largely very interesting.

>aristotle’s Poetics
>hero with a thousand faces
>save the cat

Is there a better trifecta when it comes to story writing?

Yes, but you’ll never make it through.

speak for yourself, sweaty

I’ve read it.

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Please turn off your tripcode. I cant have a normal conversation with a tripfag

and so why did you forsake your rite of passage to manhood?

Then stop making it such a big fucking deal.
So, because so many of you are so dense. I wasn’t trying to discourage OP from reading it, I was trying to challenge him to do so.

I’ve never been male. Ever.

why do you need people to know who you are? why is it so important that you of all people should go by a name while everyone else is anonymous?

I'm reading it right now and it seems to come from a particular era of academia where scholarship is very rigorous, but the claims are way grander than contemporary academia. Definitely worth reading.

it's great if you're a beginner, has some tidbits even for the intermediate.
will probably be stuff you already know if you're on expert level.

Why does it matter? If you don't want to use it don't, imagine how many insightful conversations you could have had if you dropped this middle school shit.

You mean this? I'm always looking for good books on actual story writing. Most of them aren't very helpful; which I expect.

A film buff keeps mentioning Tarkovsky’s Sculpting in Time... that could make for a good influence.

That’s all I do. Look for influences. I read about some methods in a writers magazine ages ago. Full articles about keeping notes when inspiration hits, making sure there’s *conflict* in your story to keep it interesting, etc.

>Sculpting in Time
I've seen this mentioned quite a bit. Thought about picking it up. Might check it out, and see what it has to offer. Writing screenplays is actually a great exercise; really makes you work with conveying images for a scene rather than focusing on prose, etc.. It sounds simple, but it isn't.

I'm op. I'm reading it more for my own psychological development than actual interest in myth, even tho I think now the former has to do with the latter

Anything Jung or Jung related is a waste of time.

I subscribe to this position.


>i've never been a man. Ever.
>would you fuck me?
>i'd fuck.
>i'd fuck me so hard.

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No you didn't.

For one, because people on Yea Forums are autistic enough to latch onto and perpetuate the lore of these people as pseudocelebrities. Tripcodes are only useful when people use them to verify identity for specific reasons.
If you have any semblance of a worthwhile post you should be content having written it, and not need to stamp your name on it or get indignant about not receiving (you)s. Using it for no reason is just vanity.
Anonymity of users leads people to make evaluative judgements of a post free from the idea of offense of someone else. Which means you can really only critique the post, not the person. Which leads to higher objectivity.
And it works the other way: If you wrote something retarded, you, and your potential critics, are free from the culpability of living down that post, or respective responses. You don't--and can't--trade in on social credit or good faith.

Bumping because I'm interested in hearing more about this book.

Tripfags should be killed.

Of course I’ve read The Hero with a Thousand Faces

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