Both Tory leadership contenders went to Oxford

Both Tory leadership contenders went to Oxford.

The current Prime Minister and chancellor went to Oxford.

The man in the webm went to Oxford.

Attached: 1561102443859.webm (1280x720, 2.65M)

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Every government leader since Major has been posh, tell us something we don't know

why is no one protecting that poor trans woman ?

I seriously doubt that the man in the red dress went to Oxford, OP.

why is the man in suit doing this? story?

what am I looking at?

It can be so crushing as a crass barbaric American to regard the high elite cultures of the UK. They seem like such complete human beings that I do not know what to regard myself as anymore.

What's the context for this? Protesters crashing the party?

based suit man aint having none of that

Ah yeah there's nothing more "based" than being prosecuted for assault.

Some Greenpeace protester crashing the party

Climate change protestor

Yes doing what needs to be done even in the face of unjust potential consequences is very based

very brave

Why is he so mad tho lol

This is standard for high ranked universities. As the economy gets worse and the middle class shrinks, the only real guarantee of attendance is being born into money, which incidentally guarantees that most of the students are spoiled fops. Academic standards and traditions of rigour have declined across the board because ultimately the degree is a commodity and the university is a business, and they can't have the rich kids having a bad time at their four-year summer camp.

The end result is that elite universities just become generic, samey finishing schools for generic, samey kids who are increasingly "nigger rich."

So she is the based one. All clear now.

Makes money by polluting or otherwise covering for fossil fuel industrialists?

>uh oh better not tell this greenpeace faggot to fuck off or else daddy guvment will wag his finger at me!

tranny bias?

Pollutes their own body with exogenous hormones. Makes a big show out of protesting industrial pollution. Really makes you think

the woman hardly even touched him

Didn’t say she did. She was there to protest not assault anyone.

And what’s all this bullshit about unattractive gingers having to be males to you sex-starved bootlickers?

if you protest climate change and aren't a vegan you shouldn't be listened to.

Veganism is a good way to show you are not a serious environmentalist.

beef causes more damage to the environment than cars


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fuck off retard

Why the fuck do politicsfags think paying lipservice to a place where read books makes it about literature?

This is the definition of based

Yes let's exterminate all animals, they are bad for the environment.

>go to oxford
>end up becoming a politician

Absolute state

>it's another vegans deluding themselves into thinking they're accomplishing anything chapter

>Elsewhere, Jeremy Corbyn looks up from his dog-eared copy of Ulysses, sensing a disturbance

unironically though, the pasture animal population needs to be culled.

>we all have to sit on our hands and tolerate grown women throwing temper tantrums

Physicality is a necessary part of social regulation, otherwise the most petulant individuals become a de facto ruling class. This is only assault in the sense of "boo hoo the badman touched me"

Fuck trannyjannies


>We all have to sit on our hands while a sociopathic elite ravage the world and unleash a cataclysm that will wipe us all away

You’re the one squawking about assault. Less calm heads in my camp would be calling for that whole room to be shot and hung. Get a grip. You’re hysterical.

You're worthless

>You’re the one squawking about assault.



Just another pro legalization of prostitution liberal.
Still, I’d like a chance to convert her while fucking.

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