Does it really deserve to be considered one of the "Great American Novels"?

Does it really deserve to be considered one of the "Great American Novels"?

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Did he died in the end?

Who? Blood Meridian or the Evening Redness in the West.




Far more so than whatever Franzen has crapped out which inexplicably gets called a great American novel.

No. It's your obligatory edgy shit critics pretend to enjoy so no one will catch on they're total prudes.

Totally, unless you come up with something better.


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the blood meridian was inside him all along

I found it a bit monotonal, no real light and shade, so after a while it became a little boring.
Also the quasi-philosophical sections seemed a bit heavy handed in the way they were inserted into the narrative, and the ideas themselves are kinda trite.

Check it out, the next Harold Bloom!

Just my opinion, not trying to be the next anyone. I really think it would have benefitted from a female character or two to break up the same old same old

Harold Bloom thinks this is a better novel than anything Pynchon or Dellio wrote, and calls it the spiritual continuation of Faulkner and Melville


I think Mason and Dixon is a better "muh Americah" novel desu.

its definitely more vibrant and varied in tone. Pynchon seems comparable to shakespeare in that regard. as much as i love blood meridian it is a tad one note (aka consistently bleak and nihlistic)

He's not wrong.

There is only one Great American Novel and its name is Moby-Dick

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my non-american vote goes to moby-dick, too.