Abu Huraira reported: A man asked the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him...

>Abu Huraira reported: A man asked the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, “Who is most deserving of my good company?” The Prophet said, “Your mother.” The man asked, “Then who?” The Prophet said “Your mother.” The man asked again, “Then who?” The Prophet said, “Your mother.” The man asked again, “Then who?” The Prophet said, “Your father.”

Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5626, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2548

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Are you actually a moslem OP? I was born into a traditional moslem family but find myself falling out of the religion since I started grad school and moved out.

I still eat halal, observe Ramadan, give zakat, etc. and have managed to keep myself chaste (until marriage I suppose) and removed from the opposite sex, but I struggle with egregious sins like watching pornography and I've stopped praying entirely. I don't even go to the Friday Jumah anymore.

Sorry for the blogpost. It's hard to find another moslem to talk about this stuff with, most will immediately judge and condemn you (at least in my community). I was also molested by an islamic tutor when I was younger resulting in even greater resentment toward the religion.

I love that quote by the way and think of it often. I probably would have gone even further astray and maybe even killed myself if not for the pain I know it would cause my parents.

>I was also molested by an islamic tutor when I was younger
Who’d’ve guessed? Take notes guenonfag

This is what happens to pedos and queers

Attached: 0DB0F5B0-4C1C-4974-B13D-6CF79E1AA84C.jpg (790x530, 29K)

>and have managed to keep myself chaste
with no effort required


Honestly you'll find a better community of muslims to discuss this on /int/ or -45degreeinfinity chan.

Based Muhammad for using yo mama insult.

Not op but /int/ is full of zindiq infidels

You're a kaffir if you've skipped the friday prayer three times, at least that's what the people around me said to me just to keep me in line. Dunno what why the sudden influx of muslim threads but I guess some of these people just love LARPing just to feel a little bit more special than the others. Where are you from?

Mohammed (despair and suffering be upon him) had a mommy fetish, he was with a much older woman before he got into being a paedo. Probably raped as a boy, that is very common in Arabia. And of course, sexual deviants are created by child abuse by sexual deviants... It is how homosexual men, who make up most child rapists, reproduce.

Attached: LGBTP Pedo.jpg (682x1024, 147K)

The thing is though , the older woman "khadija" is the one who asked muhammed's hand for marriage

The prayer is the anchor to your religion, consider that it was the first part Allah revealed to the Prophet, before anything else you mentioned, Prayer is the process through which sins are forgiven, and to not pray itself is a sin. Please pray the Salat. Allah will forgive you your sin in an instant, just ask, and poof, forgiven. Allah loves to forgive because He is ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim, those are His very names because they are Who He is. Do you wish to know Allah? Study Mercy and practice that.

Byron was molested by his nannies, this sort of thing has nothing to do with Islam. If Catholics got a hard time it is because their clergy had a network, not because it is unique to them. It is also rampant in the Boy Scouts

>You're a kaffir if you've skipped the friday prayer three times, at least that's what the people around me said to me just to keep me in line.
That is not true at all, and it is a major sin to say so. Sinning doesn't turn you into a kaffir

Muhammad was a mommas boy which explains why he was an uncle until he got an army of incels to follow him in the cause of not being incels by force anymore

> A mommas boy
He was orphaned at six idiot

Yeah exactly. Right at the age where all you’ve ever known is your mother. Mommy issues.

He was raised by another woman , you're trying to project western phsychology on the wrong person buddy.

"Respect your mother"
>Look look a mommy fetish

I think the the one with the mommy fetish is you, dude.

I find the hadith, where Mohammed gives a tribe who recently converted to Islam, a drink of camel-milk and urin (cause, they had problems with the climate), who later cast away the camels and got killed cause of it, why more funny

not if you are married to your 6 year old

Marriage is good. Marriage at an early age is better. Marriage to the greatest human who ever lived at an early age is the best.

Camel piss has proven health benefits



