What's your ritual when reading? How do you get comfy?

What's your ritual when reading? How do you get comfy?

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>take off shoes
>change out of work clothes and into jammies
>turn on some cozy lamps and lean into the biggest, softest chair I have

Ahhh perfect


pics of chair? i need a comfy one

I'm at work right now but when I get home I'll post em, it's this really weird, curved almost triangle shaped thing that fits in the corner, I think it was part of a sofa. It's one of those seats that you just sink in and get too comfy in, I got it from a thrift store for like $20 lmfao

sounds really comfy desu, need me one of those too

>get home from work
>upon entering my mostly unfurnished studio apartment, let out a long, deep, sigh
>bemoan the fact that there is no easy or painless way to kill myself
>stick a frozen pizza in the oven
>browse Yea Forums and my favorite alt-right websites/blogs while I eat
>place my now-empty plate on top of the teetering mound in the overflowing sink
>stand up straight and declare out-loud: “It’s time. It’s time for a new me. I was born for great things.”
>pick out a yellowed paperback from the pile of ancient and obscure books on the floor
>sit down on the bed and read the back of the book before opening up Yea Forums to ask whether it’s worth reading
>someone posts a big tittied girl and I end up masturbating again
>as I fall asleep in a post-orgasm haze, I think about how much self-improvement I’ll get done tomorrow, and how knowledgeable and learned I’ll be after reading so many books

Need to abstain from masturbating/sex for at least a day before I can read anything and enjoy it. Otherwise it's a chore.

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I read when waking for 2 hours it's a habit and I turn off internet

start reading

I don’t read in bed anymore. Now I have a dedicated chair with a desk lamp. Cold water mostly but sometimes milk or decaf with crazy tasty creamer.

sacrifice a goat, pray to gods, masturbate and do some light stretching

ruins the ability and motivation to read

Read in the car in order to not be disturbed by annoying noises and pronounce the cool shit out loud.

jacking off makes my brain go bye bye

it's ritual masturbation and doesn't impair me

Not that user but I don't agree. The sexual need/frustration goes away after i fap.it's a way to stop it from stealing my attention and let it finally go where I want to do.

>doesn't impair me

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I don't watch porn

Where I want it to*

>be tired as fuck
>F5 every webpage open to check for notifications and news that actually don't matter
>check windows, brush teeth, get to bed
>read one or two pages max then fall asleep

Unfortunately that has been my reading ritual :(

>im waiting
>im waiting
>half a year passes by
>out of a sudden urge i read 1000 pages i an short amount of time
>im waiting
>im waiting

Porn doesn't cause these effects, brainlet. The physiological effects of arousal and release do. The "dude its just porn" is Gary Wilson pseudoscience.

Does anyone else purposely NOT get comfy when reading? If I'm comfy I just end up falling asleep. I have a nice hard-ish chair that I sit on and just drink coffee.

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ASMR is better than porn anyway. I can have waifus instead of vagina meatbags.

Coffee doesn't work for me. You're lucky.

>ignores the implications

Does the cumbrain meme advocate for absolute chastity?

fucking this

Keep dreaming bro you read 2/3rds of one book and gloryhound it on everybody

It doesn't but it should, and regardless can be extrapolated from it.

can i still be saved or is my brain rotting away for good now

1 day? you're lucky, i need at least a week.

Stop and reverse course. Fill your day with as many other activities as possible. With deliberate effort, you should be able to do this if you aren't too far gone. As long as you can achieve 4 months of abstinence, it should be possible to eradicated the the habit and the ingrained subconscious circulation of it. If you can't, I don't think it is ever truly "too late" given that pharmacological solutions exist which can chemically force these states. I've never tried them but treating hypersexuality SSRIs/nabilone should be possible for a few month period without permanent effects, even low dose antiandrogens are worth considering. Most people, can function just fine in spite of being a cumbrain and hence treatment isn't warranted from a strict medical perspective but if the true effects of it were established, and if someone really did want to rid themselves of it, they would be. I'm talking the multiple times a day people who are slaves to this who would benefit from this treatment, who would want to go beyond it.

>take a nice shower right after making bed and turning on heated blankie
>brush hair and teeth
>get into my underwear or jammies
>take melatonin
>maybe grab a glass or two of milk
>turn off lights, turn on bedside lamp
>hop in bed, snuggle in on my side
>read while occasionally browsing Yea Forums and looking up new words or pictures of things I'm unfamiliar with
>read till too tired

I have abstained my whole life

Sounds comfy user, don't overdose on meds though.


I copy the text on ivona and read it along with the computer

I’m drunk all of the time


I have to floss, brush, and rinse before reading. Idk why but I can't bring myself to read until I do. Usually take a shower also.


>stand up somewhere silent
>read book
the patrician choice.
>don't get sleepy, always concentrated and focused
>better circulation
>much healthier
>builds resistance, can stand up for a long ass time without feeling discomfort

read above.

Attached: patrician reading.jpg (720x1300, 57K)


Coffee! LAMPE I INSIGHT. Coffee immediately. It must be brought on the spot.

Have you read these studies? None of them are conclusive, most even mention the lack of necessary causality in terms of symptoms, IE while these symptoms are correlated, they may not be caused by excessive porn use. The first #3 study does not even mention long term memory loss, only temporary interference when aroused. But of course this is the case, I don't doubt individuals who abstain from masturbation/pornography would have a similar response.
>"The negative association of self-reported pornography consumption with the right striatum (caudate) volume, left striatum (putamen) activation during cue reactivity, and lower functional connectivity of the right caudate to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex could reflect change in neural plasticity as a consequence of an intense stimulation of the reward system, together with a lower top-down modulation of prefrontal cortical areas.
>>Alternatively, it could be a precondition that makes pornography consumption more rewarding."

I don't have a ritual because it would limit the times I can read

unironically good blogpost user

I sit at my desk, quietly, and drink a milk coffee.

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Get on subway
Dig book out of backpack
Open book

can anyone recommend a good, comfy reading chair? the computer chair i have isn't that comfy

He's a guy who spends his days posting bait images on Yea Forums, he doesn't have the brains to read scientific texts

So the irony is people in relationships are like this if they're fucking all the time?