>tfw you didnt get educated in finland
i hate america so much frens
Tfw you didnt get educated in finland
Other urls found in this thread:
Lol op had America "school"
>that constant sharp hissing in finnish accent
>i hate america
>tfw no platinum blonde finnish school teacher gf
why live?
>Look at this school with only white people it's so great
You don't say
>muh all equal
>muh be happy
>le no homework
>you can become whatever you want :)
Then you see Finland suicide rates are Japan tier. Literal propaganda, also not Yea Forums related.
The average Finn is well read, cultured, and finishes high school with STEM knowledge comparable to an American Physics BS. They have one of the highest world IQs. Admit that school failed you, maybe the next generation will actually be smart on average.
>girls in school
any school that attempts to accommodate the female sex is bound to be garbage, sorry
I am sure this is true, but I cant wrap around my head how they only teach 2 hours a day. It doesnt make any sense to me.
And what have Finns contributed to humanity? Internet memes and Linux. Lol.
I'm unironically 140IQ tested and self-learned all I know, starting with english which I've been fluent ever since I had access to the internet.
And I attended to one christian private school with this sort of "just b urself", "all you need is to be happy" mantras. I don't like being dishonest with children, it's mean.
But user, McLean, Virginia has such great schools because of their income
As an American who went through public school, I expect Americans to teach themselves like I did. If you were truly an intelligent American, you would have had a natural curiosity that motivated you to seek out intellectually demanding topics on your own since childhood
>tfw I don't live in a country devoid of brown people and hypercompetitive Asian insects
I grew up in Northern VA and attended TJ. These schools are absolute dogshit, I wish somebody would nuke D.C.
Girls are yucky. Maybe your sad because you dont play wit toys
You can't apply this system in low income areas, "students" will end up robbing and killing their teacher under this be yourself shit
>Go to meme school
>Get memed on
Alexandria here. The schools are just fine. My high school was half well off white kids and half the other way. The school offered free AP classes in a bid to get the latter to take them more often, all it did was encourage the capable kids to take 7 AP classes which is exactly what I did.
Have you ever watch footage of students in these "low income area" schools? They are already doing what they want.
The American education system is DESIGNED to beat that instinct out of you, not to foster it
>"""""""""""""""Finnish schools""""""""""""""""""
OP, that's a Swedish school
looked like there were minorities on the Finnish schools featured in the OP video
Umm the Sämi people aren't considered a minority because they are WHITE. They are even more pale than ethnic Finns
>the Sämi are seen by ethnic Finns as the Native Americans of Europe
Umm sweaty, the only opinion that matters is the opinion of American liberals :)
It isn't *that* good. Would have rather gone to a (good) British or French school.
Had lots of fun though.
What is this no homework bullshit? I always had homework in school.
The school system is going to shit anyway, public funding dropping + super ambitious and naive attitude to kids' learning abilities and motivation is a combination that just doesn't work. The results are already showing. You missed the boat if you didn't start your school in the early 00s at the latest.
name a single((1)(one)) finn that's done anything important
whoever it was that created Apu
I wanna see the scores of Finnish students compared to the scores of Finnish-American ones, otherwise this is all bullshit.
>The average Finn is well read, cultured, and finishes high school with STEM knowledge comparable to an American Physics BS. They have one of the highest world IQs.
Michael Moore is a dishonest retard
>Small country with two official languages that is surrounded by other small countries who speak different languages who all intermingle with each other has students that are multilingual.
>Large country with only one (de facto) official language, which happens to be the worldwide lingua franca, and no other surrounding countries that speak different languages that intermingle with it in any substantial capacity has students that are primarily monolingual.
Well, No. Actually.
It is high IQ of children of finland which makes them educated.
Lars Ahlfors
the "be exceptional" mindset isn't very finnish and the system doesn't try to push that, it aims to make the average person pretty good
>I always had homework in school
And look what an inattentive loser you turned out to be
Thats probably have more to do with the fact that they're not religious people that with education, retard.
It's actually noticeably lower than Japan and about on the level of USA
>what's Finland's secret?
>no homework! eureka!
Liberia doesn't have homework either.
>Finland must be paradi-
>no exams except finals
sounds fucking retarded
Yes, they do idiot. It's the only way to get them to go along. Grunt work. Over and over again. They are notorious for failing the major exams. Homework is only a cushion for lower IQ people to get by.
>And I attended to one christian private school with this sort of "just b urself", "all you need is to be happy" mantras. I don't like being dishonest with children, it's mean.
My private Christian school art teacher sucker punched me in the face once. Methinks Finns are pussies
This is literally the case in every country besides US
me also but the West is okay
>Then you see Finland suicide rates are Japan tier.
Because they learned so much truth in school....