Last book you read

>last book you read
>rate it from 1 to 10

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Notes from underground


I rate books on a binary scale of 1/0, or yes and no.

...Hey. Why can’t I upload pics?

Because you’re a retard butterfly! You’re a stupid fucking retard! :3

Indeed I do wish I could bash your skull in. How a female as reprehensible as you could exist is beyond me. You are irreproachable and yet you think other women are attracted to you.

You constantly whine about being lonely, constantly complain about not getting any attention or companionship and you are only used as a sexual object by your peers (the people you call ‘friends’)

The only issue I can see here is that you haven’t killed yourself. Your daily source of strength is being able to try and resurrect some kind of ‘’’’’’’resistance’’’’’’’’ to the government through your sophomoric, dilettantish Communist uprising which could only happen in some urban sprawl of God-forsaken California.

Have fun being a worthless woman. You are total trash, spend your days as an ‘artist’ (a job your family who is disappointed in you got you because of pity) and have fun being referred to in your family as ‘the woman who never got married even to a woman’ by your religious parents who probably have disowned you at this point anyway and wouldn’t care if you were homeless.

Retard :3

The Histories

Some of the greatest bar tales but also some filler in the form of geography that makes the book 500 pages long. It's definitely a read like no other though given that it's such early prose and one classical guy going around interviewing people.

Theogony and Works and Days

>...Hey. Why can’t I upload pics?
Because you won't be needing to anymore...

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I'm a 21 year old female and the last book I read was The Fault in Our Stars.

Reading Chapman’s Iliad for the first time. 11/10

Dracula - 6/10

Gravity's Rainbow 5/10

Reading Dostoevsky B.K. now, and it isso far incredible


9/10 bretty great. I've got the Norton Critical edition and some of the critical and additional material is really neat too

the gunslinger 8/10

The God of Small Things 8.5/10

9 attachments

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Nigger of the Narcissus

>How a female as reprehensible as you could exist is beyond me
Come on now

Confessions, Augustine

really good/10

I'm rereading Seneca's Letters. 9.5/10

The end of Eternity

Cool time traveling shit ruined by a mysogynistic generic romance subplot that takes too much spotlight before it picks up again.


Yeah, a lot of the short stories were trash but the one with the dude who meets a married woman who ends up killing herself was pretty great. really spoke to me.

Fuck you butterfly. Eat a cock you tranny. Nobody fucking likes you here.

A Portrait of the Artist is my favourite book, but I don't think Dubliners deserves its high praise. I notice that a lot of people say it's better than his novels. Same goes for Hemingway; his novels are much better than his short stories.


The Emissary by Yoko Tawada


Faust I&II - 8/10 (part I) & 3/10 (part II)
Anna Karenina - 10/10
The Iliad - 9/10
The Brothers Karamazov (re-read) - 10/10
Martin Eden - 9.5/10
Revolutionary Russia, 1891 - 1991: A History - 7/10

The Doll 9/10

What made it only 6/10? It's my next read.

The Fall of Gondolin
8/10 it's a real shame that Tolkien never finished the "definitive" edition of The Fall of Gondolin. What I read was magnificent.
The first version was kind of boring, although the battle between the blacksmith elves and the balrogs was great.

The Alchemist 9.5/10

I have some respect for it due to being a classic that has survived the test of time and being the first text that explains Classical myth but the prose is bad and the editing is fucking atrocious.

The setting sun



A bit disappointed because I really enjoyed The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. I enjoyed the shorter stories more than the main novela
Wunderkind was probably the best story in the collection followed by the one about the drunk wife

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genghis khan and the making of the modern world

5/10, shitty pop history

Around the world in 80 days 10/10

Haven't read anything in about a month and a half
>The Pale King - David Foster Wallace
>9.6/10 very good

Finished this yesterday and I disliked it.

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Crime and punishment

>the amazing adventures of kavalier and klay
It was good as fuck

Oops my actual answer is
>house of leaves
You gotta be ok with it not really going anywhere in the end

>The Farewell Waltz
>Milan Kundera

Chill that’s not even butterfly

The Trial

Fuck off, faggot

GURPS Imperial Rome

I was in jail for a week, I read nypd red 4, and riders of high rock.
6/10 for nypd
3/10 for riders of high rock

I also read 1/6th of the bible.

Supplément au Voyage de Bougainville
7/10 hurr durr incest is ok lol

Invitation to a Beheading

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I don't read books




Technically it's an audiobook, but whatever:

Philip Pullman - The Subtle Knife
5ish, I suppose. Not great, not terrible.

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this in the picture is a tranny sorry.


Finite and Infinite games

>Not great, not terrible.
So about a 3.6?

The Crimson Bandit
Gay romance/10

Jekyll and Hyde

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Be Here Now, 6/10

The tunnel, Ernesto Sabato (8/10)

Holy shit, what did you do?


The Sun Also Rises 7/10

the cannibal
is second skin better?

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, D. Hume


Aphorisms on the Wisdom of Life - 11/10
Schopenhauer is the only one I don't get bored reading

The trial

L'Éducation sentimentale
Fuck realism

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>Tom Jones
Fielding is the anti-Swift. Second funniest book of all time, only behind the Quixote.

on the road

The man in the high castle. Underwhelming 6/10

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Dune Messiah


Yeah. I just recently got around to reading the dune novels and felt extremely gaslit. They were awful, the author is clearly full of himself and spews pseudo intellectual nonsense on every page

The Dharma Bums


I'm reading Dune (~300 pages in) and the worldbuilding is terrible, Frank just steals arabic words from a dictionary without any thought processing.

>blood meridian

not bad but pretty underwhelming

>The Sun Also Rises 7/10

Finished Dune a few hours ago. I give it a 7/10. Paul got too weird for me.

>on the road
Too high.

>>blood meridian
>not bad but pretty underwhelming
Too Low.

>Botany for Gardeners by Brian Capon
I learned a lot. Only real complaint is that he meanders on occasion, and even it is minor. Currently reading Botany for Gardeners by the RHS and it's really all over the place and would be overwhelming had I not read Capon's book first, but since I have some cursory knowledge on the subject now I'm really enjoying it.

did you read it in Greek? if not I don't think your complaints about prose and editing are valid when that entirely depends on your translator

how do I say "my nigga" in greek or latin?

Everything you just said is wrong

The Book of Disquiet 8/10
As I lay dying 8/10
Trout fishing in America 7/10

babyfucker 6/10

>the road by cormac McCarthy
Pretty good but there’s a real lack of anything other than being extremely bleak and dismal. There is specific things up for thought and interpretation but there really isn’t enough to work with imo

why doesn't anyone play vaegir

oh fuck wrong thread

sorry yall

The Godwhale


foot archers are useless breh

The Man without Qualities, 10/10

The greatest novel I have ever read. An amazing portrait of the modern man.

Did you relate

Metamorphosis 10/10... I almost always give 10/10 or 6/10 though.

I gave that a 10/10.. What's the point of finishing a book if you don't think it's a 10/10 anons?

This user is delusional.

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Can life prevail
Varies from 3/10 to 9/10 depending on the essay

Gustav Meyrink – Der Golem

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Too low. The Road is a book that requires a lot from the reader because as you say, there's not a lot (explicitly) there. You failed. 3/10.

Only valid score for this book.

Boomerang (Michael Lewis) 7/10

a loser fights communism in the name of individualism because he can still smell pussy on his fingers.

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Childhood's End

A lot of typos. Propaganda for propaganda.

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I actually really didn't mind the first Dune novel. Dune messiah was basically a trite, poorly written space court drama. Fucking awful. Nothing could have been less interesting.

Herbert can fuck off if he thought anyone would read the next four ~600p novels in the series after that dishwater. Never reading another dune book

Different user.

Hemingway's a great writer but literally none of the characters are likeable and the entire story, while well told, is somewhat meandering. 7/10's a fine rating for it.

The Old Man and the Sea
A simple premise - the title sort of says it all - but oddly enjoyable. Short, good read.

The Politics of History

Bolesław prus - the doll
main character is a total white knighting cuck
his love interest has 0 reedeming qualities
lots and lots of greedy jews, retarded aristocrats and poor people who seem hopeless in their struggles, few retarded romantics who love napoleon and are willing to die in some uprising for no reason

I just finished that today.

No Longer Human - 5.7/10

Just started it today

Yea Forums exposes its complete lack of taste.

The Skin - Curzio Malaparte

9/10 better than Kaputt which has some weird and incomprehensible tangent about the Italian aristocracy near the end.


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Tell me about this book, it's going to be one of the next I read. 5.7 seems low, I thought it was a classic


user exposes his inability to respond to critique with counterexamples

Means of Ascent - Robert Caro

It’s a masterpiece, don’t listen to him

mike tyson undisputed truth

Counterexamples? Scholarly analysis and explicit critique of great art is for aspies, Germans/Scandies (redundant) and the talentless. It's embarrassing.

Flowers for Algernon

>Commenting on whether you liked something is scholarly analysis or explicit critique

Quit while you're behind, user.

By "counterexamples" you meant "whether you like something?"

I quoted books, low scores for said books, and said "you have bad taste". What might you infer about my opinion of those books? Imbecile.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
Like 5/10. I didn't really dislike it, but I feel like I need to re-read it because I feel like I was missing a lot. I think if I give it another go I would probably like it more.

The Sound and the Fury
10/10. Probably the most beautiful and thought-provoking book I've ever read. Fuck me for keeping it on the backburner for so long after seeing so much "academic" stuff discussing it (even the Yale literature series garbage). Do they get it wrong deliberately?

I don't understand why this is so highly rated.

Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey

>give high rating
>I don't get why this is so highly rated

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Gombrowicz - Ferdydurke
10/10, amazing literature.

hurricane season /fernanda melchor
perfect if you wanna know the low class mexican lifestyle; nice story telling, feeling the angst and cyclic boredom of the characters almost all the time;
but it lacks something

La Bas

Critique of pure reason

Infinite Jest

Complete works of Arthur Rimbuad
Some of my favourite poems.
english and french side by side.
Also something akin to a biography as it contained all letters he sent after he moved to africa to sell weapons.
It was great.

If on a winter's night a traveler

The Simulacra by Philip K. Dick

6/10, interesting ideas, meh plot

wizard of oz 9/10
marvelous land of oz 9/10
ozma of oz 8.5/10
wizard in oz 6/10
road to oz 7/10
emerald city of oz 6.5/10
patchwork girl of oz 8/10 so far

Dawn of Day by Neetcha 9/10


It's very good. Shame he apparently hasn't lived up to this with his follow-up efforts.

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