How do you overcome a existential crisis without religion?

How do you overcome a existential crisis without religion?

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with philosophy
or sex

By not being a fucking faggot

Yea Forums

By not killing yourself.
Regards, Albert Camus.

Read and understand philosophy

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You accept your mortality and try to make the most out of your life

depends on your intelligence
philosophy for smarts
sex for everyone else

other way around, bucko

You worship yourself.

>indulging in hedonistic pleasures to postpone confronting the existential nightmare is for smart people

It depends. If you mean you are nihilistic just read Nietzsche.

By learning how totally unable to judge reality your brain is. You're thinking way outside the subjects it evolved to deal with. If you're looking for truth and meaning, thinking is not the tool for the job.

with pleasure

you just kind of quit thinking about it

And what is/are the tools ?


doing what?

It's like turning a bad trip into a good trip by facing what is terrorizing you. It's usually just your own evil/fear trying to consume itself through you. TLDR; with courage.

Just accept the absurdity of life, and try to enjoy it as long as you are here

Are you say we shape the world ourselves?


Through whatever makes you happy.
My friends and family do it for me.
I think about where I would be without my best buddy and I hate it, I honestly think I'd die for him, but I would never tell him that.

What manner do we tend to treat illnesses? Usually, we attempt to determine the source or root of the illness and go from there. In the case where there is some foreign body who’s introduction into our system is causing the illness, we tend to attempt at removing the foreign body. In the case where it is some defect or shortcoming of an internal component of our system we either aim to replace or reinforce it. In the case where it is some pervasive condition which no remedy can alter permanently, we learn to cope with it and make adjustments to the peripheral effects so that we can lessen its impact.

Hello R*ddit

>too proud to receive divine aid
Im thinking you deserve what you get boyo

for Nietzsche didn't end well

You'll always end up reverting back to crisis mode unless you finally come to terms with the fact that you are a creation of God

The greeks. Pretty much everything ever worth saying about living in the modern world was figured out by the ancient Greeks. Philosophy afterwards was mostly deconstruction of religious dogma and then scientific dogma.

Look at me ma, I'm pushing that fucking bolder again and this time I'm going to retire with a wife and kids at the mountain top. Here we go. Yay! So fun! Push, push, while I sing my song. Push, push, gonna marry a mong. Push, push, gonna push my push to I push, push, push-a-long!

It's mostly about the acceptance of Confusionism notion of accepting your role and place within a technological neo-caste system where the internal self is omnifrucated and given on rote positive psychological memes to fire the circuits with, unless you're valuable to gnon, which, lets be honest, you aren't and won't ever be unless it's because you go crazy for a few moments and it attracts too much unwanted attention.

realising consciousness is communal in nature and that your answers are provided only in socializing and interacting with the world.

Take dharmapill. It's not a religion.

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You can have religion without organized religion and god without organized religion.
For me, nothing can quite take the place of a belief in a god though. I don't even know if it's a transcendent or immanent god (deism or pantheism), but still it is sufficient. Read Montaigne's Apology for Raymond Sebond and Spinoza's Ethics.

Well, yeah, kind of.
Would you rather push that bulder frowning and pouting and crying all the way?
Would you rather just give up and miss all the intricacies and beauties of the world outside from your burden?
That might be the most important question of your life

I'm not into pain. I embrace my death. I know that sounds morbid and edgy, and I always look down on people kill themselves for escaping suffering that could be avoided, but I believe death to be a positive part of life and I only don't want to suffer beforehand. I'm death curious, and I'm not ashamed. I enjoy travelling and if death can lead me nowhere, than I accept the peace that will bring, and if it brings me somewhere, I accept the journey no matter what may happen then. I would go tomorrow but I have too much unfinished business here.

Fuck you niggerstain, YES I've done drugs.

early Buddhism: while a religion, it's at least a pragmatic and practice-focused one

just don't go for the watered down feel-good Western "Buddhism" (though there are good Western teachers like

had my frist "great" experience yesterday

you accept that your purpose in life is to do things that either
(A) are fun on their own or
(B) maintain your ability to do fun things

expect after a while psychedelics don't bring new experience and only make you more entangled into existential ideas

you'll have to get serious on reading, the alternative is becoming a new ager

There's no other way out besides coming to an understanding. An existential crisis is nothing but a confusion. A confusion of values or purpose. Some people are untroubled by such bothers, perhaps their lives, they've come to find, just has the right ingredients. Regardless they don't have this disorder of their purpose or life direction.

For those who do struggle with this confusion it means that they've been forced to have to become aware.They must be aware of a void. This void seems to hang over everything, infesting your boring moments and filling up the long hours of toil with dread.

Such a person needs a change in perspective. Religion is sort of a cheat code in that respect, while philosophy is doing the work yourself.

With psychedelics. Online-bought, perspective-shifting psychedelics.

I did a lot of the reading over the course of my last 10 years. Read a lot of Nietzsche, Kierkegaard and Alan Watts for example beforehand. Actually i was very prepared for the trip in mind, but i wasn´t prepared for the deep feelings of regret or negative emotion in general, which was mixed with crying, laughter and visuals.

Read Zapffe's The Last Messiah. There he identifies four basic ways to cope with our overdeveloped human consciousness, i.e., through ways we artificially limit it.

(1) Isolation. Basically, not thinking about it.

(2) Distraction. To focus your mental energy on something specific so as to keep your mind occupied.

(3) Anchoring. This is what people usually mean by "creating your own meaning", or finding something worth living -- and therefore dying -- for. Basically, finding something bigger than yourself to. Religion and God are the best examples, but it doesn't have to be that. It can be some cause (whether for good or bad) like socialism, the future of your country (nationalism), the future of your family, etc.

(4) Sublimation. To see the absurdity and meaninglessness of our condition through an artistic lens, to make our miserable condition "beautiful" through music, poetry, paintings, movies, novels, etc.

Atheist here. I don’t want to die, bros.

Hello R*ddit

>Hello R*ddit
I am not even into that expand your mind bullshit, just tried for no good reason, but it was good.

Stop being intoxicated by fancy language games.

fyi alan watts died from alcoholism

don’t consume new age gurus to explain your drug experiences or you’ll end up as watts or tim liri

go for real stuff like buddhism from monks who spent shitton of time in asia

t. ex-psychonaut turned dedicated practicing buddhist

>How do you overcome a existential crisis
Nobody knows but we’re all working on the problem

Lmao did you watch that Buddhist kid on youtube?

nope, my first encounter were fiction books by victor pelevin, then some tibetan teacher’s literature and nowadays i’m following teachers from thai forest tradition


Decadent rather


Pulling your pubes out by hand, one at a time.

This but unironically

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this desu

I drink and vent with someone about my feelings.

It's very one sided, but I end up coming to my own conclusions and have a breakthrough.

Fuck, when you have a breakthrough it is the greatest feeling ever.

your idol does not advocate promiscuity, "bucko"

From Epicurus
>Accustom yourself to believe that death is nothing to us, for good and evil imply awareness, and death is the privation of all awareness; therefore a right understanding that death is nothing to us makes the mortality of life enjoyable, not by adding to life an unlimited time, but by taking away the yearning after immortality. For life has no terror; for those who thoroughly apprehend that there are no terrors for them in ceasing to live. Foolish, therefore, is the person who says that he fears death, not because it will pain when it comes, but because it pains in the prospect. Whatever causes no annoyance when it is present, causes only a groundless pain in the expectation. Death, therefore, the most awful of evils, is nothing to us, seeing that, when we are, death is not come, and, when death is come, we are not. It is nothing, then, either to the living or to the dead, for with the living it is not and the dead exist no longer.

you recognize that determining a source of meaning in life and finding answers to all the deep questions will be very hard and will likely take a lot of time, if possible at all. therefore, in practice, the only true source of social meaning to help provide humanity the time it needs to continue working on these problems. in order to do that, you have to make sure humanity doesn't go extinct. so you have to reduce existential risks like pandemic disease, asteroids, killer AI etc. in order to truly reduce existential risk down to an acceptable level and provide humanity a long-term future, we need to sustainably colonize space. to do that, we need to maintain the sort of rich, open, vibrant, STABLE global economy and society that enables continued technological innovation. so ultimately, for all practical purposes, the solution to your existential crisis is to do whatever you can to help promote these intermediate goals as i've laid out. groups like 80,000 Hours can be helpful.

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the virgin is obviously satre, but who is chad in author form?

Has Religion actually solved this?

live with purpose
embrace not fearing the unknown

You don't. Read The Holy Bible

>tfw both religious and suffer existential crisises
I wish it was as easy as you guys say but becoming religious doesn't put an end to it

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Yes, Buddhism did.