/Catholicism/ general

What's the point of deleting the thread?

Thread #10

Ask questions, recommend books, discuss, anything related to the Gospels, the OT, the Church, her history and her teachings, but keep it text-based as this is Yea Forums. (As in, this is not the place to discuss Palestrina, or the siege of Damascus, or corruption under the Borgias, etc.).

Skeptics, non-believers, other Christians and religious groups, perennialists, pagans, all are welcome, but let's at least attempt to keep the discussion reasonably civil and elevated.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiæ,
vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve.
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Hevæ,
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
in hac lacrimarum valle.

Eia, ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos
misericordes oculos ad nos converte;
Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui,
nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.
O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria.

Remember to attend Mass, and pray the rosary.

Previous thread:

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why are anti Paul VI mass "Catholics" so cringy? it's like they've never even read the Vatican II constitutions. The Church has always ministered to people *where they are at* - cringy insular LARPers like SSPX are novo Pharisees arguing over how many angels can fit on a pinhead - it doesn't matter what " mountain " you worship on you hypocrits, remember Jesus' message was as much to the Samaritan woman as to everyone else... sick of this crypto reactionary "Christians". Depart from me, I knew you not.

I was like that for some time. But I think it was a matter of pride. We must trust in the Church, pray for it and do our part as Christians. It's antagonic to say Credo in Ecclesiam Catholicam and go against it. I prefer Tridentine Mass for the beauty of it, but I don't go against NO Mass because the sacraments are still valid.

I was also like this when younger, turning dogma and rites into your religion (or larping as a crusader) is a cringy phase usually, and eventually the heart will open up to God's love.

they worship the rite over the substance. mass can be said on a wooden crate in the woods, I think of in "He Leadeth Me" where the priests say mass on the boxcar in russia. such is true Christianity perhaps, going forth into the wilderness. today, the modern world is the "wilderness", for catholics to stay holed up in tiny chapels fretting over indulgences is not something I want to return to. what is worth more in the end, perhaps, serving the poor or veiling your mass at mass? if you said the second, read the sermon on the mount again.

*face at mass

is it a sin to simulate mass at virtual games? i.e. habbo (it's like a 2d isometric the sims) and such. ive seen some devout catholics doing it

What are some great Christian apologetics books?

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Why do want to justify your misogynistic worldview via religion?


stop playing video games

Benedict XVI's series on Jesus

Get off my board you incel freak

>stop playing video games
i'm not playing. i came to know them through facebook. i want to know so i can warn them of its dangers in case it's a sin.

focus on the beam in your own eye first

have a good evening

seriously, how is this spam allowed?

fine, I guess we'll do this again:





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Fuck off you racist FREAK.

>atheist meme touting a literal theist
>a bunch of youtube videos nobody cares to watch

couple beginner questions
whats the difference between Catholicism and Christianity? how do I believe in god? I just can't believe it, is it a case of fake it till you make it? also what bible to buy?

>focus on the beam in your own eye first
it's like you are not even trying. you know nothing about myself (i just confessed yesterday). the reason i asked is i have a real concern over what they're doing because REAL LIFE impersonation is an excommunicable offense. they do not pretend to be real priests but they roleplay as one and even give virtual "sacraments"

>stop playing video games
>focus on the beam in your own eye first
you are one terrible advisor using our lord's words in a careless manner. just stop. get a tripcode so i can filter you

what do you think is more important, helping the poor or caring what people do in online Facebook games? thought to ponder

Ascension presents on YouTube can answer a few of these

if it's a grave sin, even though it's through an online game, their souls are under the risk of damnation. a soul is a soul regardless of being that of a poor person or that of a nerd

stop shitposting and go help the poor bruh

as to Bibles, Catholic study Bible 3rd edition is a good place to start

you are projecting your scrupulousity onto others. cannot be a grave sin unless they have full intention and knowledge btw. preach the gospel using words when necessary

>you are projecting your scrupulousity onto others.

and what are you projecting through your vain advices?
>stop playing video games
>focus on the beam in your own eye first
>what do you think is more important, helping the poor or caring what people do in online Facebook games?

last reply you'll get. you are acting in such a messed up manner that will make both of us sin

"my" vain advice is literal the words of the Gospel and a quote from st. francis. I don't know what else to tell you man. the closing words of the mass are Go and glorify the Lord by YOUR LIFE. that should be our goal I think, rather than sermonizing to others. but take it for what you will

Is it a sin to draw naked ladies?


for erotic puposes? why tempt yourself I suppose

Has anyone ever been to a Latin mass before? I'm very curious about it but also feel intimidated about process

You could go talk to a priest that runs one and tell him how you feel

thread has slowed down exponentially. is that a good thing?

Are there any good youtube videos related to Christianity and Catholicism? Preferably someone with a relaxing voice or a qt.

oh you have a little crush on that qt you see at Mass? does she breathe?

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>that picture
Christianity really is making a comeback

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Question: why did the body of Christ systematically cover up child sex abuse for decades and only admitted to it when secular authorities got involved?

Because it is filled with sinners. The Church is the work of man, it's not immune to sin.

bump in case anyone knows any channels

Is platonic homosexuality against scripture?

Also your statement is oxymoronic.

Are homos to become abstinent and live entirely romanceless lives?


A couple questions:
Where did the image of Jesus as we know Him today come from?
Why does the Church have aesthetic similarities to other pagan religions?
Why did the Church change the Sabbath day to Sunday?
Do Catholics approve of the Spanish Inquisition?

The pictures of Jesus obviously come from some artists imagination. It doesn't really matter which is why in China pictures of Jesus will look Chinese, and in Africa Jesus will be black. I don't know what aesthetic similarities you're talking about but any of them that do exist, exist because the Church recognizes that there is some beauty and truth outside the Church which can be assimilated and made holy. The Sabbath hasn't been moved and it's still on Saturday. Observance of the Sabbath was abolished along with the rite of circumcision which is why we worship on the Lord's day instead.

As far as the inquisition goes, you're going to have to be more specific. Historically there has been a lot of protestant propaganda which continues to mislead people. Nobody approves of burning people or torturing others but the reality is that it didn't happen anywhere near as much as it's supposed and the alternative secular justice of the time was much worse. The alternative was so bad that prisoners would regularly commit heresy on top of their original crime so they could be tried by the Church instead of whatever king they were under.

Because communists and sodomites infiltrated the church and took over most relevant positions due to horrible personnell policy that disregarded decency and orthodoxy.
>Are homos to become abstinent and live entirely romanceless lives?
No. They can have relations with women. It's not a permanent, necessary condition and can be treated.

>go ahead and try

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>It's not a permanent, necessary condition and can be treated.

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solid argument.

ill pray for you user. being open instead of trying to convince yourself or understand everything perfectly i think is the best place to start. if you're serious about it, i think finding a pastor or something and being explicit about your interest and lack of experience would be great

Imagine not being a hyper Calvinist in Anno Domine 2019

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Calvinists are the Muslims of Christianity.

Are not Muslims a stable and ascendent civilization right now? Maybe we could learn from them, they seem masters of channeling their people's libidinal energy

islam is indeed a precursor to Christianity in a sense; islam is external control, while the "letter of the law" in Christianity is the spirit: to follow the law out of love, knowing the law is love, rather than out of fear. May all the arab world one day be Christian, amen.

I am really coming to like the Knox translation, something about it flows very very well, especially in st. paul's letters. his word choice consistently impresses me in revealing new meaning, I definitely recommend it

But who are the Bloods and Crips of paganism then?

>protestant converts
>"why don't we shake hands at the beginning"
>"why is everyone so quiet"
>"organ?? awww i was hoping there would be a rock band"
>shouts AMEN during the homily loudly and afterwards claps at the end

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Remember fascism and nazism were never condemned by the Church as intrinsically evil.
(Which is good since they are superior pol phil).

What is some good catholic literature, that isn't the bible.

>The encyclical condemned breaches of the 1933 Reichskonkordat agreement signed between the German Reich and the Holy See.[4] It condemned "pantheistic confusion", "neopaganism", "the so-called myth of race and blood", and the idolizing of the State. It contained a vigorous defense of the Old Testament with the belief that it prepares the way for the New.[5] The encyclical states that race is a fundamental value of the human community, which is necessary and honorable but condemns the exaltation of race, or the people, or the state, above their standard value to an idolatrous level.[6] The encyclical declares "that man as a person possesses rights he holds from God, and which any collectivity must protect against denial, suppression or neglect."[7] National Socialism, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party are not named in the document. The term "Reichsregierung" is used.[8]

>Martin Rhonheimer writes that while Mit brennender Sorge asserts "race" is a "fundamental value of the human community", "necessary and honorable", it condemns the "exaltation of race, or the people, or the state, or a particular form of state", "above their standard value" to "an idolatrous level".[44] According to Rhonheimer, it was Pacelli who added to Faulhaber's milder draft the following passage (8):[45]

>7. ... Whoever identifies, by pantheistic confusion, God and the universe, by either lowering God to the dimensions of the world, or raising the world to the dimensions of God, is not a believer in God. Whoever follows that so-called pre-Christian Germanic conception of substituting a dark and impersonal destiny for the personal God, denies thereby the Wisdom and Providence of God.[41]

>8. Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community – however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things – whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.


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Norse and Celtic

Fuck druids, blót 4 lyfe

A Canticle for Leibowitz

>mfw i'm going to hell

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my parish does have a rock band, unfortunately, and i do wish the people were more friendly. i've been going for over a year now and i still don't know a single person's name

And yet she still is so much of an attention whore that she posts provocative pictures on Instagram.